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  1. P

    2 part question on sarms

    Thanks guys!!!
  2. P

    2 part question on sarms

    Which sarms is the best mass builder and which is best for tendon and ligament recovery? Also... GW , s4 stack better that sr9009 for cutting? Thanks !
  3. P

    Non suppressive sarms

    Making sure I have this straight.... Sarms that are non suppressive ( GW , Ostarine) can be taken post cycle at the same time of pct?
  4. P

    Arnold Schwarzenegger Steroid Cycle

    Yes... Great movie! I'm reading his encyclopedia of body building.
  5. P

    Arnold Schwarzenegger Steroid Cycle

    I've just started both his books. I'll scan through tonite and see if it's mentioned.
  6. P

    Blood work kit

    Thank you! I have them every 3 months
  7. P

    Best place for AI's?

    Do you take as part of pct or just as know estrogen levels are high? I'm a noobie.... Sorry
  8. P

    Blood work kit

    Is there a home blood work kits available. Dr does mine every 3 months with TRT . Since starting triple stack I'm wanting to keep an eye on estrogen. It was very low when starting TRT but coming up. And worried ostarine may bump me up too high. Thanks
  9. P

    Cycle suggestion?

    I'm currently on 290 mg bi monthly TRT , I forgot to add. Thanks for responses... Sorry to be redundant. Just wanting to make sure and do things right
  10. P

    Cycle suggestion?

    Is there a link of things you can and can't do off cycle . Confused.... If taking pct still take mk677 and GW ?
  11. P

    Cycle suggestion?

    So how can I find out what i can do off cycle . What about pct and mk 677? I've heard of people taking it 5 days and off 2?
  12. P

    Cycle suggestion?

    No I haven't. I'm studying on sarms and serms. Is there info somewhere I can read on dos and donts on or off cycle? Thanks. I'm wanting to keep my gains. I'm 48 yrs old and lift 5 days a week 2 hrs a day. It's my lobby. What would mk 677 do off cycle for me... Bulk? Thanks
  13. P

    Cycle suggestion?

    I'm currently do my first sarms cycle, using triple stack. Going to run for 8 weeks. Cycle off 8 weeks then start lgd alone 8 weeks. Cycle off then start mk677 alone for 8 weeks. Sound ok? Thanks. Just wanting to bulk up but stay lean.
  14. P

    Sarms and work drug test?

    Thanks guys!!! I appreciate all your help
  15. P

    Sarms and work drug test?

    Will any sarms showing up on drug test for work that would cause problems.? They follow dept of travel protocol . Thanks
  16. P

    Stack question

    I started ostarine a week later than s4/ GW stack. So start pct when s4/GW cycle is done and continue ostarine another week to complete 8 week cycle?
  17. P

    Dosing timing ?

    How many mls for each split? Thanks
  18. P

    Dosing timing ?

    Is there a more optimal time to take s4? I'm currently taking pre workout at 3pm and second dose at bedtime. 9pm ish
  19. P

    Stack question

    So you should always start or stop all sarms in stack at same time For pct? It's my first cycle. Thanks
  20. P

    Stack question

    I'm sorry... I'm 1 week into cycle of :s4,GW and ostarine. Should I wait til I'm off cycle to start lgd or after pct of this cycle
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