

transformer24 said:
RickRock said:
"transformer24" said:
"RickRock" said:
"transformer24" said:
Today's log... Well it's Sunday, so I hooped this morning. It's almost laughable that after two hours of sprinting up and down the floor, I'm trying to get everyone to stay and play more. That's really how good sarms are. I'm playing at a level similar to when I was 24. That was 10 years ago! What else seems nuts to me is that I am faster at 195 lbs than I was at 180 lbs in my 20s. I am writing all of this not to brag about myself, but to document and inform about the effectiveness of sarms. It takes good to great basically in any facet of fitness and/or athletics.

On another positive note, I have some clomid coming in about a week, maybe a little more, which I'm really excited about. With the much needed increase in my natural test levels on its way, things should really be moving forward nicely. Now... I just need some cheap Cialis... Any takers?

Again thank you guys for all the advice and encouragement!

Glad everything is going so well brother! Sounds like your endurance is through the roof

As for Cialis, biotech has it if you need some! :)

Hey Rick, I have Raloxaphene 60 mg which I started taking just after my test results came back with the low testosterone. Could the Raloxaphene have brought it up in the same way that clomid can? Also, I already ordered the clomid, so once I get it should I run it w the Raloxaphene or just keep the clomid on hand or take the clomid w no Raloxaphene?

I would take the Clomid solo. I don't see the need for the Raloxifene to be honest. It's not going to help you as far as test production anything like Clomid will
OK I'll take the clomid. I'm taking the ralox for gyno which has really gone down bc of you still think solo on clomid?

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

If you are still treating the gyno, leave the Raloxifene in there brother.
transformer24 said:
My MK + GW log is going to be making some very drastic changes. I will log about it after my order is placed :D one of the products I ordered purely for aesthetic purposes was melanotan 2. Does anyone know anything about it? How do you dose it ? What effects besides tanning? How long do the effects last?... Please let me know your experiences thanks!

this is strictly MY PERSONAL experience with it.. some love it but definitely not me and i'll explain pros and cons...

my experience with pros: EXTREMELY dark but TOO dark, big libido increase

cons: nausea and i mean bad... every injection, regardless of the dosing i pretty much threw up... TOO DARK but blame that on living in hawaii during my use

I basically threw up after every use regardless of how high or low i dosed it... my body just did not agree... it made me so dark that it was ridiculous and i was basically embarrassed... granted, i had hawaii sun to lay in but it was far too much for me... there was too much there that just did not sit right and it just didnt work... perhaps it will work for you but i tried several companies and it was always the same result for me but that's not to say it will do that on you...
DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
My MK + GW log is going to be making some very drastic changes. I will log about it after my order is placed :D one of the products I ordered purely for aesthetic purposes was melanotan 2. Does anyone know anything about it? How do you dose it ? What effects besides tanning? How long do the effects last?... Please let me know your experiences thanks!

this is strictly MY PERSONAL experience with it.. some love it but definitely not me and i'll explain pros and cons...

my experience with pros: EXTREMELY dark but TOO dark, big libido increase

cons: nausea and i mean bad... every injection, regardless of the dosing i pretty much threw up... TOO DARK but blame that on living in hawaii during my use

I basically threw up after every use regardless of how high or low i dosed it... my body just did not agree... it made me so dark that it was ridiculous and i was basically embarrassed... granted, i had hawaii sun to lay in but it was far too much for me... there was too much there that just did not sit right and it just didnt work... perhaps it will work for you but i tried several companies and it was always the same result for me but that's not to say it will do that on you...

I'll let you know how it goes. Cleveland is a long way from Hawaii, but I'll dose it low... Should be interesting! Thank you for sharing bro!
transformer24 said:
DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
My MK + GW log is going to be making some very drastic changes. I will log about it after my order is placed :D one of the products I ordered purely for aesthetic purposes was melanotan 2. Does anyone know anything about it? How do you dose it ? What effects besides tanning? How long do the effects last?... Please let me know your experiences thanks!

this is strictly MY PERSONAL experience with it.. some love it but definitely not me and i'll explain pros and cons...

my experience with pros: EXTREMELY dark but TOO dark, big libido increase

cons: nausea and i mean bad... every injection, regardless of the dosing i pretty much threw up... TOO DARK but blame that on living in hawaii during my use

I basically threw up after every use regardless of how high or low i dosed it... my body just did not agree... it made me so dark that it was ridiculous and i was basically embarrassed... granted, i had hawaii sun to lay in but it was far too much for me... there was too much there that just did not sit right and it just didnt work... perhaps it will work for you but i tried several companies and it was always the same result for me but that's not to say it will do that on you...

