
Tbol only cycle?


I read up that tbol is one of the few orals that can be run stand alone? Is this true? I'm planning a sarms cycle but I do have plenty tbol so I'm curious if it is possible. This site has top of the line info thanks!!
I read up that tbol is one of the few orals that can be run stand alone? Is this true? I'm planning a sarms cycle but I do have plenty tbol so I'm curious if it is possible. This site has top of the line info thanks!!

oral only cycles are beyond disappointing... now if your stacking with sarms, thats FAR better and you will definitely see results... what are your stats? age/height/weight/body fat and what is your goal from the cycle?
I read up that tbol is one of the few orals that can be run stand alone? Is this true? I'm planning a sarms cycle but I do have plenty tbol so I'm curious if it is possible. This site has top of the line info thanks!!

I wouldn't recommend it. I would either have an injectible test base or run a sarms stack with it
oral only cycles are beyond disappointing... now if your stacking with sarms, thats FAR better and you will definitely see results... what are your stats? age/height/weight/body fat and what is your goal from the cycle?

Nice! You recommended me a stack of sarms so I'll stack with tbol. I'm 23 5'10" 160lbs and 10% bf. Looking to be around 185-190 7% bf
Thoughts on sustanon 250 for a beginner cycle along with tbol and winstrol?

In my opinion you are a little young and undersized for steroids right now. I think it would be best to stick with a sarms stack for the time being.

Once you do a steroid cycle stick with test only and maybe one oral with sarms. No need for two orals, especially in a first cycle
Nice! You recommended me a stack of sarms so I'll stack with tbol. I'm 23 5'10" 160lbs and 10% bf. Looking to be around 185-190 7% bf

brother, as rick said, your way too undersized and young for steroids... your making a HUGE mistake... your going to be very sorry i assure you... your so much better off just running sarms only... sustanon is also not a good beginner ester... your mixing 4 esters into one, its more painful and definitely not something i would start with... your getting WAY WAY too far ahead of yourself... i can't ethically recommend any steroid to you... you can gain 15-20 lbs. easily without steroids...
brother, as rick said, your way too undersized and young for steroids... your making a HUGE mistake... your going to be very sorry i assure you... your so much better off just running sarms only... sustanon is also not a good beginner ester... your mixing 4 esters into one, its more painful and definitely not something i would start with... your getting WAY WAY too far ahead of yourself... i can't ethically recommend any steroid to you... you can gain 15-20 lbs. easily without steroids...
Thanks Dylan I really appreciate your input I'm going with the sarms/ tbol cycle you suggested and build a nice foundation before considering something ahead of my knowledge! You guys are awesome bros!!
Thanks Dylan I really appreciate your input I'm going with the sarms/ tbol cycle you suggested and build a nice foundation before considering something ahead of my knowledge! You guys are awesome bros!!
Honestly man, I wouldn't even touch tbol. Oral aas will shut you down. Don't be in a rush to use peds. At your height and weight, you absolutely need to get your nutrition and training right or you're just wasting your time. Stick to Sarms at most and focus on your nutrition and training bud.

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How about this, post up your nutrition and training and let us take a look at it? What's your training split, caloric intake, macros, etc. How long have you been training altogether as well? Stick around man, there's a ton to learn.

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I'm going to be eating around 2800 calories training about 4 times a week hitting muscle groups twice a week. I'm doing a 40 40 20 split on my macros. I've been training for around 3yrs
People looking for short cuts usually fall off a cliff

Bro.... You come to a source that you say you respect...but when you don't like what you hear, you blindly plow ahead

I'm starting a sarms cycle instead due to the advice you guys have provided. Dylan mentioned earlier a sarms and tbol cycle will have FAR better results rather than a tbol only cycle
Man you just keep asking about these oral only cycles lol.

Few things. If your approaching oral only cause you don't want to inject anything, wipe steroids completly off your agenda till you are comfortable with that.

Your age, you shouldn't be messing with this stuff at your age. Like I said I'm 23. People say some wanna learn the hardway, ya that was me. And I did.

