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CC's Next Level Log

Day 37- wake up 6:30am. BP 135/72. Today is chest and abs. The focus this week is on what I call YOYO sets. Will post complete workout once completed. Thank you for reading.
Day 37 workout- warm up was joint rotations and 10 mins on eliptical. Focus this week is YOYO sets and one of my favorite types of training.
1) internal and external rotations- 3 sets of 20 reps
2) incline db press- (25lbsx20,35lbsx20) 80lbsx12 drop 40lbsx20, 85lbsx10 drop 50lbsx15, 90lbsx8 drop 55lbsx15
3) flat hammer strength press-(picked the hammer strength for flat cause it feels safer to control negative vs db's) (45lbsx20) 90lbsx12 drop 45lbsx15, 115lbsx8 drop 50lbsx12, 115lbsx8 drop 50lbsx12
4) seated plate loaded dip machine-(first time doing any version of a dip since surgery) did 3 regular sets (25lbsx25)50lbsx20,75lbsx20,75lbsx20. First time with 3 25lb plates on each side felt a little weird in my shoulder but no pain just a little impingement. I leaned forward a little more and shoulder felt good.
5) low to high cable crossover- (20lbax15) 30lbsx12 drop 15lbx15, 35lbsx10 drop 20lbsx12, 40lbsx8 drop 15lbsx15
6) pec deck- (70lbsx15) 110lbsx15 drop 70lbssx15, 130lbsx12 drop 90lbsx15, 130lbsx10 drop 90lbsx15
7) ab crunch machine- 90lbsx50,100lbsx40,110lbsx30,120lbsx20
Cardio- bike sprints 10 sprints 30 sec on 1 min rest. Kept rpm over 160 for every sprint.
Overall great workout!!! Chest stimulation was insane!! With the YOYO sets you attack the body part with every machanism possible to induce hypertrophy and therefore I only use for a week and towards the overreaching period of my periodized plan. As you could probably guess next week will be a modified deload which I will give more detail on at the end of week! Thank you for reading!
Enjoy the day bro! Hope you can show everyone up with your Robo body lol

Robolics Representative. PM for details.
Day 39 wake up 6am. BP 138/74. Today's workout is back and calves. This week the focus is on YOYO sets. Will post entire workout. Body fat is on sat and Sunday is when I add in NPP. Excited to get NPP started as I get amazing results with deca!! Plan to start cycling carbs next week but will finialize my decision after skinfold measurements on sat!!
Just thought I would post a little about my beach experience which I think everyone on here can relate to. Until my early 30's I would struggle with a feeling of not being good enough. At the time I always thought it was good to never be satisfied and it pushed me to continue to challenge myself. Little did I know is that it was keeping me from getting to the next level. Being an athlete my whole life and playing baseball at the professional level and fighting internationally I always compared myself to my competition. I have worked hard to overcome this mental hinderence and learned to "run my own race!" I catch myself from time to time comparing myself and refocus. The beach is an interesting environment where men and women are constantly comparing themselves and it is seen in there posture and manuerisms! I had 5 people actually come over to talk to me about working out but the story is about this one guy who was in good shape and constantly strolled by our blanket grilling the shit out of me! I grew up in the projects and have fought my whole life so fighting for me is not an issue and feel most comfortable while doing it then anything else in life. I am not saying that to sound like a tuff guy or anything of the sort but my point is he thought he was scarring or intimidating me! It wasn't until I said damn bro your in good shape that he actually talked to me and come to find out is a physique competitor. By the end of our conversation he was actually giving me compliments. Is it insecurity? Is it trying to determine who the alpha male is?
I love this log CC. I really like how you get into the psychology of what you do. I think a lot of people here relate and you speak about things that we don't like to admit about kudos for sharing that side of things. As far as your beach story...I think that's a situation that could be either or. It could be an alpha male thing or insecurity...maybe even both. The great thing is by confronting the individual, you broke that silent barrier and were able to find common ground. Your psychology of things reminds me of CT Fletcher (just watched a documentary on him)....if you listen to him and ignore the MF that he says in every other sentence...he really has something to say and you can apply it to your diet and or training in my opinion.

I also find your training interesting. I'm very much a heavy guy for compound movements and then lighten load for iso work. So the way you set up and execute your training is so different than me...its nice to read....because I'm one serious injury away from having to train lighter all the time. So, you're actually giving me a nice reference as to how I can change things if I need to.

My final question is about your diet. Without getting into too much detail, how has your initial diet been working thus far? Do you feel like you've been losing weight or just recomping? I know you have a BF test this week...but just curious about your general thoughts.
Still following CC. Got behind a little, but now I am caught up. Your still killing bro, can't wait to see those progress pics.
I love this log CC. I really like how you get into the psychology of what you do. I think a lot of people here relate and you speak about things that we don't like to admit about kudos for sharing that side of things. As far as your beach story...I think that's a situation that could be either or. It could be an alpha male thing or insecurity...maybe even both. The great thing is by confronting the individual, you broke that silent barrier and were able to find common ground. Your psychology of things reminds me of CT Fletcher (just watched a documentary on him)....if you listen to him and ignore the MF that he says in every other sentence...he really has something to say and you can apply it to your diet and or training in my opinion.

I also find your training interesting. I'm very much a heavy guy for compound movements and then lighten load for iso work. So the way you set up and execute your training is so different than me...its nice to read....because I'm one serious injury away from having to train lighter all the time. So, you're actually giving me a nice reference as to how I can change things if I need to.

My final question is about your diet. Without getting into too much detail, how has your initial diet been working thus far? Do you feel like you've been losing weight or just recomping? I know you have a BF test this week...but just curious about your general thoughts.