I'll let you know how it goes. Cleveland is a long way from Hawaii, but I'll dose it low... Should be interesting! Thank you for sharing bro!

i hear you! make sure you are dosing it before bed bro... that's the best way to try to get past the sides... you will get nauseated initially but you should get past it, i just never could with that br..
I've always steered away from using just because of the side effects. The nausea doesn't sound like fun at all, and it seems like everyone is at least reporting some degree of it
RickRock said:
I've always steered away from using just because of the side effects. The nausea doesn't sound like fun at all, and it seems like everyone is at least reporting some degree of it

Well there's $40 in the shitter. Does anyone know how long the nausea typically lasts?

I played basketball this morning. Had a horrible day shooting. Just could not get in the flow. My achilles was killing me today. I have to start listening to my body. It's starting to tell me that maybe I should really take some time off from the court. At least I had a really good back workout yesterday. I'm definitely making some progress. Looking forward to what the upcoming weeks will bring.

I heard a really good quote the other day on the radio... "Champions don't care who they play... They just care when they play."

Anyways... I hope you all have a good Sunday and I'll probably log something tomorrow or Tuesday. I should be getting the results from my hormone blood work soon, so I will definitely post the results when I get them.
transformer24 said:
RickRock said:
I've always steered away from using just because of the side effects. The nausea doesn't sound like fun at all, and it seems like everyone is at least reporting some degree of it

Well there's $40 in the shitter. Does anyone know how long the nausea typically lasts?

I played basketball this morning. Had a horrible day shooting. Just could not get in the flow. My achilles was killing me today. I have to start listening to my body. It's starting to tell me that maybe I should really take some time off from the court. At least I had a really good back workout yesterday. I'm definitely making some progress. Looking forward to what the upcoming weeks will bring.

I heard a really good quote the other day on the radio... "Champions don't care who they play... They just care when they play."

Anyways... I hope you all have a good Sunday and I'll probably log something tomorrow or Tuesday. I should be getting the results from my hormone blood work soon, so I will definitely post the results when I get them.

I've never used it, but it seems to be a little different for everyone. For many the nausea usually subsides but you would just have to see how you respond
transformer24 said:
RickRock said:
I've always steered away from using just because of the side effects. The nausea doesn't sound like fun at all, and it seems like everyone is at least reporting some degree of it

Well there's $40 in the shitter. Does anyone know how long the nausea typically lasts?

I played basketball this morning. Had a horrible day shooting. Just could not get in the flow. My achilles was killing me today. I have to start listening to my body. It's starting to tell me that maybe I should really take some time off from the court. At least I had a really good back workout yesterday. I'm definitely making some progress. Looking forward to what the upcoming weeks will bring.

I heard a really good quote the other day on the radio... "Champions don't care who they play... They just care when they play."

Anyways... I hope you all have a good Sunday and I'll probably log something tomorrow or Tuesday. I should be getting the results from my hormone blood work soon, so I will definitely post the results when I get them.

for most, the nausea lasts during the first week as your body gets used to it.. just because mine never subsided does not mean yours won't bro but i have to make you aware of what i experienced...

thats a really strong quote and its very true... as a champion, you want to play at all times and you want to play the best... you want to leave no doubt that you in fact are the best and you don't win the first time, you should be driven to win the next until you are the best and then realize someone better will come along but that does not mean that just because someone has more talent or better at what they do that they automatically win... heart, determination, motivation etc. can take you and keep you at the top
I got my test results back yesterday and I was pretty surprised at just how low my testosterone actually is now...

Testosterone Panel
Testosterone 158.7 (L) ng/dL Reference range 300.0-1000.0

Testosterone Free 2.97 (L) ng/dL Reference range 4.50-24.50

% Free Testosterone 1.87 % Reference Range 1.00-3.20

My LH was 4.0 IU/L which it says is in range but I am confused about what the range is LH. Same with FSH. It says it's in range at 2.4 IU/L, but not sure what range is for fsh.

