
Carmel Cowboy Transformation Log

Yup. I was wondering your philosophy. Many different methods for peak week. I've never played around with trying to "peak". Thanks for sharing!

It's a great way to learn about your body and how it assimilates carbs! Not only how many grams but what source does your body utilize the best! There are several factors that influence how we assimilates carbs from culture, conditioning, body fat levels and hormones just to name a few. You should experiment with it some especially while your lean cause you can actually see the responses!
Awesome job Carmel! I really enjoyed your log man. The detail was 2nd to none in the competition. Id say your a top contender for the contest for sure. You have made some great gains and I am excited to see your final comparison photos!

Thank you brother!! Your a top contender as well!! You positive approach to life is infectious bro!! Never lose that! Glad I did this contest and learned so much about just about all of the people that have entered. I believe we all have already won! Just by entering and putting your goal out there for people to see is motivating and pushed each of us to be our best. I hope we can continue to keep sharing our goals and info about this passion that we all share!
I've been meaning to do that for a while. It's something I will try and I'm sure I'll bug you with a bunch of questions when the time comes. I was going to do it for this contest but with the vacay i think my timing will be too tight.

Anytime bro!! If I can help you say the word and I will give you my opinion.
Today's workout- warm up joint rotations and 10 mins on arc trainer.
1) internal and external rotation- 3 sets of 20 reps
2) incline db press- (25lbsx20,35lbsx20)60lbsx15,70lbsx15,80lbsx15
3) decline close grip barbell-(95lbsx20)135lbsx20,185lbsx12,185lbsx12,185lbsx12
4) machine flat press- (85lbsx20)120lbsx20,155lbsx20,175lbsx15,175lbsx15
5) pec deck- 70lbsx20,90lbsx20,110lbsx20,130lbsx20
6)low to high cable crossover- 3 sets of 15reps with 35lbs
7)high to low cable crossers- 3 sets of 15reps with 45lbs
8) seated calf raise- (50lbsx20)200lbsx20,250lbsx20,300lbsx20 triple drop set removed a 25lbs plate and did 15,20,20 reps
9) standing calf raise- 200lbsx15reps+5partials,220lbsx12reps+5partials,220lbsx10reps+5partials
Will write out my plan for peak week with workout and diet. Will post that as soon as I get home! Thanks for reading
Here is my plan for my mock peak week. This plan is from my experience and research that have done over the years for me to attain the goal of looking the best I possibly can for contest day. Again I just want to say that I will not be in contest shape but should be lean enough to see the effects of the strategies I use for peak week. For those that don't know peak week is the final week before a competition when bodybuilders and physique competitors implement various strategies in an attempt to attain peak condition. The main objective of peak week is rid the body of subcutaneous water and bring about separation, striations and fullness of the hard earned muscles! Peak week is not a time to drop bodyfat as that should have been in the 12,14,16 weeks prior to peak week. The strategies used include the manipulation of water, sodium, potassium and carbohydrates. I will give my plan from my experiences and research for each of these.
The first thing I do is normalize my carbs and stop carb cycling. My maintence calories right now is the amount of calories I eat on my high day which is 145 grams of carbs which I did over the last 3 days. During these last 4 weeks my weight sticks after my first high day and holds after my second. So my maintenance isn't based off of an estimate but more off of how my body has been responding. So here is my plan for each of the variable which play a major role in peak week.
WATER- in my experience I never drop water throughout my peak week. Skeletal muscle is over 70% water. About 2/3 of total body water is intracellular and the other 1/3 is extracellular. If you dehydrate yourself and get to the point of depleting the intracellular water you will look flat, stringy and not to mention alter the function of the muscle and experience several side effects of disrupting homeostasis including holding water!! In my opinion water stays high the entire peak week to maintain hydration not only of the muscles but of the body as a whole!
