

transformer24 said:
I feel like I'm in good shape and I feel like I look better than I have in years...but I just can't seem to be enthusiastic about anything. I'm working hard, but it's only bc I know I need to. I have had good workouts... just kind of lethargic. I know it isn't the SARMs. The SARMs are probably the only reason I'm still making gains. I really really hope that something gets done about my test levels this weekend when I see the urologist. Libido is non existent...fuck I really hate doing a negative post in my log, but right now it's reality. Things will get better one way or another.

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

Being lethargic and having no libido is a definite result of your low test you've had. Hopefully you can get treated for that soon as you should. The fact that you are making gains right now is a true testament to the power of sarms, and exactly what they can do. Without them and having low test, your performance would be declining with a loss in strength and lean muscle mass
How did the Urologist go? You can always go to a TRT center, there everywhere and there not going to deny you with those levels of test. My normal Doc refused to give me TRT after three test with test levels of 156, 180 and finally 211. I brought in the two week report to the TRT center they pinned me that day, never looked back after that.
21infantry said:
How did the Urologist go? You can always go to a TRT center, there everywhere and there not going to deny you with those levels of test. My normal Doc refused to give me TRT after three test with test levels of 156, 180 and finally 211. I brought in the two week report to the TRT center they pinned me that day, never looked back after that.

Yeah it's pretty amazing that I'm still making gains considering the circumstances.

Those TRT centers are crazy expensive though aren't they? None of them take insurance do they?

I saw the doctor yesterday about it. He wants me to do the blood work again in the morning on an empty stomach. He also wants me to see a psychiatrist at the hospital who is an expert in TRT so she can coordinate a potential treatment with my current psychiatris who treats my bipolar disorder if needed. On top of all of that, he wants me to see an endocrinologist. I'ts a huge pain for me but I guess I can understand from his end that considering my age and current medications, its better to be extra cautious. I'd like to just handle it myself, but my wife doesn't feel comfortable with that because I fucked up 6 years ago and ran a cycle like an idiot. I have to respect that. She's supported me every step of the way throughout this transformation. I put in an order to get Cialis for performance in the bedroom and some clomid to at least hopefully raise my natural test levels to something at least average like 500-600. Will clomid help with that? If so, how do I run it so it does help raise my test a bit? Should I run a natural test booster alongside the clomid? are there any natural test boosters or some kind of test supplement that is actually somewhat effective maybe in combination with something like clomid?
transformer24 said:
21infantry said:
How did the Urologist go? You can always go to a TRT center, there everywhere and there not going to deny you with those levels of test. My normal Doc refused to give me TRT after three test with test levels of 156, 180 and finally 211. I brought in the two week report to the TRT center they pinned me that day, never looked back after that.

Yeah it's pretty amazing that I'm still making gains considering the circumstances.

Those TRT centers are crazy expensive though aren't they? None of them take insurance do they?

I saw the doctor yesterday about it. He wants me to do the blood work again in the morning on an empty stomach. He also wants me to see a psychiatrist at the hospital who is an expert in TRT so she can coordinate a potential treatment with my current psychiatris who treats my bipolar disorder if needed. On top of all of that, he wants me to see an endocrinologist. I'ts a huge pain for me but I guess I can understand from his end that considering my age and current medications, its better to be extra cautious. I'd like to just handle it myself, but my wife doesn't feel comfortable with that because I fucked up 6 years ago and ran a cycle like an idiot. I have to respect that. She's supported me every step of the way throughout this transformation. I put in an order to get Cialis for performance in the bedroom and some clomid to at least hopefully raise my natural test levels to something at least average like 500-600. Will clomid help with that? If so, how do I run it so it does help raise my test a bit? Should I run a natural test booster alongside the clomid? are there any natural test boosters or some kind of test supplement that is actually somewhat effective maybe in combination with something like clomid?
transformer24 said:
21infantry said:
How did the Urologist go? You can always go to a TRT center, there everywhere and there not going to deny you with those levels of test. My normal Doc refused to give me TRT after three test with test levels of 156, 180 and finally 211. I brought in the two week report to the TRT center they pinned me that day, never looked back after that.

Yeah it's pretty amazing that I'm still making gains considering the circumstances.