Prolactin was 6.9 ng/mL with a reference range of 4.0-18.0.

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin was 18 NMOL/L with a range of 10-50.

Basically everything looks ok except my test is almost non-existent. That explains a lot. I am trying to get in to see an endocrinologist ASAP. I'm feeling really lethargic. It's tough to really do much. I pushed myself to go to the gym yesterday and had a good shoulder workout which I'm really glad I did because I was starting to freak out. I've been real anxious about all of this especially bc I'm only 34 and doctors can be real dick heads to guys in need of treatment if they are under 40. A good friend of mine told me not to trip and that shit would get taken care of one way or another. That made me feel much better. Although I would really prefer to not have to self medicate because my wife feels very uncomfortable with it... if it comes to that, fine. The worst part in all of this is that I really don't have the energy I would like to have when I'm taking care of my baby boy in the afternoons.The number 1 reason I even got myself in shape (not the only reason) was so that I would have more energy to play with him and when he gets older play sports together. I should be getting some answers today. I have my aunt working on getting me in soon. She's great, but a real hypochondriac, which has actually been really helpful so far. She got me in to see a breast doctor who prescribed me Raloxifene for gyno a little over a month ago. I feel pretty confident she will get me in to see someone soon. The question is... will they treat me??????? I'll let you guys know what's up when I find out more this afternoon hopefully. Cross your fingers for me.
transformer24 said:
I got my test results back yesterday and I was pretty surprised at just how low my testosterone actually is now...

Testosterone Panel
Testosterone 158.7 (L) ng/dL Reference range 300.0-1000.0

Testosterone Free 2.97 (L) ng/dL Reference range 4.50-24.50

% Free Testosterone 1.87 % Reference Range 1.00-3.20

My LH was 4.0 IU/L which it says is in range but I am confused about what the range is LH. Same with FSH. It says it's in range at 2.4 IU/L, but not sure what range is for fsh.

Prolactin was 6.9 ng/mL with a reference range of 4.0-18.0.

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin was 18 NMOL/L with a range of 10-50.

Basically everything looks ok except my test is almost non-existent. That explains a lot. I am trying to get in to see an endocrinologist ASAP. I'm feeling really lethargic. It's tough to really do much. I pushed myself to go to the gym yesterday and had a good shoulder workout which I'm really glad I did because I was starting to freak out. I've been real anxious about all of this especially bc I'm only 34 and doctors can be real dick heads to guys in need of treatment if they are under 40. A good friend of mine told me not to trip and that shit would get taken care of one way or another. That made me feel much better. Although I would really prefer to not have to self medicate because my wife feels very uncomfortable with it... if it comes to that, fine. The worst part in all of this is that I really don't have the energy I would like to have when I'm taking care of my baby boy in the afternoons.The number 1 reason I even got myself in shape (not the only reason) was so that I would have more energy to play with him and when he gets older play sports together. I should be getting some answers today. I have my aunt working on getting me in soon. She's great, but a real hypochondriac, which has actually been really helpful so far. She got me in to see a breast doctor who prescribed me Raloxifene for gyno a little over a month ago. I feel pretty confident she will get me in to see someone soon. The question is... will they treat me??????? I'll let you guys know what's up when I find out more this afternoon hopefully. Cross your fingers for me.

i dont know how the could not treat you bro... that's definitely dangerously low and that is absolutely the explanation for lethargic feelings... it also makes it far more difficult to gain muscle, lose weight and to push yourself in any way... this MUST be treated asap one way or another...
transformer24 said:
I got my test results back yesterday and I was pretty surprised at just how low my testosterone actually is now...

Testosterone Panel
Testosterone 158.7 (L) ng/dL Reference range 300.0-1000.0

Testosterone Free 2.97 (L) ng/dL Reference range 4.50-24.50

% Free Testosterone 1.87 % Reference Range 1.00-3.20

My LH was 4.0 IU/L which it says is in range but I am confused about what the range is LH. Same with FSH. It says it's in range at 2.4 IU/L, but not sure what range is for fsh.

Prolactin was 6.9 ng/mL with a reference range of 4.0-18.0.

