
Pussy ass cowards strike again running over innocent people in france

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Phurious Pharma Rep
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if this admin and govt don't get that the only way to rid this shit from happening is going to be eradicating and sending a fucking message to any jihadi not painting a wide brush and saying all muslims i do believe there are some peaceful muslims, but this is why you don't pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan we either fight and eradicate them in their countries or we fight them here. Europe is a prime example of what is coming to America if we continue to let these so called "refugees" in without vetting them yet we make law abiding immigrants to stand in line awaiting the legal way while these others get bussed in by our own government. fucking ridiculous
if this admin and govt don't get that the only way to rid this shit from happening is going to be eradicating and sending a fucking message to any jihadi not painting a wide brush and saying all muslims i do believe there are some peaceful muslims, but this is why you don't pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan we either fight and eradicate them in their countries or we fight them here. Europe is a prime example of what is coming to America if we continue to let these so called "refugees" in without vetting them yet we make law abiding immigrants to stand in line awaiting the legal way while these others get bussed in by our own government. fucking ridiculous

with all due respect brother...going into iraq got us into this shithole were in now...sure saddam was a dictator but atleast iraq was a peaceful place no terrorist scum suicide attacks on markets and mosques isis as a muslim it really pisses me off when things like this happen and i fully condemn this heinous barbarian attack on innocent civilians whether in america,baghdad,france,istanbul or belgium this is a fight for the sunni arabs its up to us to eradicate these renegades...the likes of isis are nothing new they have been around for 1400 years and they slaughtered both muslims and non muslims and its a duty in our religion to destroy isis scum this is 100% our fight and i dream of the day when shit like this will never happen again and we can all live in peace god willing
with all due respect brother...going into iraq got us into this shithole were in now...sure saddam was a dictator but atleast iraq was a peaceful place no terrorist scum suicide attacks on markets and mosques isis as a muslim it really pisses me off when things like this happen and i fully condemn this heinous barbarian attack on innocent civilians whether in america,baghdad,france,istanbul or belgium this is a fight for the sunni arabs its up to us to eradicate these renegades...the likes of isis are nothing new they have been around for 1400 years and they slaughtered both muslims and non muslims and its a duty in our religion to destroy isis scum this is 100% our fight and i dream of the day when shit like this will never happen again and we can all live in peace god willing

I wouldn't say this is all happening because of Iraq but it sure helped them with recruitment. Islam wants to kill or convert the world. This would've happened anyway. We just helped fan the flame.

Phurious Pharma Rep
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i agree sadam was an asshole but he kept those fuckers in check cuz all they know is violence. and i do think that by pulling out of Iraq too soon with no interim govt in place allowed ISIS to take over and develop
I wouldn't say this is all happening because of Iraq but it sure helped them with recruitment. Islam wants to kill or concert the world. This would've happened anyway. We just helped fan the flame.

Phurious Pharma Rep
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not true islam i said these are renegades in arabic we call them "khawarij" which are deviants they have been around for 1400 years and they slaughtered both muslims and non muslims...they committed horrible crimes and oppressed many people the likes of the taliban,al qaeda isis most of the people the kill are muslims just last week 292 people were murdered in baghdad... only muslims can defeat isis and arab nations should get off there asses and fight em...lets call it a jihad against isis im sure you have made up your mind bro and i respect your opinion as that is your right but the problem isnt islam its the extremist muslims
i agree sadam was an asshole but he kept those fuckers in check cuz all they know is violence. and i do think that by pulling out of Iraq too soon with no interim govt in place allowed ISIS to take over and develop

the americans can help but the only people that can fully eradicate isis are muslims this is a jihad against barbarity as a muslim it sickens me whenever something like this happens i wish all the injured a fast recovery
the americans can help but the only people that can fully eradicate isis are muslims this is a jihad against barbarity as a muslim it sickens me whenever something like this happens i wish all the injured a fast recovery

