

Bodybuilders are on a PLETHORA of things to aid in sleep; besides the amount of growth hormone they use daily, which can make you quite sleepy strangely enough; yes GHB, is a go to for most all of them..for GH release but as, for them, it's most important effect that being much needed's making a legal comeback by way of being marketed again as a pharmaceutical, called Xyrem; but in all honesty, I think this would be, in my opinion, a last charge for glory...then again, I've always wanted to try it ha :twisted:
sweetnspicy said:
SpikedEggnog said:
sweetnspicy said:
JM750 said:
scyatic said:
Chamomile Tea is suppose to help if you have trouble falling to sleep. Lay of the computer and tv before bed.

Their is also some time release melatonin that might help maintain the sleep.

She like tea too. Why dont you give that a try sweetie

I do drink tea, but not normally at night. It's worth a try. Honest, I think the doctor was right when she said stress. I just need to find more ways to reduce stress. Anyone willing to travel to give me free massages? lol

no TV or phone or computer an hour before bed. basically, no "Blue Light", give your body a while in the dark to relax and lay in bed before it is time to actually go to bed.
also have you heard of Binaural beats or Isochronic Tones? try to listen to some of those while you relax on bed at night and see what you think you can find them on youtube..

Sadly, I have tried all of that. It is honestly my mind not slowing down. I've heard this is a difference between men and women, but I have no idea if it's really true. All I know is that I am always thinking... thinking about what to do, what I did, how I feel about something, how can I change this.... It goes on forever. Anyhow, all of that stuff is going on in my head all day long as I do all of the 1,000 other things that I need to do. When it comes to bed time my body is done and I am ready to sleep. The back of my brain is not. It never stops. I have had guy friends that say I'm weird because they can actually just sit there and think of nothing. How the hell does a person not think of anything for a period of time? No thoughts at all. It's just not fair. lol

Back in the day. We called people like you a " head case"

Try rubbing one out before bed. Always does the trick for me, and I'm out like a lamp :)
Re: RE: Re: CAN'T Sleep, I NEED HELP!!

RickRock said:
Try rubbing one out before bed. Always does the trick for me, and I'm out like a lamp :)
Ive used GHB as a sleep aid plenty of time's and yes it put's you out like a lamp. BUT usually after 2+/- hours you're more awake than you've every been. So you have to have another cap for another 2+ something hours of sleep and so on. GHB aint good for the stomach either as it's based on GBL. (An active ingredient in rim wash product's). Another thing about GHB is that it can make you sick, and you can imagine what happen's if you get sick under GHB sleep. You dont wake up.. So to sum it up, be extremely carefull with this substance and if you've never tried it, do it with someone experienced and keep your self awake. That's fun to ;)
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