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin was 18 NMOL/L with a range of 10-50.

Basically everything looks ok except my test is almost non-existent. That explains a lot. I am trying to get in to see an endocrinologist ASAP. I'm feeling really lethargic. It's tough to really do much. I pushed myself to go to the gym yesterday and had a good shoulder workout which I'm really glad I did because I was starting to freak out. I've been real anxious about all of this especially bc I'm only 34 and doctors can be real dick heads to guys in need of treatment if they are under 40. A good friend of mine told me not to trip and that shit would get taken care of one way or another. That made me feel much better. Although I would really prefer to not have to self medicate because my wife feels very uncomfortable with it... if it comes to that, fine. The worst part in all of this is that I really don't have the energy I would like to have when I'm taking care of my baby boy in the afternoons.The number 1 reason I even got myself in shape (not the only reason) was so that I would have more energy to play with him and when he gets older play sports together. I should be getting some answers today. I have my aunt working on getting me in soon. She's great, but a real hypochondriac, which has actually been really helpful so far. She got me in to see a breast doctor who prescribed me Raloxifene for gyno a little over a month ago. I feel pretty confident she will get me in to see someone soon. The question is... will they treat me??????? I'll let you guys know what's up when I find out more this afternoon hopefully. Cross your fingers for me.

With those numbers, you shouldn't have any problem getting treated with TRT whatsoever. Your numbers are very similar to what mine were before going on TRT. I had no energy, motivation, or drive to do anything and my sex drive was completely gone. Performance in the gym was getting worse, body fat was coming on and lean mass was going down despite the same great diet. TRT was night and day for me on how I felt and performed. At your levels, every doc out there should be treating you. That is extremely low, so I don't see you having a problem as far as that goes
DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
I got my test results back yesterday and I was pretty surprised at just how low my testosterone actually is now...

Testosterone Panel
Testosterone 158.7 (L) ng/dL Reference range 300.0-1000.0

Testosterone Free 2.97 (L) ng/dL Reference range 4.50-24.50

% Free Testosterone 1.87 % Reference Range 1.00-3.20

My LH was 4.0 IU/L which it says is in range but I am confused about what the range is LH. Same with FSH. It says it's in range at 2.4 IU/L, but not sure what range is for fsh.

Prolactin was 6.9 ng/mL with a reference range of 4.0-18.0.

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin was 18 NMOL/L with a range of 10-50.

Basically everything looks ok except my test is almost non-existent. That explains a lot. I am trying to get in to see an endocrinologist ASAP. I'm feeling really lethargic. It's tough to really do much. I pushed myself to go to the gym yesterday and had a good shoulder workout which I'm really glad I did because I was starting to freak out. I've been real anxious about all of this especially bc I'm only 34 and doctors can be real dick heads to guys in need of treatment if they are under 40. A good friend of mine told me not to trip and that shit would get taken care of one way or another. That made me feel much better. Although I would really prefer to not have to self medicate because my wife feels very uncomfortable with it... if it comes to that, fine. The worst part in all of this is that I really don't have the energy I would like to have when I'm taking care of my baby boy in the afternoons.The number 1 reason I even got myself in shape (not the only reason) was so that I would have more energy to play with him and when he gets older play sports together. I should be getting some answers today. I have my aunt working on getting me in soon. She's great, but a real hypochondriac, which has actually been really helpful so far. She got me in to see a breast doctor who prescribed me Raloxifene for gyno a little over a month ago. I feel pretty confident she will get me in to see someone soon. The question is... will they treat me??????? I'll let you guys know what's up when I find out more this afternoon hopefully. Cross your fingers for me.

i dont know how the could not treat you bro... that's definitely dangerously low and that is absolutely the explanation for lethargic feelings... it also makes it far more difficult to gain muscle, lose weight and to push yourself in any way... this MUST be treated asap one way or another...

I actually just got back from the endocrinologist. We are starting TRT in one week. She wants me to do some more blood work before we start just to make sure that my other hormones are in check as well as get a prostate exam by my primary doctor. So the appointment went well.
transformer24 said:
DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
I got my test results back yesterday and I was pretty surprised at just how low my testosterone actually is now...

