
Bulk monster can not figure how to get lean

My suggestion is to cut down to your desired bf% and next time you bulk you're going to have to do it cleaner. Don't get discouraged when you start losing size on your cut it's a necessary evil.
Yeah and I'm definitely not counting calories

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What??? How do you expect to cut if you're not tracking calories? Am I reading this wrong? Cutting is basic math... You have to burn more than you eat. Figure out your maintenance and cut 250-500 calories from your maintenance. It's pretty basic.
I did this in about a years time... It can be done in a lot less but it took me a while to get into the groove of counting calories but it's absolutely necessary.
Good work

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Thx... My maintenance is 2500 so to cut I usually eat around 2000-2300 calories per day.

I found if I eat less than 2000 I freak out and fall off the wagon so I have to be consistent.

Right now I'm eating at maintenance (2500) until I decide what I want to do next.
I did this in about a years time... It can be done in a lot less but it took me a while to get into the groove of counting calories but it's absolutely necessary.

How much weight and bf did you lose?

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Lost 15 lbs 5'9 185 to 170 and went from around 20% bf to around 15%. (in the pics)

I'm about 12% right now...
We are very very different I'm almost 300 lbs odaly wieght 250 at 12% body fat

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Eating the same thing everyday works well for me also. Or at least a few select meals and rotate. For me personally it's easier to keep track of.
We are very very different I'm almost 300 lbs odaly wieght 250 at 12% body fat

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So you're saying your goal is to lose 50lbs and be at 12% bf?

This is me 250 before I ever touched gear I have way way way more muscle now

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View attachment 3384
Just shy of one year transformation, the pic is from a while back now.

Lot of us have here been with that initial starting struggle. Between all of us we have a ton of experience and we do a good job supporting each other. Seems like you'll fit in well here, welcome to the forums bro.
Hell yes!!!
I dont wanna sound like a douche, or a hard ass bro so please don't take it that way. You need to clean up the diet and up the cardio in a major way. Your old pic looks like there's potential for quality gains over time, but the now pic looks like you went overboard on eating without concern. You can trim up nicely I think, but you have to treat it like pussy, ease into it, establish a rhythm and then pound that shit to get the result you want. No insult intended bro, trust me.
Sign up to a sight like & log EVERYTHING you eat & drink.You can adjust your macros on there too.Years back when I was 245 with a 42" waist(I'm 5'8") that site basically saved my life.It's free & there's a app for your phone too.You gotta clean up that diet bro & you really have to dedicate yourself to the cardio.I know it's boring as hell but it's so necessary to lose fat.I put on my favorite tv show & get on the elliptical or bike & don't even look at the time.
I dont wanna sound like a douche, or a hard ass bro so please don't take it that way. You need to clean up the diet and up the cardio in a major way. Your old pic looks like there's potential for quality gains over time, but the now pic looks like you went overboard on eating without concern. You can trim up nicely I think, but you have to treat it like pussy, ease into it, establish a rhythm and then pound that shit to get the result you want. No insult intended bro, trust me.
Na dude your right.....I'll be hinest my food intake is fine I only eat whole foods I never eat shit ever but I do like beer that has been my biggest are right I'm bloated......but it ain't all fat that's for sure I'm benching 455 Dead lifting 685 that ain't fat........but your right I need to focus on the diet

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Na dude your right.....I'll be hinest my food intake is fine I only eat whole foods I never eat shit ever but I do like beer that has been my biggest are right I'm bloated......but it ain't all fat that's for sure I'm benching 455 Dead lifting 685 that ain't fat........but your right I need to focus on the diet

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I'd recommend myfitnesspal. If you're drinking beer and on cycle that isn't really good for ya!. Once you start logging everything it will open your eyes to where you need to cut back. Do some HIIT cardio and you'll drop it.
View attachment 3384
Just shy of one year transformation, the pic is from a while back now.

Lot of us have here been with that initial starting struggle. Between all of us we have a ton of experience and we do a good job supporting each other. Seems like you'll fit in well here, welcome to the forums bro.
Damn red!! Have you shared these before? Awesome work!
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