
The Benefits of Yoga: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

Great video....we talk about diet & training a lot but there are a lot of other ingredients that go into this game.
The benefits from yoga are endless. I do it to increase my range of motion and for strength. Great vid bro.
Yoga is one thing I have never tried

I tried it as a part of a PTSD/Anger Management course when I was still in the service. I can see why some people appreciate it, if you're not in a room full of pissed off killers and traumatized people I imagine the results would be great.
Awhile back, years ago i bought Tony horton, home workout video, and by bought i mean downloaded... and by downloaded i mean legally, ok so i pirated the shit outta it. But... the first part of the video for warm up was Power Yoga, and it was a bitch. It was Ok, but i was really looking for something different.

I would like to give it a try again, not the tony horton shit but maybe some beginner yoga class in the morning then gym at night. Probably would help aid in more weight loss for sure.
As sensitive as this sounds I actually enjoy aerobics when I wanna lean out.

im a proponent of anything that truly works and does not harm you... i can tell you this, some aerobics are absurd, shit like richard simmons used to do etc. although you cant knock the guy for making millions, that type of shit is too "strange" for me... HOWEVER, there are some classes and types of things, yoga and pilates for example, that have HUGE benefits... for fucks sake, so many football players, basketball etc. took a shitload of dance classes, gymnastics etc... the importance of certain maneuvers and exercises is unreal... yoga is HUGE in benefits... i started it when i was really struggling with panic attacks and anxiety... it worked wonders for me... there are so many benefits related to yoga from the flexibility, the easing of your mind, which can be a benefit in so many ways, the leaning out and the list goes on... i cant say enough about it... sometimes people get things in their heads without even trying something and then once its something they try, the tone does a complete 180 and they love it... when you see the benefits from it, your mind changes extremely fast...
I've never seen a fat yoga instructor... Because it works . I've done the p90x yoga and it kicked my ass. Dripping sweat from head to toe. I can't imagine doing the bikram yoga , basically yoga in a sauna , lol.

your exactly right... not too many overweight or out of shape yoga instructors right??? i can't even imagine that and your so right about the sweat... they have classes based around the heat that are just awesome... your fucking dripping when your done...
I've never seen a fat yoga instructor... Because it works . I've done the p90x yoga and it kicked my ass. Dripping sweat from head to toe. I can't imagine doing the bikram yoga , basically yoga in a sauna , lol.

Lol.. Me too bro. I actually liked he Tony Horton yoga, but I'm not super well versed either so maybe it was shit. I know my ass was sweating big time though.
I really want to start as there are classes at my health club... So it's free for me to have classes. I could do with all the benefits.. I always look in the window and bottle it because it seems it's 95% woman in there.  I need to man the fuck up and get in there

absolutely bro.. just go try it one time and you will see... same thing that happened to me in spinning class... i did it one time and was hooked for a very long time... you will love the benefits from yoga and will really love how it makes you feel
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