Testosterone Panel
Testosterone 158.7 (L) ng/dL Reference range 300.0-1000.0

Testosterone Free 2.97 (L) ng/dL Reference range 4.50-24.50

% Free Testosterone 1.87 % Reference Range 1.00-3.20

My LH was 4.0 IU/L which it says is in range but I am confused about what the range is LH. Same with FSH. It says it's in range at 2.4 IU/L, but not sure what range is for fsh.

Prolactin was 6.9 ng/mL with a reference range of 4.0-18.0.

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin was 18 NMOL/L with a range of 10-50.

Basically everything looks ok except my test is almost non-existent. That explains a lot. I am trying to get in to see an endocrinologist ASAP. I'm feeling really lethargic. It's tough to really do much. I pushed myself to go to the gym yesterday and had a good shoulder workout which I'm really glad I did because I was starting to freak out. I've been real anxious about all of this especially bc I'm only 34 and doctors can be real dick heads to guys in need of treatment if they are under 40. A good friend of mine told me not to trip and that shit would get taken care of one way or another. That made me feel much better. Although I would really prefer to not have to self medicate because my wife feels very uncomfortable with it... if it comes to that, fine. The worst part in all of this is that I really don't have the energy I would like to have when I'm taking care of my baby boy in the afternoons.The number 1 reason I even got myself in shape (not the only reason) was so that I would have more energy to play with him and when he gets older play sports together. I should be getting some answers today. I have my aunt working on getting me in soon. She's great, but a real hypochondriac, which has actually been really helpful so far. She got me in to see a breast doctor who prescribed me Raloxifene for gyno a little over a month ago. I feel pretty confident she will get me in to see someone soon. The question is... will they treat me??????? I'll let you guys know what's up when I find out more this afternoon hopefully. Cross your fingers for me.

i dont know how the could not treat you bro... that's definitely dangerously low and that is absolutely the explanation for lethargic feelings... it also makes it far more difficult to gain muscle, lose weight and to push yourself in any way... this MUST be treated asap one way or another...

I actually just got back from the endocrinologist. We are starting TRT in one week. She wants me to do some more blood work before we start just to make sure that my other hormones are in check as well as get a prostate exam by my primary doctor. So the appointment went well.

what kind of dose was prescribed?
DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
I got my test results back yesterday and I was pretty surprised at just how low my testosterone actually is now...

Testosterone Panel
Testosterone 158.7 (L) ng/dL Reference range 300.0-1000.0

Testosterone Free 2.97 (L) ng/dL Reference range 4.50-24.50

% Free Testosterone 1.87 % Reference Range 1.00-3.20

My LH was 4.0 IU/L which it says is in range but I am confused about what the range is LH. Same with FSH. It says it's in range at 2.4 IU/L, but not sure what range is for fsh.

Prolactin was 6.9 ng/mL with a reference range of 4.0-18.0.

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin was 18 NMOL/L with a range of 10-50.

Basically everything looks ok except my test is almost non-existent. That explains a lot. I am trying to get in to see an endocrinologist ASAP. I'm feeling really lethargic. It's tough to really do much. I pushed myself to go to the gym yesterday and had a good shoulder workout which I'm really glad I did because I was starting to freak out. I've been real anxious about all of this especially bc I'm only 34 and doctors can be real dick heads to guys in need of treatment if they are under 40. A good friend of mine told me not to trip and that shit would get taken care of one way or another. That made me feel much better. Although I would really prefer to not have to self medicate because my wife feels very uncomfortable with it... if it comes to that, fine. The worst part in all of this is that I really don't have the energy I would like to have when I'm taking care of my baby boy in the afternoons.The number 1 reason I even got myself in shape (not the only reason) was so that I would have more energy to play with him and when he gets older play sports together. I should be getting some answers today. I have my aunt working on getting me in soon. She's great, but a real hypochondriac, which has actually been really helpful so far. She got me in to see a breast doctor who prescribed me Raloxifene for gyno a little over a month ago. I feel pretty confident she will get me in to see someone soon. The question is... will they treat me??????? I'll let you guys know what's up when I find out more this afternoon hopefully. Cross your fingers for me.

i dont know how the could not treat you bro... that's definitely dangerously low and that is absolutely the explanation for lethargic feelings... it also makes it far more difficult to gain muscle, lose weight and to push yourself in any way... this MUST be treated asap one way or another...

