Thanks for following guys. I try to work hard and I hope my log shows that!
Today was pin #4. I hate to say same old same old but it really is. Left glute pin and no issues as always. Hipo gear is great for that. I rarely get any pip or balls from gear not being absorbed.
I took yesterday off from the gym; it was supposed to be a cardio day but both kids had games and I couldn't wake up at 4AM like I do on most days. I was really hoping to because I was at a Halloween party last night where my disciplined diet went to crap for the night. Its amazing how bad food REALLY doesn't taste as good as you think when you've been eating clean for awhile. My diet has been going really well since July. I'm down about 20lbs and am eating well 6-7 days a week. Right now, I'm doing low fat, mod carbs, high protein and its going really well. I'm not a big picture guy...hence, the requests for pics, but I will tell you my uniform has been fitting me a lot differently since I started going hard. Diet is pretty regular, eggs, meat, veggie, fruit, rice, etc. 6 meals a day....try to hit 25-50G protein a meal, a serving carbs, and veggies/fruit. Snack foods for me have been apple/caramel rice cakes with Teddies PB, SF pudding with whey mixed in, and greek yogurt.
Got up early this morning and did a power hour of cardio. Ran 3.2 in about 30 min on the TM; not a crazy pace but def working. After that, 30 min walking and that's it. I travel all over Massachusetts today for my kids soccer games.