
Don't be the "pull up guy" or the "staring guy" at the gym...

I am so fucking tired of having some clown stand behind me staring like its the first time he ever left his house asking if he can interrupt my fucking sets on cables to do pullups... not to mention its generally someone jumping around like a fucking fish out water or looking they are going into convulsions... THATS NOT EVEN A FUCKING PULL UP... or the person that just stands there and stares to the level of uncomfort... like they "like" me or something... for fucks sake... im there, its all business... i get people that come up to me often because they know my videos and i always have time to talk and be kind etc... thats different... but this shit, these people should not be allowed in the gym.... its absurd... if you want to be a wild animal on a fucking pull up bar build one at home... oh and quit fucking shadow boxing.. YOUR NOT A FIGHTER AND YOU LOOK RIDICULOUS... yes, they are everywhere... sorry, rant over... its just so ridiculous...

Sounds like the one guy wants some of DG's, D if ya know what I mean lol
I am so fucking tired of having some clown stand behind me staring like its the first time he ever left his house asking if he can interrupt my fucking sets on cables to do pullups... not to mention its generally someone jumping around like a fucking fish out water or looking they are going into convulsions... THATS NOT EVEN A FUCKING PULL UP... or the person that just stands there and stares to the level of uncomfort... like they "like" me or something... for fucks sake... im there, its all business... i get people that come up to me often because they know my videos and i always have time to talk and be kind etc... thats different... but this shit, these people should not be allowed in the gym.... its absurd... if you want to be a wild animal on a fucking pull up bar build one at home... oh and quit fucking shadow boxing.. YOUR NOT A FIGHTER AND YOU LOOK RIDICULOUS... yes, they are everywhere... sorry, rant over... its just so ridiculous...

lol @ convulsions. gotta love crossfit bro
Sounds like the one guy wants some of DG's, D if ya know what I mean lol

LMFAO, you fucker!! LOLLLL im cracking up... .!! fuck, he better not, or he's in for a rude wake up call.. LOLLL i wont say anything "politically incorrect" but lets just say, i dont respond well to that type of shit... lolll
lol @ convulsions. gotta love crossfit bro

im telling you bro, its a combination of tourettes and convulsions... its ranks right there with those stupid ass masks on how stupid one can look... between the masks and the convulsions training, i just dont know wtf the world has come to... like i said, they need their own gym for fucked up training styles...
Im surprised someone ass baller as u doesnt have a gym in your house. Lol

i have a commercial treadmill, elliptical, sauna and tanning bed so partially but i love the gym atmosphere... i would never trade that in... aside from the fucktards, i would be miserable without it... nothing beats morning cardio in front of the curved tv though... i look forward to it every morning...
Fucking shadow boxers.. I hate that shit. It's always some Quere who would get knocked the fuck out real quick too.

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LOLLL its so true! or the "practice pose" from someone who has like 20% body fat... wtf are you posing for, seriously!!
im telling you bro, its a combination of tourettes and convulsions... its ranks right there with those stupid ass masks on how stupid one can look... between the masks and the convulsions training, i just dont know wtf the world has come to... like i said, they need their own gym for fucked up training styles...

oh gosh bro. the freaking masks are annoying as piss. i just went to gym today and a dude was doing Mallet slams on a tire with a mask on. im like, what the piss? are you training to work on a mountain in colorado hitting railroad ties??? LOL i hate the masks dude. and everything else you mentioned. shadow boxing and body ups, or body flails. whatever the heck it is. i also hate these fat pieces of garbage sitting in the sauna like they are going to get lose bodyfat. the sauna has its uses but these idiots think they get Cut by sitting in a hot room lol. not to mention these other morons doing Shrugs on a shoulder press machine, standing up in the seat. this is what barbells and dumbells are for you stupid MORON and they have TINY traps too LOL like they have this "secret" they do things differently, but yet they look like morons doing shrugs on a shoulder press machine and dont even have good traps because they use a freaking shoulder press instead of classic barbell. and HEAVY barbell shrugs at that. im about sick of people asking "how do you get your traps big" same way you get anything big. LIFT HEAVY EAT ALOT. like they seriously expect to grow their traps doing shrugs with 45 plates in their hands. get some REAL weight bro

