
Cycle suggestion?


I'm currently do my first sarms cycle, using triple stack. Going to run for 8 weeks. Cycle off 8 weeks then start lgd alone 8 weeks. Cycle off then start mk677 alone for 8 weeks. Sound ok? Thanks. Just wanting to bulk up but stay lean.
No I haven't. I'm studying on sarms and serms. Is there info somewhere I can read on dos and donts on or off cycle? Thanks. I'm wanting to keep my gains. I'm 48 yrs old and lift 5 days a week 2 hrs a day. It's my lobby. What would mk 677 do off cycle for me... Bulk? Thanks
So how can I find out what i can do off cycle . What about pct and mk 677? I've heard of people taking it 5 days and off 2?
Is there a link of things you can and can't do off cycle . Confused.... If taking pct still take mk677 and GW ?
I'm currently on 290 mg bi monthly TRT , I forgot to add. Thanks for responses... Sorry to be redundant. Just wanting to make sure and do things right
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