Sodium and potassium- are electrolytes that are involved in many bodily processes. Electrolytes are needed to maintain cell electrochemical gradient which is needed for cell comminication. When these electrolytes are imbalance it can cause problems with normal body functions. Potassium is found in high concentrations on the inside of cells and sodium in high concentrations on the outside of the cells. A lot of bodybuilders believe that by increasing the consumption of potassium while decreasing sodium intake one can increase the volume/water content inside and decrease the outside. In my opinion and after several mock runs of trying this theory this is a very tricky and sensitive game to play. In my opinion if you have been dieting for 12,14,16 weeks you body becomes accustomed to the amounts of electrolytes you have been consuming and by trying to manipulate these electrolytes you begin to swing the pendulum in one direction and you can only hope to have the timing down perfect that it doesn't swing back before you step on stage. For me that is way to risky and could be the difference between 1st and last place!! I make now major changes to these electrolytes during peak week. I simply don't add any salt to my food during the week and keep my sodium level with what I get naturally from the foods I choose. If during the dieting process I had symptoms of an Imbalance with these elctrolytes I address it before peak week.
Carbs- this is where i make the most changes to attain the goal of peak week. For every gram of carb it attracts 2.7 grams of water so finding the right amount at the right time is crucial to my success during peak week. Here is what I have found works for me, for the first 2 days of peak week, which would be wed and thurs for this contest,I keep carbs at the highest amount consumed during diet. So wed and thurs will be 145 grams of carbs. Then on fri, sat and sun I start to progressively drop carbs by 25 grams per day. So by Sunday I will be at 70 grams of carbs. The purpose of dropping the carbs is to clear glycogen stores to have enough space so I don't spill over when I start to load on Monday. Monday I will begin to carb load and my goal is to increase glycogen stores to be about 50-75%. If I consume too many then I spill over and attract water extracellularly and get a smooth look. I'm the past my body has always looked better low carb high water and I always err on the side of less carbs then more. Monday carb schedule will be 20 grams of carbs over 7 meals. I have found that my body responds best to sweet potatoe as my source to load with. My body utilizes sweet potato the best and doesn't cause a bloating allergic reaction. Tuesday the amount of carbs I consume will be greatly determined by how my body responded on Monday.. in the past I have increased to 25 grams of carbs from sweet potatoe with great results but there was one show dropped to 15 grams per meal but I think that was more to do with competing in several shows in a row. The deciding factor for Tuesday's amount will be how my body responds to Monday. That is the heart of the plan for my mock peak week! Sorry about the long post but was the only way of me getting my plan across and still feel like I left a lot out! Will post how my workouts will change for peak week tomorrow. Thank you for reading!
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Very interesting man. You show an ideal wealth of knowledge. Also, very well written, and noticed to almost all references that to how your body responds. Meaning, obviously that everyone responds differently to these references & can/should be tweaked to react properly. Also, I see that this must be done by trial & error many times to correspond with all the changes. Well done & well written,explained. I'm following you to the end. Good Luck with all Bud!!!
Very interesting man. You show an ideal wealth of knowledge. Also, very well written, and noticed to almost all references that to how your body responds. Meaning, obviously that everyone responds differently to these references & can/should be tweaked to react properly. Also, I see that this must be done by trial & error many times to correspond with all the changes. Well done & well written,explained. I'm following you to the end. Good Luck with all Bud!!!

Thank you!! Your absolutely right in that it's trial and error!! Each individual needs to find what works best for their body and understand why. Your doing an amazing job in your log and progress brother. Hope we can continue to bounce ideas and philosophies off each other.
Day 78- wake up 5:30am. Today's workout will be back and abs! Nutrition for today will be as I previously wrote normalizing carbs and eating the highest amount of carbs during diet. So Wednesday and Thursday will be 145 grams of carbs and will be from brown rice. Will post what my workout schedule looks like for my mock peak week and the reason for the changes. Thanks for reading.
Thank you!! Your absolutely right in that it's trial and error!! Each individual needs to find what works best for their body and understand why. Your doing an amazing job in your log and progress brother. Hope we can continue to bounce ideas and philosophies off each other.
