
Advice for 2nd Cycle?


New member
Hey Guys,

First cycle was a success with gaining 15LB of lean muscle and gaining only a total of 5LB overall. I did a 10 week cycle of test e @ 350mg with 12.5mg arom EOD and currently in PCT now.

I was looking for suggestions for a second cycle.

So first question - how long should I wait until I start? I was thinking since I finished 2 weeks ago to wait 8 more weeks.

Second question - what should I use? I was considering Test @ 400mg per week @ 12 weeks with an Oral @ 6 weeks. Or should I give deca/test a go?

My goal is to get to 210-215 and drop about 2-3% BF - as of yesterday I was 200 @ 14%. Looking for a good physique (decent ab definition and good vascularity but not absolutely shredded.)
Can you elaborate on "gaining 15LB of lean muscle and gaining only a total of 5LB overall"
Hey Guys,

First cycle was a success with gaining 15LB of lean muscle and gaining only a total of 5LB overall. I did a 10 week cycle of test e @ 350mg with 12.5mg arom EOD and currently in PCT now.

I was looking for suggestions for a second cycle.

So first question - how long should I wait until I start? I was thinking since I finished 2 weeks ago to wait 8 more weeks.

Second question - what should I use? I was considering Test @ 400mg per week @ 12 weeks with an Oral @ 6 weeks. Or should I give deca/test a go?

My goal is to get to 210-215 and drop about 2-3% BF - as of yesterday I was 200 @ 14%. Looking for a good physique (decent ab definition and good vascularity but not absolutely shredded.)
Im sure Dylan will give you give you great advice as he always does!..but checkout this video brother.

Sent from my LGMS631 using Tapatalk
yes, he means he gained 15 lbs. on cycle and retained 5... there's nothing else that could possibly mean, however nothing surprises me anymore... just the questions ive been getting in my email today alone give me the sense people have like a turkey and thanksgiving mental issue going on or something... good lord if you guys read what ive been reading today... turkey hangover for them for sure
what are your FULL stats??? age/height/weight/body fat?


and to clarify the gaining 15LB of lean muscle (and this may not make sense - only in my head haha).... It was a body composition change of dropping fat vs gaining lean muscle. Gained 15LB of lean muscle, but technically added only 5 total pounds of weight due to the significant drop in overall fat loss. I was going for body recomp..

and to clarify the gaining 15LB of lean muscle (and this may not make sense - only in my head haha).... It was a body composition change of dropping fat vs gaining lean muscle. Gained 15LB of lean muscle, but technically added only 5 total pounds of weight due to the significant drop in overall fat loss. I was going for body recomp..
good fucking lord bro... im over here half laughing and half scratching my head... my wife is even lost on this one, asking me, "what does that mean" and she said, "uh, i dont get it" my reply... "NOOONE GETS IT"... LOLL bro, i understand you are trying to reason with this, but i feel it would be best for you to keep this type of reasoning to yourself and stick to the ACTUAL facts, which is you gained 5 lbs.. all that other garbage, that is all in your head... otherwise, your not only confusing others, but your also making people think you MAY be a little off... im only looking out for you bro
i dont get why all the posts today of guys in their early 20's wanting to run cycles... bro, your too young, period... i've posted the same response too many times today... your going to hurt yourself and im not contributing to that... you need to really think about what your doing and if its really worth it for having to deal with nothing but issues as you get older...
good fucking lord bro... im over here half laughing and half scratching my head... my wife is even lost on this one, asking me, "what does that mean" and she said, "uh, i dont get it" my reply... "NOOONE GETS IT"... LOLL bro, i understand you are trying to reason with this, but i feel it would be best for you to keep this type of reasoning to yourself and stick to the ACTUAL facts, which is you gained 5 lbs.. all that other garbage, that is all in your head... otherwise, your not only confusing others, but your also making people think you MAY be a little off... im only looking out for you bro
Lmfao bro you said it i thought it... I was like wtf????

Sent from my LGMS631 using Tapatalk
i dont get why all the posts today of guys in their early 20's wanting to run cycles... bro, your too young, period... i've posted the same response too many times today... your going to hurt yourself and im not contributing to that... you need to really think about what your doing and if its really worth it for having to deal with nothing but issues as you get older...

would a sarm route be safer ?
would a sarm route be safer ?

Sarms would be a great route for you at the moment bro. I just think you are still on the young side for steroid use. For your goals of adding mass and dropping bodyfat, you are wanting to Recomp and the best thing to do for that in my opinion is run the ultra Recomp stack from sarmsx. I honestly think that is your best option, and will treat you well.

Here is the protocol for everything complete with links

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 RAD-140 20mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
would a sarm route be safer ?
thats night and day... of course its a million times safer... its not even comparable... the problem is your way too vague on your goals... "i want a good physique" will get a vague answer... that doesn't help me... everyone has their own definition of a "good physique" so if you can please be detailed or precise on your goals, then i can absolutely help you set up a strong cycle...
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