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Fat free cheese on 12 grain toast with franks redhot

Right. That wpukd not be enough for me. I usually have 4 eggs and 4 bacin in the am

Love me some eggs and siracha... scrambled, boiled, fried... ahhhhhhh!
Love some rice too brown, or white.
Love some Kale.
Love some damn steak.
Hate the cheating ass'd Cleveland Cavaliers and the refs right about now.

Golden State are going to blow it! If they lose game 7, first time in history to blow a 3-1 lead. :(

This was last nights dinner

5 whole chicken breasts.
6 cloves whole garlic
1/2 half bushel parsley
1 whole chopped onion
1/2 cup malt vinegar
1/2 cup bbq sauce (sweet baby rays)

This thread is making me hungry. Lol.

Phurious Pharma Rep
Typical breakfast for me is 6 eggs(3 with yolks),2tbs hot Salsa,1/4 cup crumbled feta scrambled or folded into an omelet.Half a sweet potato with a little bit of organic grass fed butter.
Typical breakfast for me is 6 eggs(3 with yolks),2tbs hot Salsa,1/4 cup crumbled feta scrambled or folded into an omelet.Half a sweet potato with a little bit of organic grass fed butter.

you dont play games... thats a strong breakfast
I got some REALLY strong breakfasts Brother....LOL

im sure... i just meant of how much was eaten... i guess its not that much but for me it would be...

im a huge fan of breakfast... if i cheated on a meal, it would probably be breakfast food... i just dont ever partake in it like i would have in my 20's... i was a major partier so you can imagine my Sunday mornings (afternoons) LOL i wouldnt eat for a day and i was hungover etc. so i was absolutely looking for grease.. one of my close friends was a chef so he would be there cooking anything to help me out... lolll .... fresh hashbrowns, the works, anything with grease to help ease the pain... =) i havent partaken in anything like that in 6-7 years at least... however i LOVE breakfast...
im sure... i just meant of how much was eaten... i guess its not that much but for me it would be...

im a huge fan of breakfast... if i cheated on a meal, it would probably be breakfast food... i just dont ever partake in it like i would have in my 20's... i was a major partier so you can imagine my Sunday mornings (afternoons) LOL i wouldnt eat for a day and i was hungover etc. so i was absolutely looking for grease.. one of my close friends was a chef so he would be there cooking anything to help me out... lolll .... fresh hashbrowns, the works, anything with grease to help ease the pain... =) i havent partaken in anything like that in 6-7 years at least... however i LOVE breakfast...

Thats cause u dont eat. Lol. Cause u little. Ha ha jk. But really u woukd eat not even half that. Lol.

Thats cause u dont eat. Lol. Cause u little. Ha ha jk. But really u woukd eat not even half that. Lol.


i just simply cant for some reason man... even when im just ridiculously hungry, and i get hungry often, i just cant eat too much like i used to... it used to be no problem for me at anytime, trust me...
you don't play games... that's a strong breakfast

I workout in the morning so this is a typical post workout meal.I usually just have whey protein(50g),almond or coconut milk,creatine,BCAA's & a cup or two of black coffee before a workout.
I workout in the morning so this is a typical post workout meal.I usually just have whey protein(50g),almond or coconut milk,creatine,BCAA's & a cup or two of black coffee before a workout.

my assumption is your doing a recomp or bulk then ?
Yeah more bulk than recomp though.I just wanna get big.I can worry about cutting later.It's already too late in the Summer to start anyway,right? :p

im not the one to ask that question too... LOL its NEVER too late to cut in my world... =)
i just simply cant for some reason man... even when im just ridiculously hungry, and i get hungry often, i just cant eat too much like i used to... it used to be no problem for me at anytime, trust me...

Probly just a history of cutting and being strict. Ur actual stomach has shrank to where u dont need much to be full

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