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  1. blacka


    *i have a question* Doesn't post question
  2. blacka

    The Benefits of Yoga: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Awhile back, years ago i bought Tony horton, home workout video, and by bought i mean downloaded... and by downloaded i mean legally, ok so i pirated the shit outta it. But... the first part of the video for warm up was Power Yoga, and it was a bitch. It was Ok, but i was really looking for...
  3. blacka


    Does this statement still hold true? I seen a few vids today about it, a few of them weren't even selling anything, just reporting. Didn't even mention where they got it from. Just curious if anyone had an update about this product
  4. blacka

    Fish Oil Facts: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Rate my fish oil Brand: Spring Valley Enteric 1400mg 900mg omega-3 EPA 647MG DHA 253MG I take 1 a day in the morning, just bite the soft gel and squeeze out cause i can't swallow them. Is taking 1 of these sufficient?
  5. blacka

    Does light cardio after workout destroy gains?

    Something i could add to this conversation, i got this info from a russian old school body builder. Maybe you guys could give your thoughts on it. He was telling me a good way to help fat loss without loosing muscle mass is to, do your normal workout. Then at the end of your workout get on the...
  6. blacka


    I am new to this site, but it seems these threads are fairly regular, and i get the feeling that people create threads, then don't like what they hear, but then..... You know the rest
  7. blacka

    Help me improve - Enhanced Super Stack Log

    would you guys recommend i start to gradually start to increase? or should i wait a bit longer?
  8. blacka

    Help me improve - Enhanced Super Stack Log

    Sup guys on day 13, I have not had any sides with my vision from the S4, taking the recommend 50mg a day split dose Anyone know if there is an average time that the sides hit? I know that not everyone gets them, also i am keeping in mind that everyone is different when it will hit or if it...
  9. blacka

    More food porn

    feta cheese with greek vinegar
  10. blacka

    Help me improve - Enhanced Super Stack Log

    Cool, thanks for the response Rick much appreciate it
  11. blacka

    Help me improve - Enhanced Super Stack Log

    I seen a few videos last night where people were taking 30 and 40mg of GW and talking about the difference, so it got me thinking about body weight and dosing amount
  12. blacka

    Help me improve - Enhanced Super Stack Log

    Question: Does body weight play a factor in the dosing amount? It was just something i was thinking about, i have not increased on anything
  13. blacka

    Help me improve - Enhanced Super Stack Log

    Could give a shit, start your own thread on it. I am not ordering nothing from that site
  14. blacka

    Help me improve - Enhanced Super Stack Log

    Create your own thread -.- Also, it seems like them two post are just spam
  15. blacka

    Help me improve - Enhanced Super Stack Log

    Week 2 day 2. No sides yet really at all, Figured i still have about another 4 days for things to really start kicking in, Course i honestly don't know this is my first cycle. But one thing to note... Took my S4 -25mg, Stenabolic 5mg and Rad-140 This morning ALong with 3 omega 3 eggs - with...
  16. blacka

    Fish oil pills

    I don't know if your statement is true, but what i can say. I have taken things in the past and wondered "i feel nothing" I have asked my doctor about this, he said sometimes pills can have a tough coating and its possible to have a few of the pills that don't dissolve so they never get in your...
  17. blacka

    Fish oil pills

    i take 1400mg of fish oil in the morning, which is 1 horse pill, i can't swallow it so i just bite down and squeeze, yea sounds nasty but i am used to chewing up pills.
  18. blacka

    Help me improve - Enhanced Super Stack Log

    Thanks for the replies, i will start to make some adjustments, in all fairness i hate salads and most veggies, but fuck it... I will start to force them into my diet and make the change. I do enjoy brocolli, Alright so i will drop the turkey wraps and come up with something else. I did see your...
  19. blacka

    Help me improve - Enhanced Super Stack Log

    On day 4 of my cycle, Enhanced Super Stack 12 weeks. Been keeping a food journal, its not perfect and to be honest, i am not trying to be... the reason i make that statement is cause I have to have fun with this, if not i get annoyed and frustrated. I know for a fact i need to add more fiber in...
  20. blacka

    Giant sets

    I have done a 10 x 10 program for a good bit, i like it, keeps my cardio up.
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