

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: MK+GW Log

DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
DylanGemelli said:
"transformer24" said:
Last night, I walked up to a basketball court near my house and got some shots up. I noticed more spring and elevation on my jumper. I touched the rim for the first time in probably 6-7 years. Had to stop shooting bc tendinitis in achilles started to flare. It was probably the hard cement and uneven ground. The court is shit. I woke up today feeling drier and tighter than I have in years. The tendinitis felt fine. Going to get serious later w legs. Thanks for the feedback guys!

thats fantastic bro... very encouraging results thus far and i see far more coming for you in the future... be careful with your achilles and doing anything to aggravate it though because im sure you know, that's the last injury you want to have to deal with... keep the updates coming as your results are encouraging to so many
Thanks man. Yeah I'm glad you told me to be careful. Sometimes I try to play through nagging injuries which of course aggravates it even more. I know you can personally relate to that big time

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

your not too young for trt... its earlier than you would hope for but its definitely not too early either... i would definitely do what you already said and go see the doctor and see what they say first and if not i would consider self medicating...

yes bro, i can definitely relate and it took me so many years to learn lesson after lesson and to finally dummy up, swallow my pride and just step back because it just makes things worse... we all have to change our thinking to long term as opposed to always living in the moment... there's a time for that but injuries are not one of them... we both know it... its much easier to say it as opposed to follow through but trust me, you are so much happier when you finally listen and just do it...
Last time I talked to him about it a few weeks ago he said that if I'm feeling fine then there's no reason to do trt. My guess is that he's playing it conservatively bc he sees that I'm 100% emotionally stable on my current medications as well as the fact that I'm in better shape physically than I have been in years. It's hard for people who have bipolar disorder to get that far and maybe he feels like test could throw a monkey wrench in that...? I would think it would only be good for me though... Especially if he's overseeing it. Should I go to a urologist or an endocrinologist? I'm thinking just take it one step at a time, get the blood work done again and discuss options from there.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: MK+GW Log

transformer24 said:
DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
DylanGemelli said:
"transformer24" said:
Last night, I walked up to a basketball court near my house and got some shots up. I noticed more spring and elevation on my jumper. I touched the rim for the first time in probably 6-7 years. Had to stop shooting bc tendinitis in achilles started to flare. It was probably the hard cement and uneven ground. The court is shit. I woke up today feeling drier and tighter than I have in years. The tendinitis felt fine. Going to get serious later w legs. Thanks for the feedback guys!

thats fantastic bro... very encouraging results thus far and i see far more coming for you in the future... be careful with your achilles and doing anything to aggravate it though because im sure you know, that's the last injury you want to have to deal with... keep the updates coming as your results are encouraging to so many
Thanks man. Yeah I'm glad you told me to be careful. Sometimes I try to play through nagging injuries which of course aggravates it even more. I know you can personally relate to that big time

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

your not too young for trt... its earlier than you would hope for but its definitely not too early either... i would definitely do what you already said and go see the doctor and see what they say first and if not i would consider self medicating...

yes bro, i can definitely relate and it took me so many years to learn lesson after lesson and to finally dummy up, swallow my pride and just step back because it just makes things worse... we all have to change our thinking to long term as opposed to always living in the moment... there's a time for that but injuries are not one of them... we both know it... its much easier to say it as opposed to follow through but trust me, you are so much happier when you finally listen and just do it...
Last time I talked to him about it a few weeks ago he said that if I'm feeling fine then there's no reason to do trt. My guess is that he's playing it conservatively bc he sees that I'm 100% emotionally stable on my current medications as well as the fact that I'm in better shape physically than I have been in years. It's hard for people who have bipolar disorder to get that far and maybe he feels like test could throw a monkey wrench in that...? I would think it would only be good for me though... Especially if he's overseeing it. Should I go to a urologist or an endocrinologist? I'm thinking just take it one step at a time, get the blood work done again and discuss options from there.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

honestly, low test would only hinder your condition... by increasing your test, it will allow you to be in a far better mood and to feel alive again.. it will obviously raise your overall health and the mental stability it should be providing you will only help the condition... bipolar disorder as well as the condition of having anxiety and panic attacks is generally caused by a chemical imbalance... low testosterone can obviously cause depression and you constantly being tired etc... this all leads to mental instabilities which then lead to the imbalances and then you have your condition... so trt would be extremely ideal for you for MULTIPLE reasons... you need to get blood work first, post it here and we can advise the next step
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: MK+GW Log

DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
DylanGemelli said:
"transformer24" said:
"DylanGemelli" said:
"transformer24" said:
Last night, I walked up to a basketball court near my house and got some shots up. I noticed more spring and elevation on my jumper. I touched the rim for the first time in probably 6-7 years. Had to stop shooting bc tendinitis in achilles started to flare. It was probably the hard cement and uneven ground. The court is shit. I woke up today feeling drier and tighter than I have in years. The tendinitis felt fine. Going to get serious later w legs. Thanks for the feedback guys!

thats fantastic bro... very encouraging results thus far and i see far more coming for you in the future... be careful with your achilles and doing anything to aggravate it though because im sure you know, that's the last injury you want to have to deal with... keep the updates coming as your results are encouraging to so many
Thanks man. Yeah I'm glad you told me to be careful. Sometimes I try to play through nagging injuries which of course aggravates it even more. I know you can personally relate to that big time

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

your not too young for trt... its earlier than you would hope for but its definitely not too early either... i would definitely do what you already said and go see the doctor and see what they say first and if not i would consider self medicating...

yes bro, i can definitely relate and it took me so many years to learn lesson after lesson and to finally dummy up, swallow my pride and just step back because it just makes things worse... we all have to change our thinking to long term as opposed to always living in the moment... there's a time for that but injuries are not one of them... we both know it... its much easier to say it as opposed to follow through but trust me, you are so much happier when you finally listen and just do it...
Last time I talked to him about it a few weeks ago he said that if I'm feeling fine then there's no reason to do trt. My guess is that he's playing it conservatively bc he sees that I'm 100% emotionally stable on my current medications as well as the fact that I'm in better shape physically than I have been in years. It's hard for people who have bipolar disorder to get that far and maybe he feels like test could throw a monkey wrench in that...? I would think it would only be good for me though... Especially if he's overseeing it. Should I go to a urologist or an endocrinologist? I'm thinking just take it one step at a time, get the blood work done again and discuss options from there.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

honestly, low test would only hinder your condition... by increasing your test, it will allow you to be in a far better mood and to feel alive again.. it will obviously raise your overall health and the mental stability it should be providing you will only help the condition... bipolar disorder as well as the condition of having anxiety and panic attacks is generally caused by a chemical imbalance... low testosterone can obviously cause depression and you constantly being tired etc... this all leads to mental instabilities which then lead to the imbalances and then you have your condition... so trt would be extremely ideal for you for MULTIPLE reasons... you need to get blood work first, post it here and we can advise the next step
Will do. As always, very much appreciated bro

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Just got done playing basketball. Took GW and MK about 45 min before I played. Achilles felt fine before I played. It was a little sore during play, but not anything that hindered my game. Noticing more elevation on jumper and very light on my feet. Yesterday's lifting and cardio was 20 min of cardio, lift chest and triceps, and then 20 more minutes of cardio. The second cardio session was on treadmill. Ran 1 mile in just over 7 and a half min which I felt was pretty good considering what I had already done. Overall the GW and MK have helped to give me amazing results thus far. Although I have been working hard and putting in the effort, my last couple workouts lacked the intensity I usually feel. Could be my program or my low test... It was like the music that usually fires me up wasn't doing anything. Very unusual for me. That's the only thing I'm kind of dumbstruck about. Intensity in the gym has very very rarely ever been an issue.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk
transformer24 said:
Just got done playing basketball. Took GW and MK about 45 min before I played. Achilles felt fine before I played. It was a little sore during play, but not anything that hindered my game. Noticing more elevation on jumper and very light on my feet. Yesterday's lifting and cardio was 20 min of cardio, lift chest and triceps, and then 20 more minutes of cardio. The second cardio session was on treadmill. Ran 1 mile in just over 7 and a half min which I felt was pretty good considering what I had already done. Overall the GW and MK have helped to give me amazing results thus far. Although I have been working hard and putting in the effort, my last couple workouts lacked the intensity I usually feel. Could be my program or my low test... It was like the music that usually fires me up wasn't doing anything. Very unusual for me. That's the only thing I'm kind of dumbstruck about. Intensity in the gym has very very rarely ever been an issue.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

It sounds like the sarms are doing their job well, so I'm happy about that and your performance reflects that.