Of course, without a doubt. This whole transformation here is quite any experience, including sharing knowledge with some great people !!!
Back workout-warm up joint rotations and 10 mins on bike
1) lat pulldowns- (100lbsx20,120lbsx20) 220lbsx12,235lbsx12,250lbsx10,265lbsx8
2) bent over rows-(135lbsx20) 225lbsx15,245lbsx12,265lbsx10
3) straight bar pullovers-(40lbsx20)50lbsx15,60lbsx15,60lbsx15
4) hammer strength low row- (45lbsx20)90lbsx15,135lbsx15,180lbsx12,
5)db one arm row-(60lbsx20) 80lbsx15,100lbsx15,110lbsx15
6) rack pulls- 135lbsx20,225lbsx20,315lbsx15
7) decline crunch super set with hanging leg raise- body weight for 30 reps each.
Cardio- 40 mins on eliptical. Thank you for reading!
Day 79- wake up 5:30am. Today's workout is shoulders and calves. Nutrition for today is going to still be 145 grams of carbs. Weight has been holding steady at 209.8lbs. Will post my workout plan to coincide with mock peak week. Will post today's shoulder and calf workout as well. Thank you for reading!
Here is my plan for my mock peak week. This plan is from my experience and research that have done over the years for me to attain the goal of looking the best I possibly can for contest day. Again I just want to say that I will not be in contest shape but should be lean enough to see the effects of the strategies I use for peak week. For those that don't know peak week is the final week before a competition when bodybuilders and physique competitors implement various strategies in an attempt to attain peak condition. The main objective of peak week is rid the body of subcutaneous water and bring about separation, striations and fullness of the hard earned muscles! Peak week is not a time to drop bodyfat as that should have been in the 12,14,16 weeks prior to peak week. The strategies used include the manipulation of water, sodium, potassium and carbohydrates. I will give my plan from my experiences and research for each of these.
The first thing I do is normalize my carbs and stop carb cycling. My maintence calories right now is the amount of calories I eat on my high day which is 145 grams of carbs which I did over the last 3 days. During these last 4 weeks my weight sticks after my first high day and holds after my second. So my maintenance isn't based off of an estimate but more off of how my body has been responding. So here is my plan for each of the variable which play a major role in peak week.
WATER- in my experience I never drop water throughout my peak week. Skeletal muscle is over 70% water. About 2/3 of total body water is intracellular and the other 1/3 is extracellular. If you dehydrate yourself and get to the point of depleting the intracellular water you will look flat, stringy and not to mention alter the function of the muscle and experience several side effects of disrupting homeostasis including holding water!! In my opinion water stays high the entire peak week to maintain hydration not only of the muscles but of the body as a whole!
Sodium and potassium- are electrolytes that are involved in many bodily processes. Electrolytes are needed to maintain cell electrochemical gradient which is needed for cell comminication. When these electrolytes are imbalance it can cause problems with normal body functions. Potassium is found in high concentrations on the inside of cells and sodium in high concentrations on the outside of the cells. A lot of bodybuilders believe that by increasing the consumption of potassium while decreasing sodium intake one can increase the volume/water content inside and decrease the outside. In my opinion and after several mock runs of trying this theory this is a very tricky and sensitive game to play. In my opinion if you have been dieting for 12,14,16 weeks you body becomes accustomed to the amounts of electrolytes you have been consuming and by trying to manipulate these electrolytes you begin to swing the pendulum in one direction and you can only hope to have the timing down perfect that it doesn't swing back before you step on stage. For me that is way to risky and could be the difference between 1st and last place!! I make now major changes to these electrolytes during peak week. I simply don't add any salt to my food during the week and keep my sodium level with what I get naturally from the foods I choose. If during the dieting process I had symptoms of an Imbalance with these elctrolytes I address it before peak week.
