
CC's Next Level Log

Day 44 workout chest and abs. This weeks focus is on adding exercises that I have not done in a long time back in or that is completely new to me! Rep range is 8-12 rest time is 45 secs between sets. Warm up was joint rotations and bike for 10 mins.
1) internal and external rotations- 3 sets of 20 reps
2) incline cable flyes- (20lbsx20,25lbsx20) 35lbsx15,40lbsx12,40lbsx12,45lbsx10
3) incline barbell bench press (since tearing my pec every pressing exercise is with a close grip) (95lbsx20,135lbsx15) 185lbsx12,195lbsx10, 205lbsx10. (This exercise still makes me nervous and causes some impingement until I get a few warm up sets and find that good scapula position)
4) smith machine flat bench press-(flat bench is the exercise I tore my pec on so this is a mental challenge for me as week)
5) plate loaded dip machine- (50lbsx20) 100lbsx15,150lbsx15,150lbsx15,150lbsx12
6) db pullover laying across bench-(35lbsx20)50lbsx15,55lbsx15,60lbsx12
7) high to low cable crossover- 30lbsx20,40lbsx15,50lbsx12,55lbsx12
8) decline crunch with Russian twist- 3 sets of 25 reps with 10lbs
No cardio today giving calfs and legs a break. Overall great workout! the amount of stimulation in my upper chest from the incline cable flyes is insane!!!! Thank you for reading
Day 45 wake up 5:30am. BP 125/72. Today's workout is back and calves. The focus this week is on switching exercises. Reps range is 8-12. Will post complete workout once completed. Making some changes to nutrition this week. My plan is to carb cycle and keep it simple. I will be doing 4 days at my current carb intake of approx 175 grams and 2 low days at 75-100 grams. My goal is keep recomping and I want to be ahead of when my body starts to stick. My number will always be subject to how my body is responding.
Day 45 workout back and calves. Warm up joint rotations and 10 mins on bike.
1) hammer strength lat pulldown with neutral grip- (45lbsx20,55lbsx20) 90lbsx15,135lbsx12,160lbsx8,160lbsx8
2) rev grip barbell bent over row-(95lbsx20, 135lbsx20) 185lbsx15,225lbsx15,275lbsx12,275lbsx12( stayed at 275lbs for lower back)
3) t bar rows from floor-(50lbsx20)100lbsx15,150lbsx15,200lbsx12,225lbsx10
4) machine uni lateral lat pulldown-(60lbsx20)80lbsx15,100lbsx12,110lbsx10,120lbsx8
5)chin ups- bwx15,bwx12,bwx12 assisted 70lbsx15
6) rack pulls- (135lbsx20)225lbsx20,315lbsx20,405lbsx15,455lbsx12,495lbsx8
7) leg press calf raise- 225lbsx30,405lbsx25,585lbsx20,675lbsx15
8) standing single leg calf raise- 20lbsx20 each leg,30lbsx15,35lbsx15,35lbsx15.
Cardio- jump rope 5 rounds at 30 sec on 30 sec off, 5 round at 1min on 30 sec off.
Overall great workout and feeling good! Body is changing in front of my eyes! Will post my meals for high day today! Thank you for reading!
Day 45 nutrition
Meal 1- 11/2 cups of egg whites
1/2 cup of grits
1/4 cup of blueberries
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
16oz almond milk
1 banana
Meal 3- 7oz of chicken breast
1 cup of brown rice
1/2 cup of green beans
Meal 4- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of water
Meal 5- 7oz chicken breast
1 cup of white rice
5 spears of asparagus
Meal 6- 7oz ground turkey
1/2 cup brown rice
1/2 cup of mixed veggies
Meal 7- 1cup of egg whites
4oz turkey
1 plain rice cake
2 tbs of all natural peanut butter.
Day 46 wake up 5:30am. No BP today will check it every other day. Today is a day off from weights and will be doing steady state cardio. Thank you for reading!
Day 46 cardio workout was eliptical for 15 mins and bike for 20mins. Just went light and easy. Overall feeling really good. For about 6 months I have been dealing with sciatica and I can honestly say that it has subsided significantly!! I normally wake up with a nagging ache in my glute and hamstring and I can honestly say that I have some issue after back and leg workouts but nothing in comparison to what it was. NPP has not kicked In yet and I have noticed the relief for a couple of weeks now but wanted to wait to make sure the relief was consistent. MK-2866 is really helping with healing with not only sciatica but shoulder and elbow tendonitis as well!!
Hate that damn sciatica. It can keep me from sleeping on my one side sometimes, it sucks haha. Your doing great man; look beast in the latest pics.