oh contraire ask Japan we pretty much eradicated their asses. but hey like i said i believe there are peaceful muslims and i wont get into the Koran because you seem to know more about it than me but doesn't it say kill the infidel's? which would be americans or any non muslim? i also agree im not going to call my neighbor to get my rats outta my house ill kill em myself, but if you leave the door open then wonder why you got bugs and rats its stupid close the fucking door lock em in and hunt their asses down
oh contraire ask Japan we pretty much eradicated their asses. but hey like i said i believe there are peaceful muslims and i wont get into the Koran because you seem to know more about it than me but doesn't it say kill the infidel's? which would be americans or any non muslim? i also agree im not going to call my neighbor to get my rats outta my house ill kill em myself, but if you leave the door open then wonder why you got bugs and rats its stupid close the fucking door lock em in and hunt their asses down

hey bro theres a verse in the quran which says kill them wherever you find them...that was when the muslims army's were at war with the idol worshipping arab army's this does not apply to innocent people in the quran it says if kill 1 innocent human being its like killing all of humanity...and if you save 1 you have saved the whole of humanity its forbidden to force people into our religion in fact did you know you cant be a muslim if you dont truly beleive? so whats the point of forcing people into the religion the problem is not islam itself it unfortunately is some muslims we have to eradicate these people if i ever found out someone at my mosque was going to join isis or commit terrorism or even supported them id knock there fuckin teeth down there throat before turning them into the authorities
hey bro theres a verse in the quran which says kill them wherever you find them...that was when the muslims army's were at war with the idol worshipping arab army's this does not apply to innocent people in the quran it says if kill 1 innocent human being its like killing all of humanity...and if you save 1 you have saved the whole of humanity its forbidden to force people into our religion in fact did you know you cant be a muslim if you dont truly beleive? so whats the point of forcing people into the religion the problem is not islam itself it unfortunately is some muslims we have to eradicate these people if i ever found out someone at my mosque was going to join isis or commit terrorism or even supported them id knock there fuckin teeth down there throat before turning them into the authorities

so how did they get away with it by declaring the 'caliphate"? and why are there not more muslims like you to handle this shit in house or in your communities? i mean i know we all got our damn problems lol that's no secret
so how did they get away with it by declaring the 'caliphate"? and why are there not more muslims like you to handle this shit in house or in your communities? i mean i know we all got our damn problems lol that's no secret

you are 100% right brother it is the fault of some muslims for not stopping them in there tracks i cant deny that but i have to say most muslims are against them hopefully this will change i want to live in peace with my christian and jewish brothers in humanity i think isis will be eradicated within the next couple years god willing
you are 100% right brother it is the fault of some muslims for not stopping them in there tracks i cant deny that but i have to say most muslims are against them hopefully this will change i want to live in peace with my christian and jewish brothers in humanity i think isis will be eradicated within the next couple years god willing

ya me too bro we are all good here for sure
ya me too bro we are all good here for sure

yes in fact i believe a good step towards stopping terror is for muslims to build better relations with the local police forces and unfortunately some of us still believe in some conspiracy theories in fact some still beleive that isis is just a conspiracy even with all the evidence but the reality is our communities must open our eyes and recognize that this is minority of muslims and eradicate them so we can prove to the world that we are peaceful people
yes in fact i believe a good step towards stopping terror is for muslims to build better relations with the local police forces and unfortunately some of us still believe in some conspiracy theories in fact some still beleive that isis is just a conspiracy even with all the evidence but the reality is our communities must open our eyes and recognize that this is minority of muslims and eradicate them so we can prove to the world that we are peaceful people

i mean i know we seem like war mongers as americans but i have lost friends and family in those wars to what i thought was helping but i am not sure that it has really helped because we fight a war to really "not win" so iono bro ill just keep plugging along
i mean i know we seem like war mongers as americans but i have lost friends and family in those wars to what i thought was helping but i am not sure that it has really helped because we fight a war to really "not win" so iono bro ill just keep plugging along

yeah bro thats why muslims should fight this war so then the extremists cant complain that the "infidels" are waging a war against our religion in fact the scumbag zarqawi(may god curse his soul) claimed he was "helping muslims" while blowing up markets and mosques and playgrounds im sure some of you here have served in the army and remember those dark days
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