The lack of intensity could be from a lot of factors. It could be related to your lower test, but if it came on all of the sudden I somewhat doubt it since you've had that issue for some time. It could be diet related, it could be because your body just needs a break from training, it could be mental, etc. sometimes we all just have an off day that we aren't feeling it. It happens to all of us. Sometimes you just don't go in the gym ready to kill it EVERY time. Assess this as time goes on and see if it changes, and that will give you a better understanding. Always listen to your body. If it tells you that you need a break, take one and give it the rest it needs
RickRock said:
transformer24 said:
Just got done playing basketball. Took GW and MK about 45 min before I played. Achilles felt fine before I played. It was a little sore during play, but not anything that hindered my game. Noticing more elevation on jumper and very light on my feet. Yesterday's lifting and cardio was 20 min of cardio, lift chest and triceps, and then 20 more minutes of cardio. The second cardio session was on treadmill. Ran 1 mile in just over 7 and a half min which I felt was pretty good considering what I had already done. Overall the GW and MK have helped to give me amazing results thus far. Although I have been working hard and putting in the effort, my last couple workouts lacked the intensity I usually feel. Could be my program or my low test... It was like the music that usually fires me up wasn't doing anything. Very unusual for me. That's the only thing I'm kind of dumbstruck about. Intensity in the gym has very very rarely ever been an issue.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

It sounds like the sarms are doing their job well, so I'm happy about that and your performance reflects that.

The lack of intensity could be from a lot of factors. It could be related to your lower test, but if it came on all of the sudden I somewhat doubt it since you've had that issue for some time. It could be diet related, it could be because your body just needs a break from training, it could be mental, etc. sometimes we all just have an off day that we aren't feeling it. It happens to all of us. Sometimes you just don't go in the gym ready to kill it EVERY time. Assess this as time goes on and see if it changes, and that will give you a better understanding. Always listen to your body. If it tells you that you need a break, take one and give it the rest it needs

Great advice. Totally agree. I probably do need a break. I can't remember the last time I just rested the whole day. Thank you Rick!
transformer24 said:
RickRock said:
transformer24 said:
Just got done playing basketball. Took GW and MK about 45 min before I played. Achilles felt fine before I played. It was a little sore during play, but not anything that hindered my game. Noticing more elevation on jumper and very light on my feet. Yesterday's lifting and cardio was 20 min of cardio, lift chest and triceps, and then 20 more minutes of cardio. The second cardio session was on treadmill. Ran 1 mile in just over 7 and a half min which I felt was pretty good considering what I had already done. Overall the GW and MK have helped to give me amazing results thus far. Although I have been working hard and putting in the effort, my last couple workouts lacked the intensity I usually feel. Could be my program or my low test... It was like the music that usually fires me up wasn't doing anything. Very unusual for me. That's the only thing I'm kind of dumbstruck about. Intensity in the gym has very very rarely ever been an issue.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

It sounds like the sarms are doing their job well, so I'm happy about that and your performance reflects that.

The lack of intensity could be from a lot of factors. It could be related to your lower test, but if it came on all of the sudden I somewhat doubt it since you've had that issue for some time. It could be diet related, it could be because your body just needs a break from training, it could be mental, etc. sometimes we all just have an off day that we aren't feeling it. It happens to all of us. Sometimes you just don't go in the gym ready to kill it EVERY time. Assess this as time goes on and see if it changes, and that will give you a better understanding. Always listen to your body. If it tells you that you need a break, take one and give it the rest it needs

Great advice. Totally agree. I probably do need a break. I can't remember the last time I just rested the whole day. Thank you Rick!

yeah its good to take a rest day, you need to stay in your prime Optimus
transformer24 said:
RickRock said:
transformer24 said:
Just got done playing basketball. Took GW and MK about 45 min before I played. Achilles felt fine before I played. It was a little sore during play, but not anything that hindered my game. Noticing more elevation on jumper and very light on my feet. Yesterday's lifting and cardio was 20 min of cardio, lift chest and triceps, and then 20 more minutes of cardio. The second cardio session was on treadmill. Ran 1 mile in just over 7 and a half min which I felt was pretty good considering what I had already done. Overall the GW and MK have helped to give me amazing results thus far. Although I have been working hard and putting in the effort, my last couple workouts lacked the intensity I usually feel. Could be my program or my low test... It was like the music that usually fires me up wasn't doing anything. Very unusual for me. That's the only thing I'm kind of dumbstruck about. Intensity in the gym has very very rarely ever been an issue.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

It sounds like the sarms are doing their job well, so I'm happy about that and your performance reflects that.

The lack of intensity could be from a lot of factors. It could be related to your lower test, but if it came on all of the sudden I somewhat doubt it since you've had that issue for some time. It could be diet related, it could be because your body just needs a break from training, it could be mental, etc. sometimes we all just have an off day that we aren't feeling it. It happens to all of us. Sometimes you just don't go in the gym ready to kill it EVERY time. Assess this as time goes on and see if it changes, and that will give you a better understanding. Always listen to your body. If it tells you that you need a break, take one and give it the rest it needs

Great advice. Totally agree. I probably do need a break. I can't remember the last time I just rested the whole day. Thank you Rick!

