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  1. blacka

    Pressure in Head

    Thanks, Much appericated, ignore other post, it was posted prior to me seeing what you wrote.
  2. blacka

    Pressure in Head

    Just for future knowledge is there any known issues with pressure build up, with the use of Sarms?
  3. blacka

    Pressure in Head

    just an update - my sister came by, she works at a surgical center. Took my blood pressure, slightly elevated. Nothing serious there. She said the reason its up a bit is more then likely from Pain from the pressure and anxiety. Took some ibuprofen to help.
  4. blacka

    Pressure in Head

    So today is my second day taking sarms on my 16 week cycle, I got all my sarms through sarmsx Enhanced Super Stack 12 weeks 3 Testolone (RAD-140), 3 Stenabolic (SR-9009), 3 Cardarine (GW-501516), 3 Andarine (S-4) Taking them just as directed, not pusing dosing at all. Today i notice about...
  5. blacka

    Psyllium Husk Facts: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    O.o didn't know, I will replace the soy milk aswell. "Soy also contains goitrogens - substances that depress thyroid function." Well Shit -.-
  6. blacka

    Psyllium Husk Facts: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Thanks for the info, i will pick some up and add it, Currently When i make my drinks I use Soy milk, scoop and half of syntha-6, 1 banana, and a table spoon of almond butter, Mix in blender. Drink 2 of these a day at the moment.
  7. blacka

    Psyllium Husk Facts: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Does this stuff mix well in a protein drink? Any Particular Brand you recommend?
  8. blacka

    RAD-140 Dosage - HELP PLZ

    Thanks, down the hatch
  9. blacka

    RAD-140 Dosage - HELP PLZ

    Yes all from Sarmsx
  10. blacka

    RAD-140 Dosage - HELP PLZ

    Iam a tard. Sitting here getting ready to take Rad 140 for the first time 20mg what Line on the dropper is 20mg?
  11. blacka

    More food porn

    PROTIP: Don't visit this thread late at night -.- fuckers
  12. blacka

    Sup guys new here

    Thanks for all the info and replies, Tuesday will be my first day of 16 weeks, I plan on creating another thread as a log. I will keep a food journal aswell. My diet isn't perfect but last time i kept a food journal i did pretty good, a few fuck ups here and there but overall was good. I droped...
  13. blacka

    Sup guys new here

    Thanks, I added a bottle of Triple X to my order, so that will be coming in aswell. Going to give it a go as a pre-workout, also been fucking this milf on the other side of town. Take a full one and see if she notices a difference.
  14. blacka

    Sup guys new here

    Thanks Bird, much appreciated, can't wait to get started.
  15. blacka

    Sup guys new here

    So i ordered the Enhanced Super Stack 12 weeks Shows delivery on monday, so i will start on tuesday. Just a quick question i been taking Phentermine, for awhile now, doctor prescription, it worked great at first its kind of weak now I kind of just take it cause its there. When i start the...
  16. blacka

    Do you do this? honest!

    I think most people in the gym think i am a dick head, cause i don't really talk to no one. i walk in put on ear buds, and go.... i see others gather in groups lip smacking there mouths. I just nod point to equipment to make sure no one else is using them. I like to get it, get in zone and...
  17. blacka

    Injury, depression and the lack of motivation.

    Sucks, i was sick for 2 months damn near, every single time i went to the gym, the next day... i was 100 times worse. Severe sinus infection that i could not shake. took 2 doctor visits then finally it broke. I was doing real good too, eating okish... Its still something i need to work on, but i...
  18. blacka

    Triple X Stack?

    I can't exactly answer your question, cause i myself have never taken a viagra or anything similar, never had an issue with erections, but very interested in pre-workout, but in the same hand i wanna try like what you did lol. Take some and see the bedroom difference. If a full dropper is to...
  19. blacka

    Triple X Stack? its a hidden gem
  20. blacka

    Cb form-hold

    Kind of in the same boat as you HCKP, i guess its just because this is my first order and its expensive, but i filled out the form, scanned my id and card sent all that in. Showed in holding for a few days, today it switched to Processing. Hope it ships out soon, was hoping to get it atleast by...
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