Those TRT centers are crazy expensive though aren't they? None of them take insurance do they?

I saw the doctor yesterday about it. He wants me to do the blood work again in the morning on an empty stomach. He also wants me to see a psychiatrist at the hospital who is an expert in TRT so she can coordinate a potential treatment with my current psychiatris who treats my bipolar disorder if needed. On top of all of that, he wants me to see an endocrinologist. I'ts a huge pain for me but I guess I can understand from his end that considering my age and current medications, its better to be extra cautious. I'd like to just handle it myself, but my wife doesn't feel comfortable with that because I fucked up 6 years ago and ran a cycle like an idiot. I have to respect that. She's supported me every step of the way throughout this transformation. I put in an order to get Cialis for performance in the bedroom and some clomid to at least hopefully raise my natural test levels to something at least average like 500-600. Will clomid help with that? If so, how do I run it so it does help raise my test a bit? Should I run a natural test booster alongside the clomid? are there any natural test boosters or some kind of test supplement that is actually somewhat effective maybe in combination with something like clomid?

Clomid can definitely help raise your natural levels. That's the reason it is used for PCT, and it's very effective in that regard. I would get some and run it at 50mg per day for two weeks followed by 25mg per day after that. As for a natural test booster, you could add in some DAA which is pretty cheap and effective, and can be found about anywhere that sells supplements online
transformer24 said:
21infantry said:
How did the Urologist go? You can always go to a TRT center, there everywhere and there not going to deny you with those levels of test. My normal Doc refused to give me TRT after three test with test levels of 156, 180 and finally 211. I brought in the two week report to the TRT center they pinned me that day, never looked back after that.

Yeah it's pretty amazing that I'm still making gains considering the circumstances.

Those TRT centers are crazy expensive though aren't they? None of them take insurance do they?

I saw the doctor yesterday about it. He wants me to do the blood work again in the morning on an empty stomach. He also wants me to see a psychiatrist at the hospital who is an expert in TRT so she can coordinate a potential treatment with my current psychiatris who treats my bipolar disorder if needed. On top of all of that, he wants me to see an endocrinologist. I'ts a huge pain for me but I guess I can understand from his end that considering my age and current medications, its better to be extra cautious. I'd like to just handle it myself, but my wife doesn't feel comfortable with that because I fucked up 6 years ago and ran a cycle like an idiot. I have to respect that. She's supported me every step of the way throughout this transformation. I put in an order to get Cialis for performance in the bedroom and some clomid to at least hopefully raise my natural test levels to something at least average like 500-600. Will clomid help with that? If so, how do I run it so it does help raise my test a bit? Should I run a natural test booster alongside the clomid? are there any natural test boosters or some kind of test supplement that is actually somewhat effective maybe in combination with something like clomid?

Nope, there cheap for the most part and almost every single one of them except insurance and blood work not exceeding two weeks old. Now some of them will require you to come in and get pin every week some will write you a script for injections and you come in every 45 days for a check up and at 90 do bloodwork. Gear users know who writes scripts and who makes you come in every week. A lot of guys see two doctors the one they get pinned every week and the one doctor who writes you a script for the Test and they stock up, and now you have a legal supply of Test C for when you decide to Blast!
Today's log... Well it's Sunday, so I hooped this morning. It's almost laughable that after two hours of sprinting up and down the floor, I'm trying to get everyone to stay and play more. That's really how good sarms are. I'm playing at a level similar to when I was 24. That was 10 years ago! What else seems nuts to me is that I am faster at 195 lbs than I was at 180 lbs in my 20s. I am writing all of this not to brag about myself, but to document and inform about the effectiveness of sarms. It takes good to great basically in any facet of fitness and/or athletics.

On another positive note, I have some clomid coming in about a week, maybe a little more, which I'm really excited about. With the much needed increase in my natural test levels on its way, things should really be moving forward nicely. Now... I just need some cheap Cialis... Any takers?

