
MissBizz's Transformation Log

Be careful, your going to eat that SR up. That's double than necessary !!
I'm a big fan of the ECA also, gets me going in the am. You'll see it in my log also...
I like only dosing 4 times a day. I may go to 30 however I can't dose 5-6 times. Lol...I take the eca typically m-f then on weekends I don't dose. Just need the extra oomph on work days lol.
Here's my befores...some of the pics don't have the code as we forgot I'm posting both sets as I'm flexed better in the ones without



Ah, found the log you were talking about!! Wonderful, I'm absolutely in to follow!! And congrats as well. :) This is going to be great, you're going to nail it!!!
Awesome gonna be following your transformation you got this!

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Great starting point, and I know you'll make one hell of a transformation by the end of it!
Here's my befores...some of the pics don't have the code as we forgot I'm posting both sets as I'm flexed better in the ones without




Damn, MissBizz got some guns! Your in good starting condition and you have a killer stack there. Of course, I am sad not to see S4 in the mix cause its my favorite, but with that Var you won't need it.
Thank you everyone for the support. I did read all comments lol but refrained from commenting to each one lol.
All of your support is just motivating me even more!!! I am truly blessed to be part of this family!!!!
My arms are by far my strong point followed my shoulders. My back was looking lean with my last rum, but now I'm slacking again.
I'm definitely focused on building my legs, butt and back, and leaning out my belly and lower back.
I do love the s4, however I also like to try new combinations so that's why I didn't include it. But I have ran it and love it as well.
My first official log including meals and workouts...
Today's meals:
2 large eggs on top of
A slice of Wheat+protein toast
Sliced cherry tomatoes
1/4 avocado

Mid-morning snack
1/2 grapefruit

4oz baked chicken
1 cup green beans
1/2 grapefruit

Afternoon snack
Fresh broccoli
Green onions
2 tablespoons garlic hummus

Oooh I snacked on a low fat string cheese

6oz pork tenderloin
1 cup rice cauliflower

Workouts were light today as tomorrow is a 1 hour very intense hiit class
30 mins regular elliptical - 2 miles 300 calories burned
20 mins elliptical trainer half a mile - incline 10 resistance 100 - 285 call burned

Barbell shoulder press 45lb barbell
3 sets of 10

Barbell shrugs
2 sets of 10 at 95lb
2 sets of 8 at 95lb

Barbell standing military press
4 sets of 10

Dumbell lateral raises
3 sets of 10

Front dumbell raises
3 sets of 8 at 8lb

Machine shoulder raises
4 sets of 8 at 50lb

Motivational music for today was
Hopsin, yelawolf, tech 9, Eminem
2 questions if I may, why shoulder press AND military press, as arent they the same, other than one is standing, one is seated?

2nd, why barbell instead of dumbbells for many of those exercises?(shrugs, and presses)
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