
Stack question


If I'm currently on a stack: ostarine, s4 and GW. Can I add Ligandrol at the end of cycle, now... 1 week in cycle or wait till after pct? Thanks
I'm sorry... I'm 1 week into cycle of :s4,GW and ostarine. Should I wait til I'm off cycle to start lgd or after pct of this cycle
So you should always start or stop all sarms in stack at same time For pct? It's my first cycle. Thanks
I started ostarine a week later than s4/ GW stack. So start pct when s4/GW cycle is done and continue ostarine another week to complete 8 week cycle?
I started ostarine a week later than s4/ GW stack. So start pct when s4/GW cycle is done and continue ostarine another week to complete 8 week cycle?

Yes, you can use osta into pct, but lower dose to 12.5mgs ed then to only half that after a week.
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