I actually just got back from the endocrinologist. We are starting TRT in one week. She wants me to do some more blood work before we start just to make sure that my other hormones are in check as well as get a prostate exam by my primary doctor. So the appointment went well.

what kind of dose was prescribed?

She didn't prescribe a dose yet. I won't get the script until about a week from today. I have to go early tomorrow morning to test all my hormones including my testosterone once again of course. Still got a couple of hoops to jump through, but she said we can start it and talk about which methods of administration as soon as she has the blood work i'm getting done tomorrow. She said the full hormone panel usually takes about a week to get results. She's going to decide with me over the phone once the results are in. Because of my mood disorder, the doctor and my wife would prefer me to do the gel. She said that your levels stay more consistent with the gel, but if it's too expensive, then we'll just do the injections. I spoke with a company that helps pay for prescriptions today and they said that once they have the name and dose of a particular gel or topical solution, they can get the brand names sent to my doctor in a 90 day supply for 3 payments of $15 per month. After looking at the prices of some of the gels, that would be pretty sweet to get for $15 a month. I really don't give a shit to be honest... injections, gel, patch... I don't care. What do you guys suggest I tell my doctor is the best brand name and form of test in case I am eligible for the discount?
transformer24 said:
DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
I got my test results back yesterday and I was pretty surprised at just how low my testosterone actually is now...

Testosterone Panel
Testosterone 158.7 (L) ng/dL Reference range 300.0-1000.0

Testosterone Free 2.97 (L) ng/dL Reference range 4.50-24.50

% Free Testosterone 1.87 % Reference Range 1.00-3.20

My LH was 4.0 IU/L which it says is in range but I am confused about what the range is LH. Same with FSH. It says it's in range at 2.4 IU/L, but not sure what range is for fsh.

Prolactin was 6.9 ng/mL with a reference range of 4.0-18.0.

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin was 18 NMOL/L with a range of 10-50.

Basically everything looks ok except my test is almost non-existent. That explains a lot. I am trying to get in to see an endocrinologist ASAP. I'm feeling really lethargic. It's tough to really do much. I pushed myself to go to the gym yesterday and had a good shoulder workout which I'm really glad I did because I was starting to freak out. I've been real anxious about all of this especially bc I'm only 34 and doctors can be real dick heads to guys in need of treatment if they are under 40. A good friend of mine told me not to trip and that shit would get taken care of one way or another. That made me feel much better. Although I would really prefer to not have to self medicate because my wife feels very uncomfortable with it... if it comes to that, fine. The worst part in all of this is that I really don't have the energy I would like to have when I'm taking care of my baby boy in the afternoons.The number 1 reason I even got myself in shape (not the only reason) was so that I would have more energy to play with him and when he gets older play sports together. I should be getting some answers today. I have my aunt working on getting me in soon. She's great, but a real hypochondriac, which has actually been really helpful so far. She got me in to see a breast doctor who prescribed me Raloxifene for gyno a little over a month ago. I feel pretty confident she will get me in to see someone soon. The question is... will they treat me??????? I'll let you guys know what's up when I find out more this afternoon hopefully. Cross your fingers for me.

i dont know how the could not treat you bro... that's definitely dangerously low and that is absolutely the explanation for lethargic feelings... it also makes it far more difficult to gain muscle, lose weight and to push yourself in any way... this MUST be treated asap one way or another...

I actually just got back from the endocrinologist. We are starting TRT in one week. She wants me to do some more blood work before we start just to make sure that my other hormones are in check as well as get a prostate exam by my primary doctor. So the appointment went well.

what kind of dose was prescribed?