Nutrition. 2800 a day? You want to gain almost 20 lbs and loose 3-4% bodyfat? Your not even in the realm of being realistic man. You really need to step your game up in that department especially I'd your training correctly.

Tbol WILL shut you down. I ran it solo once and it was fucking retarded. If I could do it all again I would take it with test and make sure my diet was a lot better than it was.

Training since your 20 and you already want to jump into this stuff isn't good man. Really for your safty and n overall sucess slow your roll a bit and get the basics down first.

Your running a 40/40/20? Ok, why? How did you design that diet? What falls into that.

Not trying to harass you man I just don't think you realize what your messing with here.

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Man you just keep asking about these oral only cycles lol.

Few things. If your approaching oral only cause you don't want to inject anything, wipe steroids completly off your agenda till you are comfortable with that.

Your age, you shouldn't be messing with this stuff at your age. Like I said I'm 23. People say some wanna learn the hardway, ya that was me. And I did.

Nutrition. 2800 a day? You want to gain almost 20 lbs and loose 3-4% bodyfat? Your not even in the realm of being realistic man. You really need to step your game up in that department especially I'd your training correctly.

Tbol WILL shut you down. I ran it solo once and it was fucking retarded. If I could do it all again I would take it with test and make sure my diet was a lot better than it was.

Training since your 20 and you already want to jump into this stuff isn't good man. Really for your safty and n overall sucess slow your roll a bit and get the basics down first.

Your running a 40/40/20? Ok, why? How did you design that diet? What falls into that.

Not trying to harass you man I just don't think you realize what your messing with here.

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Speak the truth brother. I have to completely agree with TX here. We're not trying to put you down bud. There's no benefit to us telling you to hold off of aas. It's simply the smartest approach so you can focus on the basics. Think about it like this: if you are having trouble growing naturally, then how can you expect to keep your gains from a cycle? You definitely need to review your diet man. 2800 is nothing especially looking at what your goals are. Before thinking about "whats the fastest way I can make gains?", really focus on learning how to make them properly. At 5'11", 160 lbs 10% bf, you have huge room for growth taking in consideration your age and the length of time you've been training. Easily another 20+lbs can be added naturally. I know you want to jump on but trust me when I say you'll be wasting your money and time if you don't have your nutrition and training dialed in.
Man you just keep asking about these oral only cycles lol.

Few things. If your approaching oral only cause you don't want to inject anything, wipe steroids completly off your agenda till you are comfortable with that.

Your age, you shouldn't be messing with this stuff at your age. Like I said I'm 23. People say some wanna learn the hardway, ya that was me. And I did.

Nutrition. 2800 a day? You want to gain almost 20 lbs and loose 3-4% bodyfat? Your not even in the realm of being realistic man. You really need to step your game up in that department especially I'd your training correctly.

Tbol WILL shut you down. I ran it solo once and it was fucking retarded. If I could do it all again I would take it with test and make sure my diet was a lot better than it was.

Training since your 20 and you already want to jump into this stuff isn't good man. Really for your safty and n overall sucess slow your roll a bit and get the basics down first.

Your running a 40/40/20? Ok, why? How did you design that diet? What falls into that.

Not trying to harass you man I just don't think you realize what your messing with here.

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All very good points TX
Dylan was making a general observation, he was not suggesting YOU run t-Bol with Sarms
He recommended you run Sarms only

Dylan quote
"your way too undersized and young for steroids... your making a HUGE mistake... your going to be very sorry i assure you... your so much better off just running sarms only.... your getting WAY WAY too far ahead of yourself... i can't ethically recommend any steroid to you... you can gain 15-20 lbs. easily without steroids..."

thank you brother... i was wondering what i missed here in my recommendation... as you stated, i was referencing about oral only cycles in general but not what was good for him to personally run... sarms are the next best way to enhance an oral only cycle if test is not used HOWEVER anabolics are definitely not for everyone where sarms can be used by anyone in any scenario... THANK YOU for clarifying this...
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