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  1. ZeroToHero

    Dbol and Tren?

    definitely. I'll be on Caber and probably a medium dose of AI
  2. ZeroToHero

    Dbol and Tren?

    Ok fair enough. I will run 400 test and 300 Tren, with GW and no Dbol. Actually had already planned on running GW with it, just forgot to mention it. Thanks for the advice guys. This is why I love this forum!
  3. ZeroToHero

    Dbol and Tren?

    Sorry guys, should have been more specific. This would be my first TREN cycle, not my first cycle period. I have been lifting since I was 14, I'm a full time personal trainer at Google here in the silicon valley, and I have done 3 cycles of gear already. I am 27, 6 1', 202lbs, and around 8-10%...
  4. ZeroToHero

    Dbol and Tren?

    Thinking of running my first cycle with Tren. Wanting to run a cycle of Test, Tren, Dbol and Proviron. My question is, are Tren and Dbol good compounds to stack? What are the potential negatives of stacking these two? And would Proviron be a good stack to enhance the two as well?
  5. ZeroToHero

    First Phurious Cycle (And Epic Gear Porn)

    Thanks my man. I'll post another update at the end of the cycle for sure. I got it from a UK website and had it shipped from overseas. Can't remember the name of the site off hand but I literally just googled "Buy Epistane Europe" and found the link that way. LMAO. You're welcome
  6. ZeroToHero

    First Phurious Cycle (And Epic Gear Porn)

    Just wanted to update since I am 6-7 weeks into my cycle. I cannot be more happy with this gear so far. The EQ started kicking in within 3 weeks and I saw a very noticeable increase in my vascularity. My muscles are dryer and harder than ever with this Masteron as well, and I've only been on it...
  7. ZeroToHero

    First Phurious Cycle (And Epic Gear Porn)

    Well that's good news that you're loving the Phurious gear even on that low of a dose. I'm expecting to make some awesome gains!
  8. ZeroToHero

    First Phurious Cycle (And Epic Gear Porn)

    Done and done. I'll edit my OP to reflect the change. Thanks!
  9. ZeroToHero

    First Phurious Cycle (And Epic Gear Porn)

    Ok, fantastic. Because I have enough to run 600mg/week for 10 weeks, so I'll probably do that. I could also run about 800mg/week for 8 weeks instead. Not sure which would be better, but I'm worried about keeping my nice hairline intact, so I may opt for the lower dosage lol
  10. ZeroToHero

    First Phurious Cycle (And Epic Gear Porn)

    Yeah its 200mg/ml, so I'll be injecting 1.5cc 2x a week. Can anyone with Masteron experience comment on my layout? Is 6 weeks long enough, or should I stretch it to 8 weeks? And should I keep it at 600mg or slowly taper it up from 400mg and go up to maybe 800mg?
  11. ZeroToHero

    First Phurious Cycle (And Epic Gear Porn)

    Just got my last shipment of gear from Phurious, and I am absolutely pumped to start my next cycle in a few more weeks. I'll be running Phurious' TestC/EQ/MastE with a 6 week kickstart of Epi. Here's how the cycle will be laid out. All input is welcome 1-6 Epi 30/30/40/50/50/50 1-16 Test Cyp...
  12. ZeroToHero

    How to combat Acne

    I've been on BacTrim for a few weeks as i've read some users say this really helped them. It takes 1-2 months to really start working apparently, but I've noticed a big difference already in the amount of cystic acne I've gotten. I used to get 1-3 per week on my upper back/shoulders/chest and I...
  13. ZeroToHero

    PHURIOUS SALE!!! – Turn Your Tax Return Into Muscle!

    I would have taken advantage of this sale with my last order, but I had to order half my vials at a time over a 3-4 week period, so the wife doesn't notice how much I'm spending on gear lol
  14. ZeroToHero

    Will Tren Kill My Natty Test Forever?

    Tren Cough, Night Sweats, Killing my Cardio (which I've worked very hard for), and all the other normal sides that are going to be much more pronounced with Tren, since it is so powerful. This isn't going to stop me from taking it obviously, because I believe that the reward is greater than the...
  15. ZeroToHero

    Will Tren Kill My Natty Test Forever?

    I've ran two cycles so far and I've done everything by the book. First cycle was test cyp only, second cycle was test cyp + EQ and a kickstart of anavar. I've always PCT'd with HCG, Nolva+Clomid and taken the appropriate time off. I'd really like to try Tren for my next cycle, but I'm not taking...
  16. ZeroToHero

    Primobolan vs EQ

    Holy shit I've been getting massive headaches during my workouts for the last week and have been wondering if that is a side effect of EQ. Glad to know that it is...
  17. ZeroToHero

    PCT Question

    And as usual, that's all I needed to hear. Thanks Dylan!
  18. ZeroToHero

    PCT Question

    So I am a few weeks from starting PCT and I was wondering about how to take my AI (aromasin). Been talking 12.5mg/EOD all cycle long. Ive usually read that you wanna drop off the AI when you start clomid/nolva and then kick it back in like the last week or two of PCT and carry it through for...
  19. ZeroToHero

    ROBO Test+EQ+Var Results

    Just had my body fat measured at my gym today using 3 different Jackson pollock calipur formulas. All 3 measured me at 5 to 5.36% body fat...I've been eating pretty strict as usual, but crazy increase in appetite from the EQ has caused me to cheat a lot more than I wanted to. Been having one or...
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