
Pressure in Head


So today is my second day taking sarms on my 16 week cycle, I got all my sarms through sarmsx

Enhanced Super Stack 12 weeks
3 Testolone (RAD-140),
3 Stenabolic (SR-9009),
3 Cardarine (GW-501516),
3 Andarine (S-4)

Taking them just as directed, not pusing dosing at all.

Today i notice about an hour after taking the testolone and S4, alot of pressure build up in my head. Expecially behind my head.

Course anxiety set it and kicked it up even further and got worse untill i calmed myself down...

This might not even be related to the sarms at all, this morning was a bit stress, cause i was running late forgot something and had to run back home. Annoyed...

Also wasn't long ago i had a bad sinus infection, So it could be related to that.

I just wanted to hear your guys opinions on this matter. Could any of the sarms i am taking cause anything related to what i am describing?
I can still feel a bit of pressure but its not as bad. Never had issues with blood pressure.
see if the problem persists, then come back, most likely not the SARMS, hard to pinpoint when it just happened once
just an update - my sister came by, she works at a surgical center. Took my blood pressure, slightly elevated. Nothing serious there. She said the reason its up a bit is more then likely from Pain from the pressure and anxiety. Took some ibuprofen to help.
just an update - my sister came by, she works at a surgical center. Took my blood pressure, slightly elevated. Nothing serious there. She said the reason its up a bit is more then likely from Pain from the pressure and anxiety. Took some ibuprofen to help.

awesome man, hope you enjoy your SARMS
eh i don't have any of that pressure just the vision sides for me am on my 3rd cycle of s4 do you have allergies? sinus infection possibly?
eh i don't have any of that pressure just the vision sides for me am on my 3rd cycle of s4 do you have allergies? sinus infection possibly?

it was due to a blood pressure elevation due to anxiety he said , nothing serious or concerning. when it starts to be persistent then it becomes an issue.
So today is my second day taking sarms on my 16 week cycle, I got all my sarms through sarmsx

Enhanced Super Stack 12 weeks
3 Testolone (RAD-140),
3 Stenabolic (SR-9009),
3 Cardarine (GW-501516),
3 Andarine (S-4)

Taking them just as directed, not pusing dosing at all.

Today i notice about an hour after taking the testolone and S4, alot of pressure build up in my head. Expecially behind my head.

Course anxiety set it and kicked it up even further and got worse untill i calmed myself down...

This might not even be related to the sarms at all, this morning was a bit stress, cause i was running late forgot something and had to run back home. Annoyed...

Also wasn't long ago i had a bad sinus infection, So it could be related to that.

I just wanted to hear your guys opinions on this matter. Could any of the sarms i am taking cause anything related to what i am describing?
I can still feel a bit of pressure but its not as bad. Never had issues with blood pressure.
Bro, I just think you've worked yourself up more than anything because,of stress, anxiety, etc. This doesn't sound like anything related to sarms use at all. They certainly aren't going to raise blood pressure

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Just for future knowledge is there any known issues with pressure build up, with the use of Sarms?
Bro, I just think you've worked yourself up more than anything because,of stress, anxiety, etc. This doesn't sound like anything related to sarms use at all. They certainly aren't going to raise blood pressure

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

Thanks, Much appericated, ignore other post, it was posted prior to me seeing what you wrote.
Just for future knowledge is there any known issues with pressure build up, with the use of Sarms?
No, absolutely not if you have legit sarms. No issues with anything from sarmsx

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
i have never heard of any of that. no one else has said it but settle down beavis hahaha get dem gainzzz that's all that should be on your mind.
Just for future knowledge is there any known issues with pressure build up, with the use of Sarms?

no, there are actually many cases of people saying SARMS lower their LDL (bad cho.) and raise their HDL (good cho.)
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