
Carmel Cowboy Transformation Log

Day 75- HAPPY EASTER TO EVERYONE!! GOD BLESS!! Wake up 8:30am. Today workout is legs. Nutrition for today is a high day and will be eating 145 grams of carbs! Will post entire workout and meals. Thanks for reading!

Happy Easter CC!I did legs today too.Tonight's meal may be a little more than usual though.I ain't gonna lie.
Happy Easter man! I am interested to know how you decide when to run a high carb day. Do you do them on specific workout days, like legs or chest?

I base when I run a high day or low day off of how many days I want to spend at a greater deficit! I also decide how many and when I run a high day off of the results I am getting from the plan. I am always keep it simple and never try to go to an extreme in either direction. I find my sweet spot to lose around 1-2lbs a week on a cut and 1-2lbs a week on gaining lean mass. I don't use my workouts as a guide for when I run a high or low day cause I always have the most of my carbs prior to workout and after workout. So right now I am doing 3 low days followed by two high days which puts me in a greater deficit 3 days of the cycle. IMO The problem a lot of people make with carb cycling is they go to extremes and they have too many changes as well as they dont count accurate enough. With my two high days in place I don't need a refeed or cheat day. When you go to extremes and have 0 carbs then a moderate day then a cheat meal overall for the week you are at a surplus especially is you just guess!! I always start carb cycling 2 low day- 2 high days and assess how many body is responding! If I am cutting and I start to drop weight I give it a few weeks to get an accurate assessment to how my body is responding. If the weight start to stick I add another low day!
Carb cycling is also great for an easy transition to reverse dieting out of deficit. For example when I want to transition to gaining lean mass I slowly add carbs to my low days over a 3-4 weeks period pending how my body is responding. I add carbs till my low days match my high days. The trick is to find that sweet spot where your carbs are not bottomed out and your high days are not being you into a surplus but at the most maintenance! The metabolism never gets stuck because I am not in a constant deficit and can control leptin levels by where I take my high days!! When done properly carb cycling in my experience and opinion is very effective at stripping body fat continually throughout the cut as well as preserving lean mass!! Hope that makes sense bro!!
Happy Easter man! I am interested to know how you decide when to run a high carb day. Do you do them on specific workout days, like legs or chest?

Here is why I have carbs before and after my workout. I wrote this on ironlifters log.

The scale weight can give you a better indicator of what your current maintenance calories are. LBM number isn't going to change much from week to week! I am sure you know this but body fat and lbm changes take time. For me during reverse dieting I use the scale to see if I am at a surplus maintenance or deficit. For me my maintence is always changing so I make adjustments accordingly! I agree the slower the better not only for not putting fat back on but for a optimal finctioning metabolism! Here is one last thing that I wanted to mention and it doesn't apply too much to reverse dieting as it does for cutting. For me and from my experiences and what studies have found, front and back loading carbs within a certain amount could be the deciding factor for preserving lbm during a cut as well as increasing lbm during reverse dieting. The muscle sparing effects of carbs when the body is in a low energy state it may try to produce energy by converting amino acids to glucose. Having enough carbs for you prior to a workout prevents this since they can readily be broken down to glucose. Another reason to front load carbs (prior to workout), when we lift heavy weights the primary pathway that is used to produce ATP is the anaerobic or glycolytic pathway. The only substrate for this pathway is glucose which can be used from what the carbs we consume prior to. Another reason carbs are important prior to workout is they increase cell volume. cell size is the indicator of the state that the body is in. When cells are at a large volume it signals that the body is in a fed state. Cell size also indicates the anabolic state and increases protein synthesis. If cell volume drops protein synthesis drops. For every gram of glycogen stores the body stores approx 2.7 grams of water and increase cell volume thereby triggering the forementioned responses. I will be using this principle for my mock peak week coming up. Another reason front loading (prior to workout) is important is workout intensity. If one can not maintain his or her workout intensity while trying to get lean or stay lean the have a greater chance at preserving lbm or increasing lbm! As far as post workout carbs in my experience finding the right amount to increase the rate of recovery! So in my opinion not only is the amount of calories that we get from pro, carbs and fat important but when we get them is also important and could be the deciding factor in lbm!!
Just my thoughts and experience bro!!
Leg workout- warm up joint rotations and 10 mins on arc trainer
1) abduction and addiction- 3 sets of 20 reps
2) seated leg curl- (70lbsx20, 90lbsx20) 110lbsx15,130lbsx15,140lbsx12
3) standing single leg curl-(45lbsx20)70lbsx15,75lbsx15,80lbsx12,85lbsx10
4) prone leg curl- (70lbsx20) 120lbsx12,125lbsx10,130lbsx8
5) leg extensions- (70lbsx30) 5 sets of 35 reps with 125lbs
6) hack squat- 3 sets of 20 reps with 185lbs
7) leg press- 225lbsx35,315lbsx35,405lbsx30,495lbsx30
Cardio- treadmill 20 mins arc trainer 20 mins.
Meal 1- 6 egg whites
3oz of turkey
1/2 cup of oatmeal
1/4 cup of blueberries
Meal 2-2 scoops of whey
16oz of almond milk
Meal 3-6oz turkey burger
1 cup of rice
1tbs of guacamole
Meal 4- 6oz chicken
1/2 cup of rice
1tbs guacamole
Meal 5- 6oz turkey burger
1/2 cup of rice
Meal 6- 6egg whites
3 oz of turkey
Mushrooms and onions
Thank you for reading!!
Happy Easter brother. Just a friendly reminder 10 days remaining on the contest. Keep up the great work

