
ROBO Test+EQ+Var Results

I've been on 500mg test C and 600mg EQ, but after reading a thread on here a week ago that talked about how you only get about 65% of the actual steroid in each compound because the esters they are attached to take up milligram space as well, I decided to bump it up. So this last week and for the rest of my cycle I'll be on about 750mg test/800mg EQ, which according to the facts presented in the thread I read, will mean I'll actually be getting the original dosage I wanted.

good shit brother
Just felt the need to give a shout out to ROBO for the outstanding gear I purchased a few months ago. Started with a 6 week kickstart of ROBOVAR and am now on week 9 of my ROBOMASS blend of TestC/EQ blend at 250/200mg. My first few injections gave me some nasty pip, which assured me the gear was legit. Any concentration of 450mg/ml should hurt like a bitch, and boy it did. I'll definitely never take a blend again, I'll stick to buying all products separately. However I am thrilled with my results thus far. My muscles are hardening like crazy and I literally have veins popping up everywhere. My lats, abs, obliques, shoulders and traps...its insane. Not to mention great strength gains, which is the whole reason I took this cycle. Every single one of my personal training clients is asking me if I've gained weight or saying I look bigger. And I'm still rocking 7.08% body fat. It's just been awesome.

Keep making legit gear like this Robo, and you will always have happy and satisfied customers like myself buying your products!

looking great bro, im glad you enjoying it
Just had my body fat measured at my gym today using 3 different Jackson pollock calipur formulas. All 3 measured me at 5 to 5.36% body fat...I've been eating pretty strict as usual, but crazy increase in appetite from the EQ has caused me to cheat a lot more than I wanted to. Been having one or two sonic blast shakes a week, in addition to a lot more bread than usual. How is it possible to drop 2% more body fat? Is that really from the EQ? I mean, yes I do a ton of conditioning work, but I always have and the lowest I've ever gotten is 7.05%. This shit is amazing
Height really has no bearing on body composition when talking about height ranges within the bell curve average ranges
But maybe a 7' person has a better chance of lower BF than a 5'6" person all things being equal since the weight is spread out over a much longer area
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