I like CT Fletcher's passion!! I love watching passionate people speak or do what they love! That is inspiring!! I don't like arrogance and someone taking advantage of someone less fortunate!! You can not like me and I am ok with that! You could think I am less then you and I am ok with that! If your taking advantage of someone or putting someone down that is less fortunate then you is when I get turned off and actually want to show that person they aren't who they think they are!! CT Fletcher send a good message from some of his videos I watched!
As far as the beach dude I agree bro! He is operating out of fear! Fear that he might be viewed as less then!!
My diet hasn't changed much cause I am dropping some body fat as my weight is increasing. So it's definetly more of a recomp and eating at a slight deficit. Pro--370,carbs-150-170, fat- 50-60 grams. All clean foods
Day 39 workout back and calves. Warm up was joint rotations and bike 10 mins.
1) lat pulldowns-( 100lbsx20,130lbsx30) 220lbsx10 drop 115lbsx15,235lbsx7 drop 120lbsx15, 250lbsx6 drop 125lbsx15
2) hammer low row-(45lbsx20) 135lbsx10 drop 90lbsx15, 160lbsx8 drop 90lbsx15, 205lbsx6 drop 90lbsx15
3) cable bent over rows- (65lbsx20) 95lbsx12 drop 80lbsx15, 120lbsx12 drop 95lbsx15, 135lbsx12 drop 95lbsx15 cable are too light to row with.
4) seated row- (120lbsx20) 180lbsx10 drop 110lbsx15, 190lbsx8 drop 110lbsx15, 200lbsx6 drop 110lbsx15
5) chin ups- (assisted 50lbsx15) bwx12 drop assisted 50lbsx15, bwx8 drop 50lbsx12, bwx6 drop 50lbsx10
6) rack pulls-(135lbsx20) 315lbsx20 drop 225lbsx15,405lbsx12 drop 225lbsx15,455lbsx10 drop 225lbsx15
7) seated calf raise- (not doing YOYO sets with calves cause I train them 3 days a week) 50lbsx20,100lbsx20, 150lbsx15
8) standing calf raises- 135lbsx15,150lbsx15,165lbsx15,185lbsx12,
Cardio- decided to do 40sec rounds and 30 sec break. Did 15 rounds and averaged 105 jumps. Overall great workout. Thank you for reading!
Day 40 wake up 5:30am. BP 135/72. Today workout is shoulders and abs and will be doing YOYO sets! Will post complete workout once complete! 40 days in and happy with the cycle thus far! Still have more to accomplish by the end of cycle!! Thanks for reading!
Day 40 shoulder and ab workout. Warm up was joint rotations and arc trainer for 10 mins.
1) internal and external rotation- 3 sets of 20 reps
2) side laterals-(15lbsx20,25lbsx20) 50lbsx15 drop 25lbsx15, 60lbsx12 drop 30lbsx15, 65lbsx10 drop 35lbsx10
3) smith overhead press-(95lbsx20,135lbsx15) 185lbsx12 drop 135lbsx15, 195lbsx10 drop 135lbsx15, 205lbsx8 drop 135lbsx10
4) db front raises-(15lbsx20) 25lbsx15 drop 15lbsx15, 35lbsx12 drop 20lbsx15, 35lbsx10 drop 20lbsx12
5) cable single arm rear laterals-(20lbsx20) 35lbsx12 drop 10lbsx15, 40lbsx8 drop 15lbsx15, 45lbsx6 drop 15lbsx10
6) barbell shrugs- (135lbsx20) 315lbsx15 drop 225lbsx15, 405lbsx15 drop 225lbsx15, 495lbsx10 drop 225lbsx12
7) ab crunch- bw for 3 sets of 50 reps.
Cardio- switched it up a little and did 35 mins of steady state on arc trainer. Overall great workout!! Thank you for reading!
Day 41 wake up 5:30am. BP 127/72. Today workout is arms and calves. Will post complete workout once completed! Thank you for reading!
Day 41 workout arms and calves. Warm up was joint rotations and bike 10 mins.
1) internal and external rotations- 3 sets of 20 reps.
2) cable straight bar curls- (25lbsx20,35lbx20)80lbsx12 drop 40lbsx15, 85lbsx10 drop 45lbsx15, 95lbsx8 drop 45lbsx15, 95lbsx6 drop 45lbsx15
3) machine preacher curl- (50lbsx20) 85lbsx12 drop 50lbsx15, 95lbsx10 drop 50lbsx15, 110lbsx8 drop 55lbsx12, 120lbsx6 drop 55lbsx12
4) rope pushdowns- (50lbsx15) 65lbsx12 drop 50lbsx15, 75lbsx8 drop 50lbsx15, 80lbsx6 drop 50lbsx15
5) db hammer curls- (30lbsx15) 45lbsx12 drop 30lbsx15, 50lbsx10 drop 30lbsx15, 55lbsx8 drop 30lbsx12
6) machine close grip bench- no YOYO sets here. 110lbsx20, 135lbsx15, 150lbsx12, 165lbsx10
7) seated calf raise superset with hack squat calf raises- 50lbsx20 reps, 100lbsx20reps, 150lbsx15reps, 200lbsx12reps.
Cardio- jump rope 15 rounds at 30 sec on 30 sec off. Average jump for 30 sec 97!! Next jump rope session will go back to 40 sec round and 30 sec off. Thank you for reading!
Day 42 wake up 9am. Bp 127/72. Today is just cardio and no weights. Today was an assessment day and here are my results.
Skin fold measurements: Chest-4mm, Abs-8mm, Quad-4mm.
Total pound increase-8lbs.
Total fat loss- 2mm
mirror assessment- muscle bellies look fuller in comparison to start of cycle. Vascualrity continues to improve. In order for me to attain the look that I envision I need more mass for my frame. I 230lbs would be close to what I envision at same body fat. Thank you for reading.
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