Carbs- this is where i make the most changes to attain the goal of peak week. For every gram of carb it attracts 2.7 grams of water so finding the right amount at the right time is crucial to my success during peak week. Here is what I have found works for me, for the first 2 days of peak week, which would be wed and thurs for this contest,I keep carbs at the highest amount consumed during diet. So wed and thurs will be 145 grams of carbs. Then on fri, sat and sun I start to progressively drop carbs by 25 grams per day. So by Sunday I will be at 70 grams of carbs. The purpose of dropping the carbs is to clear glycogen stores to have enough space so I don't spill over when I start to load on Monday. Monday I will begin to carb load and my goal is to increase glycogen stores to be about 50-75%. If I consume too many then I spill over and attract water extracellularly and get a smooth look. I'm the past my body has always looked better low carb high water and I always err on the side of less carbs then more. Monday carb schedule will be 20 grams of carbs over 7 meals. I have found that my body responds best to sweet potatoe as my source to load with. My body utilizes sweet potato the best and doesn't cause a bloating allergic reaction. Tuesday the amount of carbs I consume will be greatly determined by how my body responded on Monday.. in the past I have increased to 25 grams of carbs from sweet potatoe with great results but there was one show dropped to 15 grams per meal but I think that was more to do with competing in several shows in a row. The deciding factor for Tuesday's amount will be how my body responds to Monday. That is the heart of the plan for my mock peak week! Sorry about the long post but was the only way of me getting my plan across and still feel like I left a lot out! Will post how my workouts will change for peak week tomorrow. Thank you for reading!

I am impressed bro. I will confess, I have no plan in place for pictures next Wednesday. It will be however I look at the time.
Here is my plan for my mock peak week. This plan is from my experience and research that have done over the years for me to attain the goal of looking the best I possibly can for contest day. Again I just want to say that I will not be in contest shape but should be lean enough to see the effects of the strategies I use for peak week. For those that don't know peak week is the final week before a competition when bodybuilders and physique competitors implement various strategies in an attempt to attain peak condition. The main objective of peak week is rid the body of subcutaneous water and bring about separation, striations and fullness of the hard earned muscles! Peak week is not a time to drop bodyfat as that should have been in the 12,14,16 weeks prior to peak week. The strategies used include the manipulation of water, sodium, potassium and carbohydrates. I will give my plan from my experiences and research for each of these.
The first thing I do is normalize my carbs and stop carb cycling. My maintence calories right now is the amount of calories I eat on my high day which is 145 grams of carbs which I did over the last 3 days. During these last 4 weeks my weight sticks after my first high day and holds after my second. So my maintenance isn't based off of an estimate but more off of how my body has been responding. So here is my plan for each of the variable which play a major role in peak week.
WATER- in my experience I never drop water throughout my peak week. Skeletal muscle is over 70% water. About 2/3 of total body water is intracellular and the other 1/3 is extracellular. If you dehydrate yourself and get to the point of depleting the intracellular water you will look flat, stringy and not to mention alter the function of the muscle and experience several side effects of disrupting homeostasis including holding water!! In my opinion water stays high the entire peak week to maintain hydration not only of the muscles but of the body as a whole!
Sodium and potassium- are electrolytes that are involved in many bodily processes. Electrolytes are needed to maintain cell electrochemical gradient which is needed for cell comminication. When these electrolytes are imbalance it can cause problems with normal body functions. Potassium is found in high concentrations on the inside of cells and sodium in high concentrations on the outside of the cells. A lot of bodybuilders believe that by increasing the consumption of potassium while decreasing sodium intake one can increase the volume/water content inside and decrease the outside. In my opinion and after several mock runs of trying this theory this is a very tricky and sensitive game to play. In my opinion if you have been dieting for 12,14,16 weeks you body becomes accustomed to the amounts of electrolytes you have been consuming and by trying to manipulate these electrolytes you begin to swing the pendulum in one direction and you can only hope to have the timing down perfect that it doesn't swing back before you step on stage. For me that is way to risky and could be the difference between 1st and last place!! I make now major changes to these electrolytes during peak week. I simply don't add any salt to my food during the week and keep my sodium level with what I get naturally from the foods I choose. If during the dieting process I had symptoms of an Imbalance with these elctrolytes I address it before peak week.