Rest is just as important as the actual work you put in. Let that body grow and repair.
transformer24 said:
Just got done playing basketball. Took GW and MK about 45 min before I played. Achilles felt fine before I played. It was a little sore during play, but not anything that hindered my game. Noticing more elevation on jumper and very light on my feet. Yesterday's lifting and cardio was 20 min of cardio, lift chest and triceps, and then 20 more minutes of cardio. The second cardio session was on treadmill. Ran 1 mile in just over 7 and a half min which I felt was pretty good considering what I had already done. Overall the GW and MK have helped to give me amazing results thus far. Although I have been working hard and putting in the effort, my last couple workouts lacked the intensity I usually feel. Could be my program or my low test... It was like the music that usually fires me up wasn't doing anything. Very unusual for me. That's the only thing I'm kind of dumbstruck about. Intensity in the gym has very very rarely ever been an issue.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

im really happy to see this kind of result and i know the feeling when you get something like more elevation, more stamina etc... it opens up so many other avenues... that's why gw is the ultimate performance enhancer because it gives you so many more options and capabilities to perform at such a high level... you are seeing that more and more and will continue to throughout... i a certain the low test has caused any sort of lack of energy within and i am quite confident that you need to be on trt... you would see such a significant difference in everything...
DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
Just got done playing basketball. Took GW and MK about 45 min before I played. Achilles felt fine before I played. It was a little sore during play, but not anything that hindered my game. Noticing more elevation on jumper and very light on my feet. Yesterday's lifting and cardio was 20 min of cardio, lift chest and triceps, and then 20 more minutes of cardio. The second cardio session was on treadmill. Ran 1 mile in just over 7 and a half min which I felt was pretty good considering what I had already done. Overall the GW and MK have helped to give me amazing results thus far. Although I have been working hard and putting in the effort, my last couple workouts lacked the intensity I usually feel. Could be my program or my low test... It was like the music that usually fires me up wasn't doing anything. Very unusual for me. That's the only thing I'm kind of dumbstruck about. Intensity in the gym has very very rarely ever been an issue.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

im really happy to see this kind of result and i know the feeling when you get something like more elevation, more stamina etc... it opens up so many other avenues... that's why gw is the ultimate performance enhancer because it gives you so many more options and capabilities to perform at such a high level... you are seeing that more and more and will continue to throughout... i a certain the low test has caused any sort of lack of energy within and i am quite confident that you need to be on trt... you would see such a significant difference in everything...

I made an appointment with a Urologist for this Saturday. I checked my records and I was kind of stunned. When I was 31 my free testosterone was at 597. It has dropped down by 299 in 3 years at 298 now! Hopefully, this doctor will treat me.

I found something really interesting online today...Wanted to see what you guys thought... I read that they are trying to get this approved by November 30, 2015-
transformer24 said:
DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
Just got done playing basketball. Took GW and MK about 45 min before I played. Achilles felt fine before I played. It was a little sore during play, but not anything that hindered my game. Noticing more elevation on jumper and very light on my feet. Yesterday's lifting and cardio was 20 min of cardio, lift chest and triceps, and then 20 more minutes of cardio. The second cardio session was on treadmill. Ran 1 mile in just over 7 and a half min which I felt was pretty good considering what I had already done. Overall the GW and MK have helped to give me amazing results thus far. Although I have been working hard and putting in the effort, my last couple workouts lacked the intensity I usually feel. Could be my program or my low test... It was like the music that usually fires me up wasn't doing anything. Very unusual for me. That's the only thing I'm kind of dumbstruck about. Intensity in the gym has very very rarely ever been an issue.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

im really happy to see this kind of result and i know the feeling when you get something like more elevation, more stamina etc... it opens up so many other avenues... that's why gw is the ultimate performance enhancer because it gives you so many more options and capabilities to perform at such a high level... you are seeing that more and more and will continue to throughout... i a certain the low test has caused any sort of lack of energy within and i am quite confident that you need to be on trt... you would see such a significant difference in everything...

I made an appointment with a Urologist for this Saturday. I checked my records and I was kind of stunned. When I was 31 my free testosterone was at 597. It has dropped down by 299 in 3 years at 298 now! Hopefully, this doctor will treat me.