Thanks brother!! There was a time when I couldn't lay on my left side or sit for longer then 10 mins!
Day 47- wake up 5:30am. BP 127/73. Today's workout is shoulders and abs. The focus this week is new exercises and will post my entire workout once completed. Thank you for reading!
Day 47 workout shoulder and abs. Warm up is joint rotations and bike for 10 mins.
1) internal and external rotation- 3 sets of 20 reps
2) standing barbell overhead press-(barx20,95lbsx20) 155lbsx15,175lbsx15,185lbsx12, 205lbsx6
3) machine side laterals-(50lbsx20) 95lbsx15,110lbsx15,125lbsx15,140lbsx12
4) rope pulls-(35lbsx20) 75lbsx20,90lbsx15,110lbsx12,120lbsx8
5) seated db overhead press- (40lbsx20) 55lbsx15,60lbsx15,70lbsx12,80lbsx8
6) cable upright row-(50lbsx20) 80lbsx15,90lbsx15,100lbsx12,110lbsx8
7) db shrugs-(60lbsx20) 125lbsx20,125lbsx20,125lbsx20,125lbsx20 db's only go up to 125lbs at this gym. Next week going to do shoulders at Golds.
8) cable front raise- 20lbsx20,30lbsx15,40lbsx12,45lbsx8
9) weight ab crunch machine- 90lbsx50,100lbsx50,120lbsx30,130lbsx25
Cardio- 15 rounds of jump rope. First 5 rounds was 1 min on 30 sec break. 10 rounds 30 sec on 30 sec break! Average jump for the 30 sec round was 89!! Slowed down some cause my calves were screaming from 1 min rounds! Overall great workout! Getting stronger and stronger everyday!!! I honestly thought my strength would come down a little since stopping the drol after week 4 but just the opposite I am getting stronger!!! My body is changing in front of my eyes I know I have wrote that before but I can't express to you the fullness and roundness of my muscle bellies! Although I can see major improvements in the pictures that I have posted but it shows nothing in comparison to what I see in the mirror!! I truly believe I can hit 230lbs while maintaining this body fat!!! In the beginning I thought I might have been pushing the goal a little too far and was content with getting to a lean 230lbs by 2018 but now I firmly believe I can do it!!! Thank you for reading! If you have any questions about something I haven't posted feel free to write it! If you have any comments or criticism feel free to write it!! Thank you for reading!
Day 48 wake up 6am. BP 125/72. Today's workout is arms and calves. The focus for this week is new exercise and will post complete workout! Thank you for reading!
Weight at end of transformation contest was 208.4 this morning I was 216.4. Total skin fold mm difference is 3mm for 3 sites. Added 8lbs and reduced body fat and not at half way point!!
Looking great pics are a bit small so its kinda hard to see, can you upload a larger version?

I can see the difference even in the small photo but it would be cool to get a better look at your progress!

Thanks V! Will post the pics seperatly to get a better view of each!
Day 48 arm workout. Warm up was joint rotations and bike 10 mins.
1) internal and external rotations- 3 sets of 20reps
2) barbell spider curls- (30lbsx20,40lbsx20)70lbsx15 80lbsx12, 80lbsx10, 90lbsx6
3) single arm cable preacher curls- (20lbsx20) 35lbsx15,40lbsx15,50lbsx12,50lbsx10
4)cable straight bar curl 21's- 50lbsx21,65lbsx21,65lbsx21
5) standing db overhead extensions- (50lbsx20,55lbsx20) 80lbsx15,100lbsx15, 110lbsx10, 115lbsx10
6) rope pushdown while leaning forward-(top position your hand are at the top of head)-(50lbsx20)65lbsx15,80lbsx12,80lbsx10
7)underhand grip tricep pushdowns- 65lbsx15, 75lbsx15, 80lbsx12,85lbsx10
8) seated calf raise superset with donkey calf raises-
Donkey- 45lbsx20,90lbsx20,90lbsx20
Overall great workout! Thank you for reading!
Day 49 wake up 8am. Today is a day off from weights and just doing cardio. Will post cardio workout after completed. Thank you for reading!
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