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    First Cycle

    After watching Dylan vids on youtube for quite a while now I’m sure all the boxes are checked and am ready to do my first cycle. I’m 27yr, 5’10”, 180lb and 11% BF. I have the following coming in: Test E (10-12wk supply) Tbol (10-12wk supply) Aromasin Nolva Hcg Ligandrol (1 month supply)...
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    AI and PCT

    Sus. 250 every two days is a bit too much.
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    AI Help!?

    I thought since I took 4 times the does in fraction of the time I'd have to wait longer?
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    AI Help!?

    I'm currently 1 week(3 injects.) in on a 300/wk of test cyp. My question/concern is that last night I took two tabs of aromasin (25/each) instead of my tbol dose. They look so similar I completely screwed up! What should I expect in terms of cons (since I'm sure there's no pros to this)? Thanks!!
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    SARMs only cycle!

    Yes I know that's why I can only do 3 right now lol
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    SARMs only cycle!

    Thanks guys!! My budget can only accommodate 3 sarms so which ones are the top 3 must haves?? And is it true gains w/ sarms are more sustainable than aas post pct?
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    SARMs only cycle!

    What stack would you recommend for a recomp? 24yo 175lbs 15%bf 5'10" (Goal: add 15-20lbs, shredded)
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    Sounds good I just wanted to make sure because I read a study suggesting hcg on cycle in low doses is beneficial but I'll do exactly as you said! Thanks guys!!
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    Hey guys in a couple weeks I will be starting a well rounded cycle Dylan laid out for me in which he recommended adding sarms throughout and HCG before pct at 1000iu/wk. I've also read HCG is great while on cycle. Any thoughts or advice?
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    PCT Q's

    Also I'm not very knowledgeable on sarms so what's a very brief use description for the ones you recommended??
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    PCT Q's

    Thanks Dylan. I'm going to order the sarms you recommended and start in a couple weeks. I will def keep you and everyone else updated on my progress and results. You're the man! And thanks to everyone for their input and advice!!
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    PCT Q's

    How would recommend altering the orals for this cycle Dylan? I meant winstrol wk9-12 not 7-12. I'm at about 11% bf and ideally would like put on some size and simply shred up towards the end of the cycle. I've seen a lot of your vids and your physique is def my goal. I'm all ears man. Thanks!!
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    PCT Q's

    After my first cycle I did clomid 40/40/20/20 and nolva 40/20/20/20. No I didn't get blood work since I only did 250mg of test/wk I was recommended that it might not be necessary and I didn't run into any problems. And yes I have a cycle support that helps out with every aspect when on cycle...
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    PCT Q's

    Second cycle. My first cycle was over a year ago but was low dose about 250mg/wk test only so I want to up it to 400mg/wk and add some orals. Thoughts on proviron? So aromasin 12.5 eod on cycle and throughout pct?
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    PCT Q's

    Winstrol wks 9-12 NOT 7-12**
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    PCT Q's

    I'm going to start a 12wk cycle consisting of: Week 1 - 12; 400mg/wk of test cyp. (Wk 1 -6; 50mg/ed of tbol) (Wk 7 - 12; 50mg/ed of winstrol) My question is what is the best pct given with what I'll be working with? I have aromasin, clomid and nolvadex on hand along with proviron which I heard...
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    Tbol only cycle?

    I'm starting a sarms cycle instead due to the advice you guys have provided. Dylan mentioned earlier a sarms and tbol cycle will have FAR better results rather than a tbol only cycle
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    Tbol only cycle?

    I'm going to be eating around 2800 calories training about 4 times a week hitting muscle groups twice a week. I'm doing a 40 40 20 split on my macros. I've been training for around 3yrs
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    Tbol only cycle?

    Thanks man!!
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    Tbol only cycle?

    Thanks Dylan I really appreciate your input I'm going with the sarms/ tbol cycle you suggested and build a nice foundation before considering something ahead of my knowledge! You guys are awesome bros!!
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