
Arnold Schwarzenegger Steroid Cycle


Do you guys know what steroids Arnold Schwarzenegger used? Did you know Arnold admitted to taking steroids in the movie Pumping Iron? That's right, he has admitted to taking steroids, but what steroids? Want to learn more, read this article.
I watched pumping Iron, he admitted to taking Dbol and another steroid. I think it was Test or Deca? I can't recall. Going to read the article now. :)
Do you guys know what steroids Arnold Schwarzenegger used? Did you know Arnold admitted to taking steroids in the movie Pumping Iron? That's right, he has admitted to taking steroids, but what steroids? Want to learn more, read this article.

According to Arnolds friend and training partner Ric drasin (Rics corner on youtube) Arnold used mostly Primobolan. He used also Deca, Ciba's Dbol baby blue pills which was wayyyy more potent than todays dbol, cytomil (T3)
He had calf implants to which alot of people probably didn't know.

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While arnold was the man and i love him. Who cares what he ran in 1968-77. Lol. Its ancient. Outdated and all of those guys admitted they had no fucking clue what they were doing w regards to juice alot of those guys have died because of it.

Man I don't know about this article. DrB and arnold are the same age and he met arnold when they were both 19. The story, the way I understand it, and was confirmed by an interview of franco columbu by dan duchaine .There was no shortage of testE, test E went way way back to john grimmek,steve revees etc. In the 30's. There was no cyp. Both deca and dbol came to market close in time in the 60's and it was not that arnold did not have access to was more like screw that old timer stuff...we have these two new drugs that will kick ass. So when drb met arnold at 18 he had already done a few dbol cycles, and was now beginning to add deca. They pyramided up and down.
They DID have problems, and I think it was Dr Mario DiPasquale who told them they need to add testE back to the cycle. Arnold liked to finish a cycle with winny. Sometime latter in his career he began substituting winny with primo at 100mg pinned ED. It worked for him. TestE200-400/deca400,dbol 50/end 100mg primo ed. He latter realized that he did not have to pin the primo ed but he was on to something...700 primo as a closer.

I guess the real point is that these guys did not use huge amounts of aas. There was no oct or pct ,so they had to work through it. Drb to this day does not use ancillaries. He did start using clomid because he liked it. When asked about shutting his test down he always answered.."i do not shut down" there you have it..part right from the horses mouth and part from an interview. Funny that neither franco or arnold ever spoke about it again. I was told, and cannot verify this..that arnold told franco to shut it.
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He had calf implants to which alot of people probably didn't know.

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yes around 1970 or 71 he went to germany for like couple months then came back to venice golds gym with huge calves according to ric drasin also who witnessed it
yes around 1970 or 71 he went to germany for like couple months then came back to venice golds gym with huge calves according to ric drasin also who witnessed it
Yep that's right. One of my friends dad competed in either Mr America or Mr Universe back then and trained at Venice. He knows the guy who paid for them. He also said that Serge Nubret would come there with a briefcase full of goodies. Stuff they couldn't get here readily in the States.

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Yep that's right. One of my friends dad competed in either Mr America or Mr Universe back then and trained at Venice. He knows the guy who paid for them. He also said that Serge Nubret would come there with a briefcase full of goodies. Stuff they couldn't get here readily in the States.

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Regardless though, imo Arnold had the best physique of all time and ive been trying make my body look like his.
Regardless though, imo Arnold had the best physique of all time and ive been trying make my body look like his.
I don't know if he had the best, but definitely one of the best of all time. The physiques in general of that era were the best ever in my ooinion. I'm a huge Frank Zane fan myself

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Arnold and Frank have always been my fav. Like Rick said, there were a lot during that era.

Right i just cant stand were Dorian took bodybuilidng to the slin and gh gut look thats been continuing till this day judges have been picking these pregnant bbers to win. Except for flex, shawn ray, cedric mcmillan
I don't know if he had the best, but definitely one of the best of all time. The physiques in general of that era were the best ever in my ooinion. I'm a huge Frank Zane fan myself

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Can't complain about Zane. He was like the old school guys steve reeves, vince gironda. The slim tapered V look. Keep in mind that Zane was only 5'9 and 185 and arnold was 6'2 249. Then arnold has to compete against lou ferrigno who aint too friggin shabby and he is 6'5 and 285. These were heavyweights...big friggin dudes.Then sergio oliva comes in at 5'11 and 245. Putting Zane in this group is kind of like rocky marciano at 185 beating Forman at 265.
My dad worked out with and I know him...Boyer Coe. Great BB, but only 5'6 and 216. He had way more muscle than zane. That height held him back...he just could not hang with the monsters.Height wise, zane barely made it. Not that anyone here mentioned was shabby, but the big guys that can pack on big weight is truely impressive. I would say 1967 to 1977 are 10 years that belonged to the mules!
Can't complain about Zane. He was like the old school guys steve reeves, vince gironda. The slim tapered V look. Keep in mind that Zane was only 5'9 and 185 and arnold was 6'2 249. Then arnold has to compete against lou ferrigno who aint too friggin shabby and he is 6'5 and 285. These were heavyweights...big friggin dudes.Then sergio oliva comes in at 5'11 and 245. Putting Zane in this group is kind of like rocky marciano at 185 beating Forman at 265.
My dad worked out with and I know him...Boyer Coe. Great BB, but only 5'6 and 216. He had way more muscle than zane. That height held him back...he just could not hang with the monsters.Height wise, zane barely made it. Not that anyone here mentioned was shabby, but the big guys that can pack on big weight is truely impressive. I would say 1967 to 1977 are 10 years that belonged to the mules!

There were definitely some amazing physiques in that era. I just always loved the aesthetics of Zane. He just looked like a Greek statue to me, and I always admired and wanted to emulate him growing up. My old man introduced me to bodybuilding at an early age and I always got his old muscle mags with all of them guys in them. Man how I wish I would have held onto all those old magazines

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Right i just cant stand were Dorian took bodybuilidng to the slin and gh gut look thats been continuing till this day judges have been picking these pregnant bbers to win. Except for flex, shawn ray, cedric mcmillan

Hopefully we will start to see this new classic physique division take off which might bring a lot more aesthetics to the bodybuilding world, and we will see a lot more physiques reminiscent of the Arnold era

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He had calf implants to which alot of people probably didn't know.

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I do not think that he had calf implants. They would look fake when ripped. I can tell you that my dad operated on race horses and did the same procedure arnold had done to his calfves. They make a cut and go in and separate the many muscles. The fascia is that white thick tough crap that holds the muscle to the bone. Arnold had extra tight fascia in the calf and this may have been due to excessive dbol/deca use. The muscles get pull and stretched so that they are no longer tight and compacted up against the bone. Makes the calf appear much fuller.Then I do not know for sure but he probably had synthol injections afterwards.

And hey ..what about big rich p? Has his whole upper body injected with metacrill.
While arnold was the man and i love him. Who cares what he ran in 1968-77. Lol. Its ancient. Outdated and all of those guys admitted they had no fucking clue what they were doing w regards to juice alot of those guys have died because of it.


There was a period when the hot stuff was deca and dbol. Lots of gym talk. But arnold did get it right when he went test/ deca/dbol/primo.
There were definitely some amazing physiques in that era. I just always loved the aesthetics of Zane. He just looked like a Greek statue to me, and I always admired and wanted to emulate him growing up. My old man introduced me to bodybuilding at an early age and I always got his old muscle mags with all of them guys in them. Man how I wish I would have held onto all those old magazines

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I just sold about a pallet full of mags from 1966-1980. Just too many to store,plus I think I know them by They have been read quite a few times.
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