



How much cardio do you do?

I do 30-35 minutes BEFORE each workout. I like doing it before because it warms me up and I'm less likely to skip it.

Does anyone do a lot more cardio than that? Am I not doing enough? I'm trying to get from 18% to 12%. I'm eating approx 2200 calories and I'm 5'9 170 (45yrs old)
How much cardio do you do?

I do 30-35 minutes BEFORE each workout. I like doing it before because it warms me up and I'm less likely to skip it.

Does anyone do a lot more cardio than that? Am I not doing enough? I'm trying to get from 18% to 12%. I'm eating approx 2200 calories and I'm 5'9 170 (45yrs old)
I do my cardio after training. ...however, I am only concerned with cardiovascular health and endurance. Not really to cut. I do 25-30 mins a day, 7 days a week.
I forgot to mention I do cardio ed I go to the gym... Normally 6 days a week...
This is me about 3 months ago around 20%... I'd say I'm about 18% now... Goal is 12%
I do cardio before workouts but I really just consider it an extended warm up as its not extremely intense.........25min. Most days I also do a little cool down of about 10min after my workout, or if I did a lighter warm up and still have energy I might extend it past the ten min. Love to pre-exhaust legs with a stairmaster before a workout but never do any cardio post leg workout. I think I read a post on AR that said, "If you can do cardio after a leg workout, then you arent done with your leg workout."

Other than that, I have actual cardio days where I hit it closer to an hour and at a higher intensity. And I will randomly do other cardio as part of a lifestyle............trails, biking, etc.
At this point daily fasted cardio for 30 min in the am and another 20-30 min in the evening. 6.2% BF at 244 as of this am 6'2" 45 y/o. Goals is to get down to 12 pounds of fat before next cycle. Right now I'm sitting at 15 pounds of lard!!

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Since we're on this topic of cardio, would it be benefecial to be on low carbs, or no carbs to cut down body fat plus cardio?

I'm 42 and about 17 % body fat. Trying to get to low teens, 11sh.
In my opinion cycle ur carbs. Low carbs for three days then refeed. What I've always done my last meal on Monday night and Thursday night would be my carb up meal cup of oats banana 10oz of sweet potato. Ready of the day's carbs would come from veggies half a grapefruit in the morning with breakfast. Always worked for me. That's how I got to 3-4% BF

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Depends on the goal but right now I'm doing 15-20 min in the mornings 4 days a week. When I'm leaning out, the time and frequency gets bumped. I generally stick with steady state cardio and focus on keeping my heart rate up for however long my session is to be.
Sounds good, I'll give it a shot. I got this abdominal fat that refuses to come off. Its been a real pain in the butt trying to get rid of it.
Cardio? No hablo Español

After cutting on less than 1800 calories a day and doing 35 min of cardio a day to lose 60 pounds in 9 months I never wanna do it again

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Sounds good, I'll give it a shot. I got this abdominal fat that refuses to come off. Its been a real pain in the butt trying to get rid of it.

I would add that you should stick to a plan strictly and keeping a detailed journal on things like how your body feels, looks, mood, energy, etc. If you then decide to make changes to your diet you can be sure its based on solid information. Time after time I see guys jump on low carbs, carb cycling, etc. and they they drop it because it "doesnt work" but in truth they never really stuck with it and then they over generalize when they dont see results. Once you pin down what works for you then perhaps you can loosen up a bit and be less anal.
Being consistent is a key not question about that!!! Nothing happens over night that's for sure.

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I do roughly an hour to an hour and a half in the mornings on an empty stomach and usually do some calethinics aswell.
How much cardio do you do?

I do 30-35 minutes BEFORE each workout. I like doing it before because it warms me up and I'm less likely to skip it.

Does anyone do a lot more cardio than that? Am I not doing enough? I'm trying to get from 18% to 12%. I'm eating approx 2200 calories and I'm 5'9 170 (45yrs old)

I do cardio 4 times per week, which is always on my non workout days. Sessions right now are anywhere from 30-45 minutes. I also usually keep the intensity moderate.

That see,s to work well for me, but everybody's needs are going to be a little different based on goals, metabolism, etc....

If you are trying to lean out more, you'll obviously need to ,ain't win a certain rate of consistent fat loss. If you aren't losing you have to either increase cardio or eat less.
Since we're on this topic of cardio, would it be benefecial to be on low carbs, or no carbs to cut down body fat plus cardio?

I'm 42 and about 17 % body fat. Trying to get to low teens, 11sh.

If you are looking to lose fat, then you probably want to keep carbs on the lower side, but it also depends on your response to carbs. Some tolerate them better than others.
I think my body responds real crapy to carbs. The moment I start eating carbs, my body blows up. Just start looking real puffy and bloated. So, I try to keep them low, or at least I eat all Low GI carbs.
I do cardio 5 days a week. Sometimes I do sprints for 15 minutes sometimes I do Zumba for 45 minutes and other days I do rowing for 20-30 minutes or elliptical trainer for 20-30 minutes. I typically lift first and cardio after. And I like to switch my cardio up to not get bored with it.

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