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I base when I run a high day or low day off of how many days I want to spend at a greater deficit! I also decide how many and when I run a high day off of the results I am getting from the plan. I am always keep it simple and never try to go to an extreme in either direction. I find my sweet spot to lose around 1-2lbs a week on a cut and 1-2lbs a week on gaining lean mass. I don't use my workouts as a guide for when I run a high or low day cause I always have the most of my carbs prior to workout and after workout. So right now I am doing 3 low days followed by two high days which puts me in a greater deficit 3 days of the cycle. IMO The problem a lot of people make with carb cycling is they go to extremes and they have too many changes as well as they dont count accurate enough. With my two high days in place I don't need a refeed or cheat day. When you go to extremes and have 0 carbs then a moderate day then a cheat meal overall for the week you are at a surplus especially is you just guess!! I always start carb cycling 2 low day- 2 high days and assess how many body is responding! If I am cutting and I start to drop weight I give it a few weeks to get an accurate assessment to how my body is responding. If the weight start to stick I add another low day!
Carb cycling is also great for an easy transition to reverse dieting out of deficit. For example when I want to transition to gaining lean mass I slowly add carbs to my low days over a 3-4 weeks period pending how my body is responding. I add carbs till my low days match my high days. The trick is to find that sweet spot where your carbs are not bottomed out and your high days are not being you into a surplus but at the most maintenance! The metabolism never gets stuck because I am not in a constant deficit and can control leptin levels by where I take my high days!! When done properly carb cycling in my experience and opinion is very effective at stripping body fat continually throughout the cut as well as preserving lean mass!! Hope that makes sense bro!!

Sounds great, copy and pasted just like your periodization program! I will definitely try out what you have here in the future and see how my body reacts. Thanks man!
Day 76- wake up 6:30am. Today is a day off from the gym and eating may be off a little cause going to baseball game! Will update all my meals and adjustments I make! Thank for reading!
Enjoy, what game are you going to? I took my boys to the Mets home opener. It was a blast, and afterwards we hit Buffalo Wild Wings . That was a great finishing touch !!
Meal 1- 3 protein pancakes
5 egg whites
Peppers and onions
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of water
Meal 3- (in car before going in game) 6oz steak
1 cup of rice
Meal 4- oh yeah peanut butter protein bar
Meal 5- beef jerky and peanuts
Meal 6- (back home) 6oz turkey burger
1 cup of rice
Meal 7- 2 scoops of whey
For those that are interested here is a great shake. 1 scoop of coconut isopure, 1 scoop of chocolate isopure blended with almond milk and ice!!!!
Thank you for reading! Tomorrow I will post my plan for the next 9 days.
Day 77- wake up 5:30am today I will be normalizing my carbs and be eating 125 grams for the day in prep for peak week. Today workout is chest and abs. Will post my entire mock peak week plan later today have a very busy morning. Thank you for reading and very excited about seeing how my body will respond to my peak week strategy of years ago! Like I have written several times I will not be in contest shape so this is only a mock run to see how my body responds now as we all know the body is always changing! I plan to cut for 4 more weeks after contest and will be closer to contest shape at that time! Thank you for reading!
Will you restrict water as the week progresses?

Never!! Water actually stays high 1-1.5 gal a day!! Muscle is made up of predominantly water. Big mistake IMO a lot of people make! The plan is to fill muscle glycogen to approx 75% of capacity to prevent overspill and attracting water under skin.
Will you restrict water as the week progresses?

As far as water is concerned is you want to drop some lbs of water drink more! If you over spill on carbs and restrict water the body will manage to hold some! With moderate carbs and keeping water high everything is heathy, full and vascular! Especially if you have to be on stage posing for 20 mins!
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