Carbs- this is where i make the most changes to attain the goal of peak week. For every gram of carb it attracts 2.7 grams of water so finding the right amount at the right time is crucial to my success during peak week. Here is what I have found works for me, for the first 2 days of peak week, which would be wed and thurs for this contest,I keep carbs at the highest amount consumed during diet. So wed and thurs will be 145 grams of carbs. Then on fri, sat and sun I start to progressively drop carbs by 25 grams per day. So by Sunday I will be at 70 grams of carbs. The purpose of dropping the carbs is to clear glycogen stores to have enough space so I don't spill over when I start to load on Monday. Monday I will begin to carb load and my goal is to increase glycogen stores to be about 50-75%. If I consume too many then I spill over and attract water extracellularly and get a smooth look. I'm the past my body has always looked better low carb high water and I always err on the side of less carbs then more. Monday carb schedule will be 20 grams of carbs over 7 meals. I have found that my body responds best to sweet potatoe as my source to load with. My body utilizes sweet potato the best and doesn't cause a bloating allergic reaction. Tuesday the amount of carbs I consume will be greatly determined by how my body responded on Monday.. in the past I have increased to 25 grams of carbs from sweet potatoe with great results but there was one show dropped to 15 grams per meal but I think that was more to do with competing in several shows in a row. The deciding factor for Tuesday's amount will be how my body responds to Monday. That is the heart of the plan for my mock peak week! Sorry about the long post but was the only way of me getting my plan across and still feel like I left a lot out! Will post how my workouts will change for peak week tomorrow. Thank you for reading!
Love it and very well thought out bro. Excited to see how this plays out!!

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I am impressed bro. I will confess, I have no plan in place for pictures next Wednesday. It will be however I look at the time.
I just wanted to do a trial run of this mock peak week! I will not be in contest shape by Wednesday but thought I would how my responds.
Shoulder workout- warm up joint rotations and 10 mins on arc trainer
1) internal and external rotation- 3 sets of 20 reps
2) cable side laterals-(20lbsx20,25lbsx20)40lbsx15,45lbsx12,50lbsx10,55lbsx8
3) standing barbell overhead press-(65lbsx20) 95lbsx20,135lbsx15,155lbsx12,175lbsx10
4) dumbell rear laterals with head on incline bench-(25lbsx20) 30lbsx20,35lbsx15,35lbsx12
5) seated dumbell front raises-(thumb up hand position) 15lbsx20,25lbsx15,30lbsx10
6) barbell shrugs- 135lbsx20,225lbsx20,315lbsx20,405lbsx15
7) standing calf raises- 5 sets of 15reps with 200lbs
Cardio - arc trainer 40mins.
So workouts to coincide with mock peak week will be as follows. The days of dropping carbs to create space for loading as to not spill over my workouts will be light and done in a circuit. The first circuit will be on sat when carbs will be done by 50 grams. Saturday's circuit will be for the anterior of the body and will be 4 sets of 15-20 reps for every exercise cardio will be 30mins. Sundays workout circuit will be for the posterior of the body with the same reps and set scheme and cardio 30mins. Usually if I was going to do a bodybuilding show I wouldn't include legs into the circuit 5 days before the show as to not induce swelling and reduce separation but for this purpose I will be doing quads with anterior and hams with posterior. Monday will be a whole body circuit and Tuesday will be only cardio and allow glycogen stores to fill to 50-75% of its capacity in the muscle. The purpose of the workout while slowly dropping carbs is to help with depleting the stores for the load to come. Thank you for reading.
Day 80- wake up 5:30am. Today workout will be my last heavy workout before starting circuits! Today is arms and abs. Nutrition- today is the start of progressively dropping carbs so will be at 120 grams for the day. Will post complete workout and all my meals. Couple of other things to mention is that I stopped adding salt to anything I eat and will be getting sodium that is in the foods I eat. I always drink about a gallon of water a day but upped it to 1.25 gallons per day! Thank you for reading!
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