She didn't prescribe a dose yet. I won't get the script until about a week from today. I have to go early tomorrow morning to test all my hormones including my testosterone once again of course. Still got a couple of hoops to jump through, but she said we can start it and talk about which methods of administration as soon as she has the blood work i'm getting done tomorrow. She said the full hormone panel usually takes about a week to get results. She's going to decide with me over the phone once the results are in. Because of my mood disorder, the doctor and my wife would prefer me to do the gel. She said that your levels stay more consistent with the gel, but if it's too expensive, then we'll just do the injections. I spoke with a company that helps pay for prescriptions today and they said that once they have the name and dose of a particular gel or topical solution, they can get the brand names sent to my doctor in a 90 day supply for 3 payments of $15 per month. After looking at the prices of some of the gels, that would be pretty sweet to get for $15 a month. I really don't give a shit to be honest... injections, gel, patch... I don't care. What do you guys suggest I tell my doctor is the best brand name and form of test in case I am eligible for the discount?

bro, you don't want the gel, you just want a prescription for injectable test cyp... trust me, the gel is nothing like taking an injection and your going to be quite disappointed with it if you get it... you need to tell everyone what YOU want, not what THEY want etc... its your life, not theirs and your the one suffering...
transformer24 said:
DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
I got my test results back yesterday and I was pretty surprised at just how low my testosterone actually is now...

Testosterone Panel
Testosterone 158.7 (L) ng/dL Reference range 300.0-1000.0

Testosterone Free 2.97 (L) ng/dL Reference range 4.50-24.50

% Free Testosterone 1.87 % Reference Range 1.00-3.20

My LH was 4.0 IU/L which it says is in range but I am confused about what the range is LH. Same with FSH. It says it's in range at 2.4 IU/L, but not sure what range is for fsh.

Prolactin was 6.9 ng/mL with a reference range of 4.0-18.0.

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin was 18 NMOL/L with a range of 10-50.

Basically everything looks ok except my test is almost non-existent. That explains a lot. I am trying to get in to see an endocrinologist ASAP. I'm feeling really lethargic. It's tough to really do much. I pushed myself to go to the gym yesterday and had a good shoulder workout which I'm really glad I did because I was starting to freak out. I've been real anxious about all of this especially bc I'm only 34 and doctors can be real dick heads to guys in need of treatment if they are under 40. A good friend of mine told me not to trip and that shit would get taken care of one way or another. That made me feel much better. Although I would really prefer to not have to self medicate because my wife feels very uncomfortable with it... if it comes to that, fine. The worst part in all of this is that I really don't have the energy I would like to have when I'm taking care of my baby boy in the afternoons.The number 1 reason I even got myself in shape (not the only reason) was so that I would have more energy to play with him and when he gets older play sports together. I should be getting some answers today. I have my aunt working on getting me in soon. She's great, but a real hypochondriac, which has actually been really helpful so far. She got me in to see a breast doctor who prescribed me Raloxifene for gyno a little over a month ago. I feel pretty confident she will get me in to see someone soon. The question is... will they treat me??????? I'll let you guys know what's up when I find out more this afternoon hopefully. Cross your fingers for me.

i dont know how the could not treat you bro... that's definitely dangerously low and that is absolutely the explanation for lethargic feelings... it also makes it far more difficult to gain muscle, lose weight and to push yourself in any way... this MUST be treated asap one way or another...

I actually just got back from the endocrinologist. We are starting TRT in one week. She wants me to do some more blood work before we start just to make sure that my other hormones are in check as well as get a prostate exam by my primary doctor. So the appointment went well.

what kind of dose was prescribed?

She didn't prescribe a dose yet. I won't get the script until about a week from today. I have to go early tomorrow morning to test all my hormones including my testosterone once again of course. Still got a couple of hoops to jump through, but she said we can start it and talk about which methods of administration as soon as she has the blood work i'm getting done tomorrow. She said the full hormone panel usually takes about a week to get results. She's going to decide with me over the phone once the results are in. Because of my mood disorder, the doctor and my wife would prefer me to do the gel. She said that your levels stay more consistent with the gel, but if it's too expensive, then we'll just do the injections. I spoke with a company that helps pay for prescriptions today and they said that once they have the name and dose of a particular gel or topical solution, they can get the brand names sent to my doctor in a 90 day supply for 3 payments of $15 per month. After looking at the prices of some of the gels, that would be pretty sweet to get for $15 a month. I really don't give a shit to be honest... injections, gel, patch... I don't care. What do you guys suggest I tell my doctor is the best brand name and form of test in case I am eligible for the discount?

