
Will Tren Kill My Natty Test Forever?


I've ran two cycles so far and I've done everything by the book. First cycle was test cyp only, second cycle was test cyp + EQ and a kickstart of anavar. I've always PCT'd with HCG, Nolva+Clomid and taken the appropriate time off. I'd really like to try Tren for my next cycle, but I'm not taking it lightly. I am terrified of the sides and the shutdown, and being only 26, I'd like to be able to cycle back off afterwards. If Tren is going to fuck up my natty test for good then I'll probably stay away from it until I'm closer to 30 and about to get on TRT anyway. I know that Tren is 5x as powerful as Testosterone, so my question is if I run a cycle of Tren, say 200-300mg/week and PCT perfectly, can I recover back to normal afterwards? Or am I basically guaranteeing that my natty levels will never get back to normal?
If you're running Test with Tren I don't see why you wouldn't recover....
What sides are u terrified of? And everything shuts you down bro even anavar by itself. Even test shuts u down. So that shudnt be a deciding factor.

What sides are u terrified of? And everything shuts you down bro even anavar by itself. Even test shuts u down. So that shudnt be a deciding factor.


Tren Cough, Night Sweats, Killing my Cardio (which I've worked very hard for), and all the other normal sides that are going to be much more pronounced with Tren, since it is so powerful. This isn't going to stop me from taking it obviously, because I believe that the reward is greater than the risk with Tren. I am just not wanting to take it lightly going into my first cycle with it.

And when I say "shut down" I don't mean on cycle, I mean afterwards. Is Tren so powerful that even if I PCT correctly, I will still end up with lower natural test levels afterwards? Or will my body be able to bounce back just fine as long as I PCT correctly and take adequate time off?
Tren Cough, Night Sweats, Killing my Cardio (which I've worked very hard for), and all the other normal sides that are going to be much more pronounced with Tren, since it is so powerful. This isn't going to stop me from taking it obviously, because I believe that the reward is greater than the risk with Tren. I am just not wanting to take it lightly going into my first cycle with it.

And when I say "shut down" I don't mean on cycle, I mean afterwards. Is Tren so powerful that even if I PCT correctly, I will still end up with lower natural test levels afterwards? Or will my body be able to bounce back just fine as long as I PCT correctly and take adequate time off?

Honestly there is always a chance of not being able to restart. That's a risk we take. Doing things correctly lower these risks. I know people that pct and return to normal levels each time. Others there will be variance each cycle. Sometimes it returns to normal and other times it will be lower and then next pct returns them back up normal again. There are so many factors. But doing it correctly is the key.

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I'll tell you right now. Tren is nothing magic. It can be a powerful and effective compound, but so can a lot of things.

Personally I don't gain mass for shit on tren, and it doesn't make cutting any easier for me either. I still have to diet my ass off. I gain some decent strength on it, and I like the way I look but honestly after using deca I think I like it way more than tren. I gain a lot more muscle on it and I also get stronger on it, not to mention feeling awesome without the bad sides. It's much better for you than tren.

I just wouldnt recommend tren for a 3rd cycle. If you're insistent on running it, then go for it and you'll see what I mean.
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Tren Cough, Night Sweats, Killing my Cardio (which I've worked very hard for), and all the other normal sides that are going to be much more pronounced with Tren, since it is so powerful. This isn't going to stop me from taking it obviously, because I believe that the reward is greater than the risk with Tren. I am just not wanting to take it lightly going into my first cycle with it.

And when I say "shut down" I don't mean on cycle, I mean afterwards. Is Tren so powerful that even if I PCT correctly, I will still end up with lower natural test levels afterwards? Or will my body be able to bounce back just fine as long as I PCT correctly and take adequate time off?

Well ofcurse not. With pct all will be fine.

There's always a risk but with a proper pct, majority recover just fine.

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I didn't see caber or prami in there for prolactin so if you have any libido issues even after pct you may want to look into that. But I agree I wouldn't do it until you have more time under your belt.

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Tren Cough, Night Sweats, Killing my Cardio (which I've worked very hard for), and all the other normal sides that are going to be much more pronounced with Tren, since it is so powerful. This isn't going to stop me from taking it obviously, because I believe that the reward is greater than the risk with Tren. I am just not wanting to take it lightly going into my first cycle with it.

And when I say "shut down" I don't mean on cycle, I mean afterwards. Is Tren so powerful that even if I PCT correctly, I will still end up with lower natural test levels afterwards? Or will my body be able to bounce back just fine as long as I PCT correctly and take adequate time off?

I'm a Tren user and I don't get the sides everyone talks about. Yes, it did mess with my cardio performance, but the PE SR9009 and GW will fix that easy. If it wasn't for leaning me up, I wouldn't notice I was on the stuff. I'm using 150mgs EOD and I feel absolutely fine. But if you are looking for size, I would say Deca is probably a better deal. I'm going to go with that my next cycle.

As for the Test levels, how are yours now? TRT is not really something to be taken lightly, it is a lifetime commitment and if I had a better choice, I wouldn't have gone that route. My natty level was 90 when I went on TRT 2 years ago and I'm 40 now. I was just desperate to get back to my old self.

If you are terrified of Tren, either don't do it at all or go with the Ace since its a short ester it will clear out rather quickly and you won't suffer too long lol Do your due diligence, ask yourself if it is really what you want and go for it in moderation. Otherwise you will never know if it is for you or not.
I'll tell you right now. Tren is nothing magic. It can be a powerful and effective compound, but so can a lot of things.

Personally I don't gain mass for shit on tren, and it doesn't make cutting any easier for me either. I still have to diet my ass off. I gain some decent strength on it, and I like the way I look but honestly after using deca I think I like it way more than tren. I gain a lot more muscle on it and I also get stronger on it, not to me tonight feeling good awesome without the bad sides. It's much better for you than tren.

I just would take recommend tren for a 3rd cycle. If you're insistent on running it, then go for it and you'll see what I mean.

That's a powerful statement right there. Knowing that Rick loves Tren, looks like Old School Deca is making a comeback. Dylan is even on board the Deca Train. Once my medical issues clear up Ill be throwing some Deca into my TRT regiment.
That's a powerful statement right there. Knowing that Rick loves Tren, looks like Old School Deca is making a comeback. Dylan is even on board the Deca Train. Once my medical issues clear up Ill be throwing some Deca into my TRT regiment.

I avoided it for so long hearing all the horror stories about it, and I found none of them to be true. I maintained a high libido, kept dry, and just felt incredible on it. I think it ,at be my new favorite compound. No shit
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