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  1. J

    How much everybody here like Sons Of Anarchy?

    Now that was on a whole other show of all time hands down
  2. J

    How much everybody here like Sons Of Anarchy?

    one of my favourite shows,one of the best shows of all time in my opinion
  3. J


    lol i fuckin love that movie
  4. J

    Suggestion for sarms

    yeah i think what ill do is buy 6 bottles of mk-677 to run for around 6 months get my weight up and make progress and then i will move on the lgd and rad-140 etc. my only regret is not starting sooner i only started lifting recently and im 27 now i have had issues with appetite since i was a...
  5. J

    Suggestion for sarms

    Bro I think I need the mk-677 for sure tho I can't eat for shit lol doc thought I thyroid problems because of my appetite issues and I was sweatin like a motherfucker daily but bloodwork came back negative I guess it runs in my family my dad was also skinny as he'll until he got in his 30s
  6. J

    Suggestion for sarms

    Ok thanks brother but I must ask Is it okay if I run the mk-677 longer than 12 weeks...maybe 6-12 months?
  7. J

    Pussy ass cowards strike again running over innocent people in france

    yeah bro thats why muslims should fight this war so then the extremists cant complain that the "infidels" are waging a war against our religion in fact the scumbag zarqawi(may god curse his soul) claimed he was "helping muslims" while blowing up markets and mosques and playgrounds im sure some...
  8. J

    Pussy ass cowards strike again running over innocent people in france

    yes in fact i believe a good step towards stopping terror is for muslims to build better relations with the local police forces and unfortunately some of us still believe in some conspiracy theories in fact some still beleive that isis is just a conspiracy even with all the evidence but the...
  9. J

    Suggestion for sarms

    Thanks for the advice guys!!
  10. J

    Pussy ass cowards strike again running over innocent people in france

    you are 100% right brother it is the fault of some muslims for not stopping them in there tracks i cant deny that but i have to say most muslims are against them hopefully this will change i want to live in peace with my christian and jewish brothers in humanity i think isis will be eradicated...
  11. J

    Pussy ass cowards strike again running over innocent people in france

    hey bro theres a verse in the quran which says kill them wherever you find them...that was when the muslims army's were at war with the idol worshipping arab army's this does not apply to innocent people in the quran it says if kill 1 innocent human being its like killing all of humanity...and...
  12. J

    Suggestion for sarms

    yeah for sure lol i have always had problems eating enough i thought it had to do with thyroid problems but did bloodwork and it came back normal what can you reccomend me for appetite boost? thanks
  13. J

    Pussy ass cowards strike again running over innocent people in france

    the americans can help but the only people that can fully eradicate isis are muslims this is a jihad against barbarity as a muslim it sickens me whenever something like this happens i wish all the injured a fast recovery
  14. J

    Pussy ass cowards strike again running over innocent people in france

    not true islam i said these are renegades in arabic we call them "khawarij" which are deviants they have been around for 1400 years and they slaughtered both muslims and non muslims...they committed horrible crimes and oppressed many people the likes of the taliban,al qaeda isis...
  15. J

    Suggestion for sarms

    Hey guys new member here...27 years old 5'11 and 150 pounds just started lifting what do you reccomend for my first sarm? and can you guys vouch for sarmsx? Cheers
  16. J

    Pussy ass cowards strike again running over innocent people in france

    with all due respect brother...going into iraq got us into this shithole were in now...sure saddam was a dictator but atleast iraq was a peaceful place no terrorist scum suicide attacks on markets and mosques isis as a muslim it really pisses me off when things like this happen and...
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