So Serious Mass is a weight gainer and dboll is dbol I presume... your trainer is a complete fucked gaping asshole and I bet he wants to sell you the dbol right? Yeah, you pay him how much to be a trainer?
Every day I go to the gym and every day I see these dummies training people and giving recommendations and I ask the persons being trained one of two things... 1. Does your trainer look like he knows what he's doing as far as living what they preach? Or 2. Why is your trainer not built better than me regardless of if they are "play play jacked". Their common response is 'can you train me?' and my answer is no because people shouldn't need trainers to get into shape. All you need is time. Time to read up, research and reevaluate where it is that you are and where you want to be reasonably time wise.
You can research dbol and see it is NOT what you need. You could probably trouble shoot the piss outta this guy and see him studder, or give shit advice you know is bad if you educated yourself wisely. Google dbol and estrogen conversion and tell us what you come up with.