Hey Fitguy,
Unfortunately I had to jump ship after week 7. Killed me to do so but needed to get the acne or who knows may have been a rash as bad as it was under control, literally had my whole upper body covered, was itching so bad and even if I just rubbed it, it would bleed and ruin my shirts.
I know some people are more prone to get it than others, guess I'm one of the unlucky ones when it comes to that and get it real bad.
Sucks as I was feeling great.
It's been 3 weeks now, I'm all cleared up, I stopped both and am going to reintroduce the GW tomorrow and see how that treats me.
I'm just really disappointed because after this cycle I was hoping to maybe do a test only cycle over the winter and then cut up again for next summer, but if I react that bad to just LGD I can only assume test would be even worse, so I wouldn't want to waste the money. I'm still killing it though, diet is going well, upper abs coming through, getting more vascular.
Was a long holiday weekend with some bad eating so back on point today!! thanks for checking in!