Again thank you guys for all the advice and encouragement!
transformer24 said:
Today's log... Well it's Sunday, so I hooped this morning. It's almost laughable that after two hours of sprinting up and down the floor, I'm trying to get everyone to stay and play more. That's really how good sarms are. I'm playing at a level similar to when I was 24. That was 10 years ago! What else seems nuts to me is that I am faster at 195 lbs than I was at 180 lbs in my 20s. I am writing all of this not to brag about myself, but to document and inform about the effectiveness of sarms. It takes good to great basically in any facet of fitness and/or athletics.

On another positive note, I have some clomid coming in about a week, maybe a little more, which I'm really excited about. With the much needed increase in my natural test levels on its way, things should really be moving forward nicely. Now... I just need some cheap Cialis... Any takers?

Again thank you guys for all the advice and encouragement!

Glad everything is going so well brother! Sounds like your endurance is through the roof

As for Cialis, biotech has it if you need some! :)
Im def in to follow this log. great to read and see progress interested how the clomid works out as well. as I will soon be on a mini pct
RickRock said:
transformer24 said:
Today's log... Well it's Sunday, so I hooped this morning. It's almost laughable that after two hours of sprinting up and down the floor, I'm trying to get everyone to stay and play more. That's really how good sarms are. I'm playing at a level similar to when I was 24. That was 10 years ago! What else seems nuts to me is that I am faster at 195 lbs than I was at 180 lbs in my 20s. I am writing all of this not to brag about myself, but to document and inform about the effectiveness of sarms. It takes good to great basically in any facet of fitness and/or athletics.

On another positive note, I have some clomid coming in about a week, maybe a little more, which I'm really excited about. With the much needed increase in my natural test levels on its way, things should really be moving forward nicely. Now... I just need some cheap Cialis... Any takers?

Again thank you guys for all the advice and encouragement!

Glad everything is going so well brother! Sounds like your endurance is through the roof

As for Cialis, biotech has it if you need some! :)

Hey Rick, I have Raloxaphene 60 mg which I started taking just after my test results came back with the low testosterone. Could the Raloxaphene have brought it up in the same way that clomid can? Also, I already ordered the clomid, so once I get it should I run it w the Raloxaphene or just keep the clomid on hand or take the clomid w no Raloxaphene?
rockmfhudd said:
Im def in to follow this log. great to read and see progress interested how the clomid works out as well. as I will soon be on a mini pct

Thanks man. I lifted yesterday. I kind of just did a couple exercises for each body part alternating between push and pull. It's crazy to see that I'm pretty much staying the same weight, but I look visibly bigger. It's gotten to a point where guys have started asking me what I do to get this way. Again, it's not a bragging thing... It's more just to inform how tremendous my results have been thus far with what's really only considered a pct stack in GW + MK. My skin is thinner now making veins more visable a and muscles are really starting to harden. It's like week 3 so I think the MK is really starting to do its job. Tonight my Tuesday night basketball starts for every Tuesday for the next few months. I'm pumped to get more cardio in and hoop some more, then back in the weight room on Wednesday and Thursday basketball again. This will be a great week!
Good to know your money was spent wisely!! LOL I know I am happy this shit is working well for me other than shit in the past I have wasted money on.
rockmfhudd said:
Good to know your money was spent wisely!! LOL I know I am happy this shit is working well for me other than shit in the past I have wasted money on.

Amen to that brother! Glad its going well for you too man
Last night basketball was canceled due to an open house at the middle school we usually hoop at. I was pretty pissed bc I had really been looking forward to playing. Instead of whining about it to my wife or whoever, I looked at it as an opportunity to go to the gym I lift at and put some work in full go. It was the best workout on this run yet! Granted it was arms... which is always fun anyways :D Unfortunately I had about the worst nights sleep I've had in a while and I'm a shit sleeper as it is. I pretty much realized that if it is after 7 pm, I should never under any circumstances drink my pre workout!

