
First Phurious Cycle (And Epic Gear Porn)


Just got my last shipment of gear from Phurious, and I am absolutely pumped to start my next cycle in a few more weeks. I'll be running Phurious' TestC/EQ/MastE with a 6 week kickstart of Epi. Here's how the cycle will be laid out. All input is welcome

1-6 Epi 30/30/40/50/50/50
1-16 Test Cyp 400mg (200mg 2x/week)
1-16 Equipoise 600mg (300mg 2x/week)
7-16 Mast E 600mg (300mg 2x/week)
1-16 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD

14-17 HCG 1000iu (500iu 2x/week)
18-22 Clomid 100/50/50/50
18-22 Nolva 20/20/20/20
18-22 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD

This will be my third cycle (first was test only, second was test+EQ).

26 years old
6' 1"
5.89% BF

My main goals are to get as shredded and hard as possible, and to get as strong as possible. I'm also going to be working really hard on adding another inch to my arms. I'm sitting at 17" right now and I think that getting to 18"s by the end of this cycle is a very realistic goal. I'll be posting here every so often to give updates on the cycle, and I'm also planning on getting bloods done halfway through. I must say, this gear looks god damn gorgeous. If it works half as good as it looks, I should be in for a fun cycle.


  • Photo Feb 11, 7 25 19 PM.jpg
    Photo Feb 11, 7 25 19 PM.jpg
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That's my kinda cycle right there. I like it. So the Mast E is dosed at 300mgs? Nice porn

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Beautiful as usual. Looks like you got a solid run ahead of you. Will follow along.

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
That's my kinda cycle right there. I like it. So the Mast E is dosed at 300mgs? Nice porn

Sent from my RCT6773W22B using Tapatalk

Yeah its 200mg/ml, so I'll be injecting 1.5cc 2x a week.

Can anyone with Masteron experience comment on my layout? Is 6 weeks long enough, or should I stretch it to 8 weeks? And should I keep it at 600mg or slowly taper it up from 400mg and go up to maybe 800mg?
I was gonna say that, like eq and primo, its usually suggested to run pretty high.. 600-1000. I think youre in a spot composition wise that youd notice the mast in six weeks, but would be better running it 10-12 weeks imo... especially mast e
I was gonna say that, like eq and primo, its usually suggested to run pretty high.. 600-1000. I think youre in a spot composition wise that youd notice the mast in six weeks, but would be better running it 10-12 weeks imo... especially mast e

Ok, fantastic. Because I have enough to run 600mg/week for 10 weeks, so I'll probably do that. I could also run about 800mg/week for 8 weeks instead. Not sure which would be better, but I'm worried about keeping my nice hairline intact, so I may opt for the lower dosage lol
Run the Mast E at 600 for the 10wks. It would be better to run it longer than that like master said above.

Sent from my RCT6773W22B using Tapatalk
Looks like a nice setup. I'll definitely follow a log if you start one.

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I'm currently running 200/test c , 200 deca, 400 mast e, basically a " cruise" cycle and am considering running eq as well, all Phurious gear, loving the deca/masteron e combo so far, probably gonna bump up the dosage a bit as I'm on 8th week of cruise, only 3Rd week since adding the deca and mast so while I'm feeling it I would anticipate feeling even more in the upcoming weeks
I'm currently running 200/test c , 200 deca, 400 mast e, basically a " cruise" cycle and am considering running eq as well, all Phurious gear, loving the deca/masteron e combo so far, probably gonna bump up the dosage a bit as I'm on 8th week of cruise, only 3Rd week since adding the deca and mast so while I'm feeling it I would anticipate feeling even more in the upcoming weeks

Well that's good news that you're loving the Phurious gear even on that low of a dose. I'm expecting to make some awesome gains!
Just wanted to update since I am 6-7 weeks into my cycle. I cannot be more happy with this gear so far. The EQ started kicking in within 3 weeks and I saw a very noticeable increase in my vascularity. My muscles are dryer and harder than ever with this Masteron as well, and I've only been on it for like 4-5 weeks. I am an aspiring fitness model and I have posted recent pictures on my modeling profile and literally have almost a dozen photographers asking me to work with them, and one agency that wants to bring me in for an interview. Not to mention one of the best parts about this Phurious gear is there is literally NO PIP. Not even once thus far have I had pip, and I am pinning 4x a week. I've never ran a cycle without having PIP before. This stuff is smooth AF. Below are some recent pics. Excited to see what the finished product will look like in 6 more weeks.


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Great update brother. Looking solid! Awesome to hear you're more than happy with the product. Kill these next 6 weeks bro, its only going to get better...

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