
Best cycle/sarms for a football player!?

ya I say stick with a sarms stack and test cyp maybe proviron, you still got time to tweak something later gw, sr9009 for endurance mk2866 for recovery. shit man I would do a super stack or superman stack that's what im on now. I love it

What's a super stack or superman stack? Sounds great lol
ok cool as long as you realize the risks associated. I guess you read the debate we were having about it. lol we wish you nothing but the best of luck and hang out and tell us how your training is going what works and what doesn't work for you. as you can see you are going to get the real deal fucking truth here, not sugar coated and we don't always agree either but that's ok we are all family here
I'm still the evil little voice over here that has to say if you wanna really wreck somebody and can for sure manage it around the tests Test/eq and tren is where its at. But obviously this is the risky option and the one that may lead down dark roads. I'm a bit more wreckless.

Id actually stack it with GW and MK677 maybe even some sr9009 if your feeling crazy haha
The dude I know from the cowboys is a fucking juice box man. That dude would run like multiple grams of test and npp. He has been doing it for a pretty long time. Your totally right though. Some have it real easy when it comes to slipping by the tests. He said most the time he would never get tested and when he did he got a ton of notice in advance haha.
the system is rigged like everything else man. if you are flamboyant about it im sure you make yourself a target, if you are just a low key kinda guy don't do dumb shit that don't make sense you aren't gonna be on the radar
I'm still the evil little voice over here that has to say if you wanna really wreck somebody and can for sure manage it around the tests Test/eq and tren is where its at. But obviously this is the risky option and the one that may lead down dark roads. I'm a bit more wreckless.

Id actually stack it with GW and MK677 maybe even some sr9009 if your feeling crazy haha

Yea Texas, but even with EQ and Tren, you're lookin' at a 5 month metabolite detection time...and you're far from evil, you just happen to like lifting boulders and putting them next to little girl's cars ;)

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Yea Texas, but even with EQ and Tren, you're lookin' at a 5 month metabolite detection time...and you're far from evil, you just happen to like lifting boulders and putting them next to little girl's cars ;)

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Ya exactly. You just really gotta know what your doing and exactly how it's gonna play out to ensure you don't mess anything up.
Haha and yes i love me some boulder harassment lol

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Ya exactly. You just really gotta know what your doing and exactly how it's gonna play out to ensure you don't mess anything up.
Haha and yes i love me some boulder harassment lol

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you are a fucking boulder bully hahahaha
I'm still the evil little voice over here that has to say if you wanna really wreck somebody and can for sure manage it around the tests Test/eq and tren is where its at. But obviously this is the risky option and the one that may lead down dark roads. I'm a bit more wreckless.

Id actually stack it with GW and MK677 maybe even some sr9009 if your feeling crazy haha

Hahaha what do you mean?... Why would it be such a dark road? Lol.... Also, I've heard Tren really messes with your cardio... Wouldn't it hinder me? What do you think?
yes it could but you counteract it with gw and sr you may be ok. some people it doesn't crash cardio so much each person is different. but I do know that the guys using it with gw is performing pretty well with it
and I think the dark road he is referring too is some people get a mean short temper and others are more euphoric kinda feeling good feeling all the time
I think the dark road refers to peds and football...rock what have you done in the past? Test only? Did you have sides?

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Hahaha what do you mean?... Why would it be such a dark road? Lol.... Also, I've heard Tren really messes with your cardio... Wouldn't it hinder me? What do you think?

tren is for extremely experienced users first off... it takes a good 6 months of studying it and learning it before you even consider it using it... of course it will effect your cardio and not in a good way... yes, GW will counteract that to an extent but tren is for an older and far more experienced user... its not for anyone new or just getting into this and definitely not for someone much younger...
I think the dark road refers to peds and football...rock what have you done in the past? Test only? Did you have sides?

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just test and sarms and some adrol this cycle im on now. obvi im still learning all this shit and looking to dabble eventually but not in a big hurry. I am anxious to run all kinds of shit but I am taking it very slowly
no sides but my estro was high after my pct so I am watching it close I will get mid cycle bloods done in a couple of weeks.
I think the dark road refers to peds and football...rock what have you done in the past? Test only? Did you have sides?

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and I am not in this to compete or gain any athleticism just was out of control with my life after I retired from the air force and needed to get back in shape so I am competing with myself and father time bro
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