Which brings me to today... I arranged to meet a friend at one of the gyms I have a membership at (yes, I have multiple memberships, no i'm not rich either, long story, unimportant) anyways, I met up w my buddy to play some 1 on 1. Now up until today, I'd say I've pretty much felt super human on this SARM run, especially in regards to endurance. For some odd reason though, I felt human again today... very human...surprisingly human. I found myself having some trouble catching my breath today. Not only that, but really nauseated. I kept playing through it, but in my mind, I was thinking WTF is going on here? I decided to not try to figure out why on this particular day... all of the sudden... I was struggling. I don't know what the deal was with the endurance, but I can tell you that the nausea could be 1 of 2 things or both:

1. My preworkout is a very touchy thing. What I mean by that is, depending on the day and what you’re doing and the amount of this stuff you use there is a VERY VERY fine line between having an intense workout and feeling great or wanting to puke your guts out because of how strong it is. I'm actually relatively tolerant to stimulants. I currently take vyvanse at 70 mg (highest dosage) which is an amphetamine drug used to treat adhd. I’ve been on it for years, which basically tells me that if my preworkout is too much for me… it’s pretty fucking strong. If you're wondering what the pre-workout is, it's called Shatter Black Onyx by muscle tech. I should have stuck with the regular shatter which I highly recommend if you are looking for something that will give you a nice smooth non jittery feeling. If you do try it though, just be mindful that there isn’t any creatine in it. I just add 5 mg of creatine to my preworkout.

2. I forgot to take my Raloxifene yesterday at the time I usually take it which is around 12:30-1:00 PM. I realized it after my workout last night and took it at like 8:45 PM. Then of course I wanted to get back on schedule so I just took it at my normal time around 1 PM today.

I’m leaning towards this having something more to do with the pre-workout and the lack of sleep. In any event… it was kind of an unsettling feeling. If you have read any of my other entries, you would know that the lack of endurance had nothing to do with the SARMS. I know this because I was shocked at being out of breath for the first time in 3-4 weeks.

Tonight, I’m going to relax with family. It’s easy to get caught up in your own shit when you’re working so hard towards different goals especially goals that involve your appearance and fitness levels. I think it's important to tell the people we love how much we really do love and appreciate them. I’m aware that this is definitely not the forum to get mushy and start writing a bunch of sappy shit… so I’ll just leave you with this… Take time for your families.
transformer24 said:
RickRock said:
transformer24 said:
Today's log... Well it's Sunday, so I hooped this morning. It's almost laughable that after two hours of sprinting up and down the floor, I'm trying to get everyone to stay and play more. That's really how good sarms are. I'm playing at a level similar to when I was 24. That was 10 years ago! What else seems nuts to me is that I am faster at 195 lbs than I was at 180 lbs in my 20s. I am writing all of this not to brag about myself, but to document and inform about the effectiveness of sarms. It takes good to great basically in any facet of fitness and/or athletics.

On another positive note, I have some clomid coming in about a week, maybe a little more, which I'm really excited about. With the much needed increase in my natural test levels on its way, things should really be moving forward nicely. Now... I just need some cheap Cialis... Any takers?

Again thank you guys for all the advice and encouragement!

Glad everything is going so well brother! Sounds like your endurance is through the roof

As for Cialis, biotech has it if you need some! :)

Hey Rick, I have Raloxaphene 60 mg which I started taking just after my test results came back with the low testosterone. Could the Raloxaphene have brought it up in the same way that clomid can? Also, I already ordered the clomid, so once I get it should I run it w the Raloxaphene or just keep the clomid on hand or take the clomid w no Raloxaphene?

I would take the Clomid solo. I don't see the need for the Raloxifene to be honest. It's not going to help you as far as test production anything like Clomid will
Re: RE: MK+GW Log

RickRock said:
transformer24 said:
"RickRock" said:
"transformer24" said:
Today's log... Well it's Sunday, so I hooped this morning. It's almost laughable that after two hours of sprinting up and down the floor, I'm trying to get everyone to stay and play more. That's really how good sarms are. I'm playing at a level similar to when I was 24. That was 10 years ago! What else seems nuts to me is that I am faster at 195 lbs than I was at 180 lbs in my 20s. I am writing all of this not to brag about myself, but to document and inform about the effectiveness of sarms. It takes good to great basically in any facet of fitness and/or athletics.

On another positive note, I have some clomid coming in about a week, maybe a little more, which I'm really excited about. With the much needed increase in my natural test levels on its way, things should really be moving forward nicely. Now... I just need some cheap Cialis... Any takers?

Again thank you guys for all the advice and encouragement!

