
Don't be the "pull up guy" or the "staring guy" at the gym...

That right there and dylans rant i blame crossfit and those stupid ass muscle ups they do. And people try to repeat that and end up looking retarded. Just like this [emoji1369]guy
Lmao dude I can't stand it when I see this. What is the point...

That is fucking ridiculozs! What is its point? That you can act like gorilla?? Go chin up slow and down slow! Do reps, not some fucking ass dance!!

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.
PLEASE JUST DON'T BE THIS GUY !!! Fuck Im still disgusted by this.. LOL

You should walk over to the guy and say

One. You are doing that wrong

And two muscle ups are done at the xfit gym down the street please go there
You should walk over to the guy and say

One. You are doing that wrong

And two muscle ups are done at the xfit gym down the street please go there

its not just one guy bro.. its countless fucking morons and if i go up to them my talk won't be that pleasant so its best for me to just not say anything... =)
its not just one guy bro.. its countless fucking morons and if i go up to them my talk won't be that pleasant so its best for me to just not say anything... =)

Ha. So. Go to the group and be like if u guys dont get the fuck outa here his arm is going up your ass
Don't be the "pull up guy" or the "staring guy" at the gym...

Ha. So. Go to the group and be like if u guys dont get the fuck outa here his arm is going up your ass

Nahhh! I just go up to them and say; "Can I make a suggestion? The way you are rolling your shoulders, you will surely break a rotator cuff! Then I get to see you in my Hospital ER while you are in such pain you can not help but cry. I put you on expensive machine called a computed Tomographer so we can see what you broke! You will want to die when you hear what it cost for us to fix it!!! What?? No. Am not a fizical trainer, am an RN ( Registered Nurse) of Ortopaedic medicine and Musculodkeletal injuries! And am expensive when you need me!" Usually is all it takes!!

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.
There's a guy at our gym that ties up the cable station everyday doing that crap, and it drives me insane. He does about a dozen different "movements" on the station and even hooks his feet into the bar and hangs upside down to do some sort of inverted sit up, but he looks ridiculous. His form is complete shit, and I'm not really even sure what he's trying to accomplish. I don't think he does either

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it doesnt matter what time of the day i go to the gym... its one of the busiest gyms here so there's people there at all times... you can't avoid these clowns.... i just wish they had their own fucking gym to go to...
it doesnt matter what time of the day i go to the gym... its one of the busiest gyms here so there's people there at all times... you can't avoid these clowns.... i just wish they had their own fucking gym to go to...

Im surprised someone ass baller as u doesnt have a gym in your house. Lol
Nrxt smartass who want to fo chinups, show them this! Is what chinup machine looks like!

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.
I am so fucking tired of having some clown stand behind me staring like its the first time he ever left his house asking if he can interrupt my fucking sets on cables to do pullups... not to mention its generally someone jumping around like a fucking fish out water or looking they are going into convulsions... THATS NOT EVEN A FUCKING PULL UP... or the person that just stands there and stares to the level of uncomfort... like they "like" me or something... for fucks sake... im there, its all business... i get people that come up to me often because they know my videos and i always have time to talk and be kind etc... thats different... but this shit, these people should not be allowed in the gym.... its absurd... if you want to be a wild animal on a fucking pull up bar build one at home... oh and quit fucking shadow boxing.. YOUR NOT A FIGHTER AND YOU LOOK RIDICULOUS... yes, they are everywhere... sorry, rant over... its just so ridiculous...

Fucking shadow boxers.. I hate that shit. It's always some Quere who would get knocked the fuck out real quick too.

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Fucking shadow boxers.. I hate that shit. It's always some Quere who would get knocked the fuck out real quick too.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I think a punk straight kid trying to prove he is more alpha than you is most likely.

Măndru că sunt Român! Arata le tururor ca iubește Român. Nu uite ca ești Român.
It is fucking stupid, shadow boxers st a weight lifting facility. I don't even shadow box at my MMA gym, I don't find it's a useful exercise, which is why I have a Muay Thai bag...
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