bro that's exactly how I am. I literally ate a large pizza. woke up, ate another large pizza. weighed in 1 pound lighter. lol. but that was a few days ago. I'm actually up 5-6 lbs now, carb loaded like a beast and feeling pretty good.
I'm hoping for a little fat loss to myself from EQ. looking...
I would never recommend risking not running aromasin or caber to anyone. if I recommend its the safest way, which is to run both from day one.
but if you are testing your body that is up to you, you know your limits and youre an adult
how much if I didn't have sides? just the standard dose then, .5mg e3d
but I know for me personally DECA doesn't bother me much. its DBOL id worry about
opinion about what?? Lol. we know nothing about you. opinion about the cycle for you or what we think of it for ourselves. this is vague bro. Post up your STATS if you want advice
NO bro. this cycle is too much for you.
if you are confused about tbol and dbol then you aren't ready. Bro if people always lose "dbol gains" why would DBOL still be around, one of the oldest steroids?? Come on bro. people lose gains because of lack of experience and because they take steroids...
mk677 is best ran for longer period of time then 2 months. you can run all those for 12 weeks at least.
don't Add CLEN, its dangerous and not smart SR and GW are much better options
like Dylan said you need caber to protect against prolactin from deca. but from the sound of it, its probably estrogen. DBOL is king of gyno bro. you didn't mention any AI except when you got a lump you started Letro (and that's reducing it, so it sounds like Estro) BUT you should've been using...
put on muscle and cut up - yeah that's everyones dream. but that is NOT easy bro.
"good but not bulky like 50 cent" LOL, ok bro
just because youre big doesn't mean youre not flexible. flexibility is from stretching and using full range of motion.
winstrol and anavar are not fat burners - those...
your bodyfat is too high bro. you need to get that down first before you use anymore steroids. 10 weeks is a little short, and if you weren't impressed with your results then it was probably your diet and training, not the gear. steroids are not fat burners. you want to lose bodyfat? then DIET...
24 week cycle?? bro no. just no.
I don't like this cycle setup at all. too much crap going on. this is over the top, its all over the place
give us your stats please
I don't like this cycle at all. 250 test E and 300 test P???? Why??
much protein and medium amount of carbs - this literally means nothing to us. we don't know what or how much this is.
how old are you? whats your lifting experience? how is your bodyfat?