First off, I'd like to thank Hipo for selecting me to run his beginner cycle. This will be the second cycle that I have run. My first cycle was also Hipo gear and I got great obviously I'm very excited about running this!
I spoke with Hipo during the contest and I will not be starting until October but I did want to post the gear porn now. My goals are two fold, to recomp my body and to gain as much strength as possible. I will tell you that I am not someone that most of this community would select to run this. I am not 15% bodyfat but I am someone who has over 20 years experience training and I can move some decent weight.
My diet is pretty basic. Have roughly 50g of protein with every meal, a serving of good carbs, and a small amount of fats. I've been going strong with this for a few months now and am slowly dropping weight. That was done while working 60+ hours a week but now that the summer is over, I'll be working normally again...and I think that will help. My kids soccer season has arrived so I will take advantage of their practices and do double sessions of cardio.
My training schedule is a 5 day split. I do chest, back, arms, legs, and shoulders. I try to do between 15-20 sets of each body part (arms i do 10/10) My first lifts are my compound lifts which I go very heavy and then the rest of the workout is for sculpting. My strength goals are as follows:
Legs: Squat increase from 500 1rm to 525 1rm; Deadlift from 525 1rm to 550 1rm
Chest: Incline from 300 1rm to 315; flat from 355 to 370; decine from 365 to 385
Back: BB rows from 365 1rm to 405
Shoulders: seated military from 225 to 245; standing from 205 - 225
Arms: CGBP from 275 - 300; weight dips from BW+180 to BW+200
I believe all of these goals are obtainable based on my experience with Hipo gear and how I felt training on it the last cycle.
Cycle will be laid out as follow:
test e 1-12 500/wk
proviron 1-12 50mg ED
EQ 1-12 400/wk (may increase to 600 if I don't see good results....not a part of Hipo's package)
winny 6-12 50mg ED (Hipo protocol has this for wk 1-6, I'd like to use as finisher. If Hipo wants me to run early, I'll change)
That's all I've got. I will do my best to post workout results and blog as frequently as possible once I begin in October. Once again, thank you for selecting me Hipo!
I spoke with Hipo during the contest and I will not be starting until October but I did want to post the gear porn now. My goals are two fold, to recomp my body and to gain as much strength as possible. I will tell you that I am not someone that most of this community would select to run this. I am not 15% bodyfat but I am someone who has over 20 years experience training and I can move some decent weight.
My diet is pretty basic. Have roughly 50g of protein with every meal, a serving of good carbs, and a small amount of fats. I've been going strong with this for a few months now and am slowly dropping weight. That was done while working 60+ hours a week but now that the summer is over, I'll be working normally again...and I think that will help. My kids soccer season has arrived so I will take advantage of their practices and do double sessions of cardio.
My training schedule is a 5 day split. I do chest, back, arms, legs, and shoulders. I try to do between 15-20 sets of each body part (arms i do 10/10) My first lifts are my compound lifts which I go very heavy and then the rest of the workout is for sculpting. My strength goals are as follows:
Legs: Squat increase from 500 1rm to 525 1rm; Deadlift from 525 1rm to 550 1rm
Chest: Incline from 300 1rm to 315; flat from 355 to 370; decine from 365 to 385
Back: BB rows from 365 1rm to 405
Shoulders: seated military from 225 to 245; standing from 205 - 225
Arms: CGBP from 275 - 300; weight dips from BW+180 to BW+200
I believe all of these goals are obtainable based on my experience with Hipo gear and how I felt training on it the last cycle.
Cycle will be laid out as follow:
test e 1-12 500/wk
proviron 1-12 50mg ED
EQ 1-12 400/wk (may increase to 600 if I don't see good results....not a part of Hipo's package)
winny 6-12 50mg ED (Hipo protocol has this for wk 1-6, I'd like to use as finisher. If Hipo wants me to run early, I'll change)
That's all I've got. I will do my best to post workout results and blog as frequently as possible once I begin in October. Once again, thank you for selecting me Hipo!
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