alright im done ranting LOL
oh gosh bro. the freaking masks are annoying as piss. i just went to gym today and a dude was doing Mallet slams on a tire with a mask on. im like, what the piss? are you training to work on a mountain in colorado hitting railroad ties??? LOL i hate the masks dude. and everything else you mentioned. shadow boxing and body ups, or body flails. whatever the heck it is. i also hate these fat pieces of garbage sitting in the sauna like they are going to get lose bodyfat. the sauna has its uses but these idiots think they get Cut by sitting in a hot room lol. not to mention these other morons doing Shrugs on a shoulder press machine, standing up in the seat. this is what barbells and dumbells are for you stupid MORON and they have TINY traps too LOL like they have this "secret" they do things differently, but yet they look like morons doing shrugs on a shoulder press machine and dont even have good traps because they use a freaking shoulder press instead of classic barbell. and HEAVY barbell shrugs at that. im about sick of people asking "how do you get your traps big" same way you get anything big. LIFT HEAVY EAT ALOT. like they seriously expect to grow their traps doing shrugs with 45 plates in their hands. get some REAL weight bro

alright im done ranting LOL

Not to mention watching them rolling their dhoulders doing weighted dhfugs! I try to tell them "Stop thst! You will end up in my ER with broken rotstor cuff! You will hate the nill when I put you on a vomputed Tomography to find out how bad you are broken!" I just get these wisrd looks! Ok, do it! Find out hard way!!

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.
oh gosh bro. the freaking masks are annoying as piss. i just went to gym today and a dude was doing Mallet slams on a tire with a mask on. im like, what the piss? are you training to work on a mountain in colorado hitting railroad ties??? LOL i hate the masks dude. and everything else you mentioned. shadow boxing and body ups, or body flails. whatever the heck it is. i also hate these fat pieces of garbage sitting in the sauna like they are going to get lose bodyfat. the sauna has its uses but these idiots think they get Cut by sitting in a hot room lol. not to mention these other morons doing Shrugs on a shoulder press machine, standing up in the seat. this is what barbells and dumbells are for you stupid MORON and they have TINY traps too LOL like they have this "secret" they do things differently, but yet they look like morons doing shrugs on a shoulder press machine and dont even have good traps because they use a freaking shoulder press instead of classic barbell. and HEAVY barbell shrugs at that. im about sick of people asking "how do you get your traps big" same way you get anything big. LIFT HEAVY EAT ALOT. like they seriously expect to grow their traps doing shrugs with 45 plates in their hands. get some REAL weight bro

alright im done ranting LOL

oh man, i completely agree... another one is the guys doing lat pulldowns once again, looking like they are going into convulsions... bouncing up and down, no form, no concept of actually how to lift and just really hurting themselves in the process... there's so much wrong in there and the trainers are just as bad... they let anyone become a trainer now... the few top places to get certified, like NASM for example, have very strict rules and guidelines and its far from easy to get a cert but anymore, all these little bull shit companies will let anyone get a cert with the easiest requirements and then it reflects on the bull shit you see going on... i want my own gym so bad man
i have a commercial treadmill, elliptical, sauna and tanning bed so partially but i love the gym atmosphere... i would never trade that in... aside from the fucktards, i would be miserable without it... nothing beats morning cardio in front of the curved tv though... i look forward to it every morning...

Yes i do love the gym. Especially the friends you meet that are committed like we are. But im lucky my gym there is only a couple douche bags and i just look at them and shake my head. Cause they dont have the balls to come over and talk shit. Lol
Since I got rid of all my DB's when I moved and didn't have room to transport them. 1400 lbs in db's left in my old garage... what I like about the gym I go to is the variety of equipment. I could do without the dudes wearing man buns, or working out in joggers... nothing like the dad bods that have been in the gym since you can remember first going that haven't changed a single feature of their physiques either, gotta love them because they're the ones talking shit about you secretly because they can't quite figure out what the words intensity and heavy are. Public gyms are such a freak show.
Most people at the gym I go to are pretty solid, but if I go to pf on a rest day for a little cardio, sometimes some of the shit people do to "exercise", I'm just like dude holy shit..... this dude doing hammer curls a couple weeks ago was the funniest shit I've ever seen in my life. I tried to record it without being too obvious but I couldn't stop laughing.
Most people at the gym I go to are pretty solid, but if I go to pf on a rest day for a little cardio, sometimes some of the shit people do to "exercise", I'm just like dude holy shit..... this dude doing hammer curls a couple weeks ago was the funniest shit I've ever seen in my life. I tried to record it without being too obvious but I couldn't stop laughing.

Was he flinging them up and down alternating. Like he is running in place?
My favorite tho is our two skinny trainer dudes. I watch them go over to the ladies lifting and trying to show them the "right way". Lol and i look over and watch and the girls see me. And i just smile and shake my head. While they stare at me while im doing tricep pull downs. Lol
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