I found something really interesting online today...Wanted to see what you guys thought... I read that they are trying to get this approved by November 30, 2015-

Thanks for posting brother... Definitely some valuable information there... Of course i cannot comment with any hands on experience but on the surface, it sounds promising but i have seen a lot of things "sound" promising as opposed to what they really are but it is intriguing to say the least
Took a much needed rest yesterday. No cardio and no lift. Just finished a very solid back and biceps workout. Wasn't fully energized, but that's probably to be expected w so little testosterone at this point. Still kept the intensity up at a decent level. Thank you guys for the advice thus far. This forum and the people on it have nothing but good to me. Glad you told me to chill yesterday Rick! Big difference.
I feel like I'm in good shape and I feel like I look better than I have in years...but I just can't seem to be enthusiastic about anything. I'm working hard, but it's only bc I know I need to. I have had good workouts... just kind of lethargic. I know it isn't the SARMs. The SARMs are probably the only reason I'm still making gains. I really really hope that something gets done about my test levels this weekend when I see the urologist. Libido is non existent...fuck I really hate doing a negative post in my log, but right now it's reality. Things will get better one way or another.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk
transformer24 said:
Took a much needed rest yesterday. No cardio and no lift. Just finished a very solid back and biceps workout. Wasn't fully energized, but that's probably to be expected w so little testosterone at this point. Still kept the intensity up at a decent level. Thank you guys for the advice thus far. This forum and the people on it have nothing but good to me. Glad you told me to chill yesterday Rick! Big difference.

we are here to help bro and anything we can do to help, we always will bro... don't hesitate to lean on me or anyone here for support and guidance...
Re: RE: Re: MK+GW Log

DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
Took a much needed rest yesterday. No cardio and no lift. Just finished a very solid back and biceps workout. Wasn't fully energized, but that's probably to be expected w so little testosterone at this point. Still kept the intensity up at a decent level. Thank you guys for the advice thus far. This forum and the people on it have nothing but good to me. Glad you told me to chill yesterday Rick! Big difference.

we are here to help bro and anything we can do to help, we always will bro... don't hesitate to lean on me or anyone here for support and guidance...
Thanks man. That means a lot. I'll post about how my appointment goes with the doctor. Appreciate it bro!

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk
Re: RE: Re: MK+GW Log

transformer24 said:
DylanGemelli said:
transformer24 said:
Took a much needed rest yesterday. No cardio and no lift. Just finished a very solid back and biceps workout. Wasn't fully energized, but that's probably to be expected w so little testosterone at this point. Still kept the intensity up at a decent level. Thank you guys for the advice thus far. This forum and the people on it have nothing but good to me. Glad you told me to chill yesterday Rick! Big difference.

we are here to help bro and anything we can do to help, we always will bro... don't hesitate to lean on me or anyone here for support and guidance...
Thanks man. That means a lot. I'll post about how my appointment goes with the doctor. Appreciate it bro!

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

good luck man! yes, let me now how the appointment goes
transformer24 said:
Woke up today at 195.5 lbs, but looked leaner. Very curious to get my body fat checked. Looking forward to a very serious back and biceps day w some abs and cardio as well.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

Glad to see youre getting great results brother. Im about to use this stack going into a show so im glad its working for someone. Hows vascularity, strength, bodyfat, etc?
kylebu said:
transformer24 said:
Woke up today at 195.5 lbs, but looked leaner. Very curious to get my body fat checked. Looking forward to a very serious back and biceps day w some abs and cardio as well.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

Glad to see youre getting great results brother. Im about to use this stack going into a show so im glad its working for someone. Hows vascularity, strength, bodyfat, etc?

Pretty dramatic increases in all of the above. Def g2g
transformer24 said:
kylebu said:
transformer24 said:
Woke up today at 195.5 lbs, but looked leaner. Very curious to get my body fat checked. Looking forward to a very serious back and biceps day w some abs and cardio as well.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

Glad to see youre getting great results brother. Im about to use this stack going into a show so im glad its working for someone. Hows vascularity, strength, bodyfat, etc?

Pretty dramatic increases in all of the above. Def g2g

Awesome thank you, good luck going forward
kylebu said:
transformer24 said:
kylebu said:
transformer24 said:
Woke up today at 195.5 lbs, but looked leaner. Very curious to get my body fat checked. Looking forward to a very serious back and biceps day w some abs and cardio as well.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

Glad to see youre getting great results brother. Im about to use this stack going into a show so im glad its working for someone. Hows vascularity, strength, bodyfat, etc?

Pretty dramatic increases in all of the above. Def g2g

Awesome thank you, good luck going forward

Absolutely! You as well brother
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