Injections are definitely superior brother in any ways. With gels you have to worry about cross contamination. You don't want that stuff rubbing off on your wife and if you have kids that's another big issue. It's also been shown that gels gave a higher conversion to estrogen. Injections are very stable if you do weekly with a longer ester like cypionate. Just make sure they don't want you to do every other week or something. That's what leads to instability.
Re: RE: Re: MK+GW Log

RickRock said:
transformer24 said:
"DylanGemelli" said:
"transformer24" said:
"DylanGemelli" said:
"transformer24" said:
I got my test results back yesterday and I was pretty surprised at just how low my testosterone actually is now...

Testosterone Panel
Testosterone 158.7 (L) ng/dL Reference range 300.0-1000.0

Testosterone Free 2.97 (L) ng/dL Reference range 4.50-24.50

% Free Testosterone 1.87 % Reference Range 1.00-3.20

My LH was 4.0 IU/L which it says is in range but I am confused about what the range is LH. Same with FSH. It says it's in range at 2.4 IU/L, but not sure what range is for fsh.

Prolactin was 6.9 ng/mL with a reference range of 4.0-18.0.

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin was 18 NMOL/L with a range of 10-50.

Basically everything looks ok except my test is almost non-existent. That explains a lot. I am trying to get in to see an endocrinologist ASAP. I'm feeling really lethargic. It's tough to really do much. I pushed myself to go to the gym yesterday and had a good shoulder workout which I'm really glad I did because I was starting to freak out. I've been real anxious about all of this especially bc I'm only 34 and doctors can be real dick heads to guys in need of treatment if they are under 40. A good friend of mine told me not to trip and that shit would get taken care of one way or another. That made me feel much better. Although I would really prefer to not have to self medicate because my wife feels very uncomfortable with it... if it comes to that, fine. The worst part in all of this is that I really don't have the energy I would like to have when I'm taking care of my baby boy in the afternoons.The number 1 reason I even got myself in shape (not the only reason) was so that I would have more energy to play with him and when he gets older play sports together. I should be getting some answers today. I have my aunt working on getting me in soon. She's great, but a real hypochondriac, which has actually been really helpful so far. She got me in to see a breast doctor who prescribed me Raloxifene for gyno a little over a month ago. I feel pretty confident she will get me in to see someone soon. The question is... will they treat me??????? I'll let you guys know what's up when I find out more this afternoon hopefully. Cross your fingers for me.

i dont know how the could not treat you bro... that's definitely dangerously low and that is absolutely the explanation for lethargic feelings... it also makes it far more difficult to gain muscle, lose weight and to push yourself in any way... this MUST be treated asap one way or another...

I actually just got back from the endocrinologist. We are starting TRT in one week. She wants me to do some more blood work before we start just to make sure that my other hormones are in check as well as get a prostate exam by my primary doctor. So the appointment went well.

what kind of dose was prescribed?

She didn't prescribe a dose yet. I won't get the script until about a week from today. I have to go early tomorrow morning to test all my hormones including my testosterone once again of course. Still got a couple of hoops to jump through, but she said we can start it and talk about which methods of administration as soon as she has the blood work i'm getting done tomorrow. She said the full hormone panel usually takes about a week to get results. She's going to decide with me over the phone once the results are in. Because of my mood disorder, the doctor and my wife would prefer me to do the gel. She said that your levels stay more consistent with the gel, but if it's too expensive, then we'll just do the injections. I spoke with a company that helps pay for prescriptions today and they said that once they have the name and dose of a particular gel or topical solution, they can get the brand names sent to my doctor in a 90 day supply for 3 payments of $15 per month. After looking at the prices of some of the gels, that would be pretty sweet to get for $15 a month. I really don't give a shit to be honest... injections, gel, patch... I don't care. What do you guys suggest I tell my doctor is the best brand name and form of test in case I am eligible for the discount?

Injections are definitely superior brother in any ways. With gels you have to worry about cross contamination. You don't want that stuff rubbing off on your wife and if you have kids that's another big issue. It's also been shown that gels gave a higher conversion to estrogen. Injections are very stable if you do weekly with a longer ester like cypionate. Just make sure they don't want you to do every other week or something. That's what leads to instability.
OK. Cool. Thanks Rick. I'm going to talk to my wife about it today and when I talk to the doctor about the plan, I'll tell her I prefer to do a weekly shot w cypionate. She said if we do the injections, I can do them at home and not have to come to the office, so that's a relief.

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