
Injury, depression and the lack of motivation.


Active member
So my neck is jacked up and after a few days it started to feel better. I can move my neck with about the pain level of 6 on a scale of 1 - 10 now. I woke up a lot of times last night due to the pain. This week alone I've skipped two training days due to it. It gets you down, I've eaten like complete shit this week and it resulted in bloat in the abdomen and obliques/ serratus. Basically I look like shit and that in itself takes a toll on your psyche. This injury has snowballed into a big bowl of fucklicious soupe de jour.
Over the past week I've taken pain meds for swelling, straight up pain and even nerve numbing pills in so many combinations that the only thing I haven't done is drink alcohol with them to enhance the pain killing effect. I went to the gym this morning and amazingly enough it made me feel a lot better pain-wise. I did a variation of legs, triceps and biceps. I wanted to do back today but couldn't risk aggravating my injury. My motivation at the gym was business as usual, but when I'm dormant and the stiffening starts up it gets me down somewhat. Just need to be back to being the 44 again pre-injury, cuz the 44 feels like shit.
Sucks, i was sick for 2 months damn near, every single time i went to the gym, the next day... i was 100 times worse. Severe sinus infection that i could not shake. took 2 doctor visits then finally it broke. I was doing real good too, eating okish... Its still something i need to work on, but i do alot better then i used to. Even thou you going through some shit right now, it gets better. You can always look back at other times in your life when you thought... WTF IS GOING ON? Why is all this shit happening? And of course it pass's thing change and gets better

Try going to a massage therapist, accupunture

I have to wear bitch mittens when i lift in the gym ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thanks for the encouragement, I've been in the game a long time lifting and this is the first time that an injury has me depressed. I notice when I'm outside and it's warm the pain is more bearable. Inside in the AC it gets worse. Strange AF.
Just do all you can to keep a positive attitude, and remember you can control your diet even if you can't train. Do what you can and know this will pass.

I know this is easier said than done. I'm the guy that was sidelined for well over half a year and got so depressed in the leg cast I ate anything, I mean, shit I don't even like. I hate sweets, I was eating pie. It's tough for guys like us when we are injured, most people who don't train don't get it, but it can be huge.

Just stay strong and remember you didn't spend all that time training and dieting and everything with lack of willpower. Do what you can, it'll help recovery and you'll feel better, but let yourself heal too.

What you are going through is totally natural, I've been there brother.
Woke up slightly better than yesterday, but still feeling like a sudden awkward movement could put me back at ground zero.
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