Glad everything is going so well brother! Sounds like your endurance is through the roof

As for Cialis, biotech has it if you need some! :)

Hey Rick, I have Raloxaphene 60 mg which I started taking just after my test results came back with the low testosterone. Could the Raloxaphene have brought it up in the same way that clomid can? Also, I already ordered the clomid, so once I get it should I run it w the Raloxaphene or just keep the clomid on hand or take the clomid w no Raloxaphene?

I would take the Clomid solo. I don't see the need for the Raloxifene to be honest. It's not going to help you as far as test production anything like Clomid will
OK I'll take the clomid. I'm taking the ralox for gyno which has really gone down bc of you still think solo on clomid?

Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk
transformer24 said:
Last night basketball was canceled due to an open house at the middle school we usually hoop at. I was pretty pissed bc I had really been looking forward to playing. Instead of whining about it to my wife or whoever, I looked at it as an opportunity to go to the gym I lift at and put some work in full go. It was the best workout on this run yet! Granted it was arms... which is always fun anyways :D Unfortunately I had about the worst nights sleep I've had in a while and I'm a shit sleeper as it is. I pretty much realized that if it is after 7 pm, I should never under any circumstances drink my pre workout!

Which brings me to today... I arranged to meet a friend at one of the gyms I have a membership at (yes, I have multiple memberships, no i'm not rich either, long story, unimportant) anyways, I met up w my buddy to play some 1 on 1. Now up until today, I'd say I've pretty much felt super human on this SARM run, especially in regards to endurance. For some odd reason though, I felt human again today... very human...surprisingly human. I found myself having some trouble catching my breath today. Not only that, but really nauseated. I kept playing through it, but in my mind, I was thinking WTF is going on here? I decided to not try to figure out why on this particular day... all of the sudden... I was struggling. I don't know what the deal was with the endurance, but I can tell you that the nausea could be 1 of 2 things or both:

1. My preworkout is a very touchy thing. What I mean by that is, depending on the day and what you’re doing and the amount of this stuff you use there is a VERY VERY fine line between having an intense workout and feeling great or wanting to puke your guts out because of how strong it is. I'm actually relatively tolerant to stimulants. I currently take vyvanse at 70 mg (highest dosage) which is an amphetamine drug used to treat adhd. I’ve been on it for years, which basically tells me that if my preworkout is too much for me… it’s pretty fucking strong. If you're wondering what the pre-workout is, it's called Shatter Black Onyx by muscle tech. I should have stuck with the regular shatter which I highly recommend if you are looking for something that will give you a nice smooth non jittery feeling. If you do try it though, just be mindful that there isn’t any creatine in it. I just add 5 mg of creatine to my preworkout.

2. I forgot to take my Raloxifene yesterday at the time I usually take it which is around 12:30-1:00 PM. I realized it after my workout last night and took it at like 8:45 PM. Then of course I wanted to get back on schedule so I just took it at my normal time around 1 PM today.

I’m leaning towards this having something more to do with the pre-workout and the lack of sleep. In any event… it was kind of an unsettling feeling. If you have read any of my other entries, you would know that the lack of endurance had nothing to do with the SARMS. I know this because I was shocked at being out of breath for the first time in 3-4 weeks.

Tonight, I’m going to relax with family. It’s easy to get caught up in your own shit when you’re working so hard towards different goals especially goals that involve your appearance and fitness levels. I think it's important to tell the people we love how much we really do love and appreciate them. I’m aware that this is definitely not the forum to get mushy and start writing a bunch of sappy shit… so I’ll just leave you with this… Take time for your families.

There's nothing wrong with bringing that up bro... i don't care what your doing, using, etc. you should always make plenty of time for your families... i lost sight of that for a small time and won't do it again.... that should always be the priority... i treat myself like im a machine but im not, nor is anyone else... there's nothing wrong with pointing that out...

you must give your mind and body a rest period or it will eventually get you... keep doing what your doing and you will far surpass your goals... keep the updates coming!
My MK + GW log is going to be making some very drastic changes. I will log about it after my order is placed :D one of the products I ordered purely for aesthetic purposes was melanotan 2. Does anyone know anything about it? How do you dose it ? What effects besides tanning? How long do the effects last?... Please let me know your experiences thanks!
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