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  1. H

    Advice for 2nd Cycle?

    would a sarm route be safer ?
  2. H

    Advice for 2nd Cycle?

    24/5'10"/200/14% and to clarify the gaining 15LB of lean muscle (and this may not make sense - only in my head haha).... It was a body composition change of dropping fat vs gaining lean muscle. Gained 15LB of lean muscle, but technically added only 5 total pounds of weight due to the...
  3. H

    Advice for 2nd Cycle?

    Hey Guys, First cycle was a success with gaining 15LB of lean muscle and gaining only a total of 5LB overall. I did a 10 week cycle of test e @ 350mg with 12.5mg arom EOD and currently in PCT now. I was looking for suggestions for a second cycle. So first question - how long should I wait...
  4. H

    OFFICIAL First Cycle

    Thank you for the info ... only happened because I ran out of test 2 weeks early and wasnt planning on that
  5. H

    OFFICIAL First Cycle

    sorry for the bump just not tryna screw myself up. and answers to this would be appreciated!
  6. H

    OFFICIAL First Cycle

    alright so I forgot to do my HCG week 11 & 12 ... should I take it 13 & 14? *I ran out of Test E one week early which is the reason why... *also wanted to note I did not do the sarms in this cycle.. just test, aromisin
  7. H

    First SARMS Cycle Ordered!

    Just ordered the 12 week recomp stack and mini pct stack! Cant wait to get started! I'll let you all know how it goes from shipping to how the sarms work
  8. H

    Does light cardio after workout destroy gains?

    if you can do it before the workout that's a more ideal situation
  9. H

    Anybody experience bloating and/or gas

    more veggies - try and eat a pound of some dark greens every day "i got fat from eating too much asparagus" - no one ever
  10. H

    Anybody experience bloating and/or gas

    any changes to your regular diet?
  11. H

    OFFICIAL First Cycle

    that certainly makes things much more simple
  12. H

    OFFICIAL First Cycle

    thanks man - last thing i want to do is screw my body up! do it right or dont do it at all..
  13. H

    OFFICIAL First Cycle

    Hey Guys, So after listening to everyone's advice/suggestions I've boiled it down to this Current Status: 195LB 14-15% BF 5'10 Goal: 190-200LB 11-12% BF (Recomp) Cycle: 1-12 test e 350 mg week 1-12 aromasinu 12.5 mg eod 11-14 hcg 1000 ius week pct: (15-18) clomid 50/50/25/25 nolva...
  14. H

    First Cycle

    Much appreciated and happy you and everyone has been very responsive!
  15. H

    First Cycle

    Exactly why I'm here ... I appreciate the info/advice. Is this the complete stacks along with PCT? Not sure if there is a guide for using this anywhere..
  16. H

    First Cycle

    Hey Guys, For staters hi! this is my first post and I'm glad to be here. I was reading your posts and comments on other threads and a majority of you seem to know what you talking about. So Ive been training since the age of 17 and I'm now 24. I've used multiple training programs and Ive been...
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