
Bulk monster can not figure how to get lean

Yeah bro, you definitely need to clean your nutrition up and do cardio or do more cardio. You look pretty high BF% No offense but to be on the safe side, you need to cut ALOT of BF.

I did this in about a years time... It can be done in a lot less but it took me a while to get into the groove of counting calories but it's absolutely necessary.

Great job CB my macros are similar I make tIn at 2600 and cut like 2300 with lots of cardio

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This is me after 3 weeks of a "serious" cut....hanging around 220lbs and 6-7% bf...all I changed was upping my cardio and actually weighing and measuring my food! Dude I was taking in about 500 more calories than I thought I was before I started weighing my food! Also lift heavy and keep taking in your carbs at the right times!
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