
A video gamers dream room! The NEW Dylan Gemelli RETRO Video Game Room...

bro so i just downloaded and been playing the new Resident Evil 7, not sure if you like any of the original RE but its went back to its roots as a true horror game not just zombies everywhere. Worth trying if that happens to be a genre you like. I play this game with the lights low late nights after a bowl and lets just say the game makes me flinch often haha. Maybe we need a full blown games/MJ strains thread be pretty fun, lots of topics on each.
That's one I will be picking up soon. Are you playing it on the VR? If so, how is it?
That's one I will be picking up soon. Are you playing it on the VR? If so, how is it?

Not on VR only in 4k from my PC @60fps and the graphics are ridiculous.. it's a must play for sure, they should make this game into a movie it's so creepy. Just the sounds alone are terrific I use noise cancelling headphones man it's a trip..
Hell yes bro! I love the whole series but the first and second one were the shit!
going through the police station killing zombies with the lights out... i just had dimmers put in that room too... its fucking sick bro... the chairs vibrate and play all the sounds through it too so its like right on you...
pure awesomeness right there you just need some stuff on the ceiling...
LOLLL i have it so decked in there right now since the surround got put in but some glow in the dark shit on the ceiling would be sick too
shit, since we are going retro i might as well put a lava lamp and some neon signs in there LOL
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