
MissBizz's Transformation Log

2 questions if I may, why shoulder press AND military press, as arent they the same, other than one is standing, one is seated?

2nd, why barbell instead of dumbbells for many of those exercises?(shrugs, and presses)
Yeah typically I do one or the other but i chose to stand on my last 4 so logged them that way lol.
I like the barbell. I throw dumbells in as well but today was very light in my workout.
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My first official log including meals and workouts...
Today's meals:
2 large eggs on top of
A slice of Wheat+protein toast
Sliced cherry tomatoes
1/4 avocado

Mid-morning snack
1/2 grapefruit

4oz baked chicken
1 cup green beans
1/2 grapefruit

Afternoon snack
Fresh broccoli
Green onions
2 tablespoons garlic hummus

Oooh I snacked on a low fat string cheese

6oz pork tenderloin
1 cup rice cauliflower

Workouts were light today as tomorrow is a 1 hour very intense hiit class
30 mins regular elliptical - 2 miles 300 calories burned
20 mins elliptical trainer half a mile - incline 10 resistance 100 - 285 call burned

Barbell shoulder press 45lb barbell
3 sets of 10

Barbell shrugs
2 sets of 10 at 95lb
2 sets of 8 at 95lb

Barbell standing military press
4 sets of 10

Dumbell lateral raises
3 sets of 10

Front dumbell raises
3 sets of 8 at 8lb

Machine shoulder raises
4 sets of 8 at 50lb

Motivational music for today was
Hopsin, yelawolf, tech 9, Eminem

Yelawolf.. Nice MissBizz. You go and get it.
MissBizz you already won this contest lol. The contest technically hasnt even started and you already hit 1k views on this thread. Not fair its only cause you are female LOL jk.
I'm waiting for pics in yoga pants myself... sorry BigBusiness got a thing for yoga pants bro. Now if you're willing to wear them I might change my mind and become a feminist my damn self lol.

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I'm waiting for pics in yoga pants myself... sorry BigBusiness got a thing for yoga pants bro. Now if you're willing to wear them I might change my mind and become a feminist my damn self lol.

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Do they make 3 legged yoga pants? Can't let the hammer go

please PM me for inquiries
MissBizz you already won this contest lol. The contest technically hasnt even started and you already hit 1k views on this thread. Not fair its only cause you are female LOL jk.
Haha let your hair down in a few of your pics you'll have as many views lol
I'm waiting for pics in yoga pants myself... sorry BigBusiness got a thing for yoga pants bro. Now if you're willing to wear them I might change my mind and become a feminist my damn self lol.

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Haha well technically the ones im.wearing in my pics are yoga just capris. Next time I'll have bigb focus on legs lol
So I posted yesterday's meals
My macro split turned out to be 40p 30c 30f..and I fell a little short with calories at 1092. I was aiming for 1200.

Today meals were the same for breakfast and lunch...I added in 2 pieces of turkey bacon at breakfast time.

Dinner is scrambled eggs & chicken
I added in a protein drink post workout that included 8 Oz fat free milk 1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder, 1 teaspoon peanut butter, 2 tablespoons fat free Greek yogurt & ice

Workout was a hiit class
1 hour total. Mix of lunges, burpees, jump squats, pulse squats, pulse lunges, jumping jacks, push ups, sprints, wall squats, crunches, alternating side planks.
As an update to my log I am dropping the eca stack. I've been experiencing some shortness of breath and my heart rate has been noticeably increased. I've ran the eca before with no problems..however this time it's not liking me. So I am dropping that out.
Awesome missbizz! So much detail in your log =) great job. I just can't see myself typing each meal for 12 weeks lol! You are a rockstar!!

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Thanks but I'm probably only going to do it a few days as most days in a one week period will be the same. Lol. You're very good in your details as well!! :)
Today and tomorrow are off days. I moved my workouts to Friday, sat, sun, mon, Tuesday

Breakfast and lunch were the same as last 2 days other than no grapefruit. Dinner 2 protein pancakes with sugar free chocolate syrup and sugar free maple syrup. 2 teaspoons of natural peanut butter.

I dropped the bronkaid, still taking caffeine. I was severely short of breath especially with the intense hiit class I took yesterday and I do NOT like feeling that way..other than that I feel good..endurance is up other than my breathing was off due to the bronkaid.

Looking forward to getting back on friday!! 😊
Did you drop the grapefruit because it's a rest day?

A whole hour of HIIT, dang, I hope there's some rest in there haha. Enjoy your rest days.
Haha no the acidity of the grapefruit is bothering me lol. The class is an hour long. Most exercises are 45 seconds on 15 off. A hell of a workout!
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