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  1. N

    Gw 501516

    Hi Dylan, I just got off my year long MK677 so how long til I start back on it you think???? Also just got my cutting stack from S4 GW 2866 Im gonna do this for 12 weeks and see how it goes then prob back to a bulking stack. Should I be able to keep my leanness and just add size...
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    mk-677 Time length

    so if it doesn't affect my sleep, its ok to take in evening??
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    mk-677 Time length

    ok thx Dylan
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    mk-677 Time length

    Ive recently been told that I should be taking mk-677 at night because it helps with deep sleep, but I've been taking it in the morning for 11 months. Can someone please tell me the truth about when is the best time to take it and after my 12th month of taking it, do I stop for good or just...
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    MK-677 Time length

    Hi Dylan, thx for your response. Like I said earlier, Feb will be a year that I've been on mk677 and since then I also have been taking different combinations of sarms stacks which Ive seen great size results, all my buddies have asked what Im, nice complement. So starting...
  6. N

    MK-677 Time length

    so you're saying after 2-3 weeks break from mk677, get back on it for another year?? From what I understand this 677 grows new muscle cells so is there a point where this stops and is not going to continue to happen??
  7. N

    MK-677 Time length

    Hello, Ive been taking mk677 now for almost a year so my question is what do I do after that? Is there a time off period or do I get back on it after a break?? Also I am about to start my 2-3 weeks break from all other sarms except mk677 which will be a full year in feb 2017, Do you recommend...
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    Ok Mr. Gemelli, I have a 2 part question for you...... Been taking TRT for several years now so I wanna confirm that I would still need to do a PCT after the recommended period of my sarms cycle........ And 2nd......If you do recommend PCT, Im at the end of my 12 weeks with MK-2866 and...
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    They've been out of stock for the cinnamon now for a while, still waiting to hear from them..
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    thank you sir!!
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    How would I get the TRUE cinnamon?
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    so if we are if fact getting cassia from our store and unable to get ceylon, do you recommend we still take it and how much on a daily basis?
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    Hi Dylan I recently watched your video on taking cinnamon which Ive been doing and really enjoy it, but also Ive read where there are 2 diff kinds of cinnamon, 1 being Ceylon and can't remember the other, but that the ceylon is the more desirable one for us to use. Any thoughts on this???
  14. N

    S4 dosing times...

    Also I'm doing the proper doses for 677, 2866, and RAD140, is adding the S4 a good idea and if so what diff should I expect to see from adding S4??
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    S4 dosing times...

    I just got my order of S4 so its ok to start with 2 25mg doses per day for the entire cycle??? And whats the total weeks before getting off it??
  16. N

    sarms stack

    Thx Dylan Do you mind telling me what stack you do to on a normal basis to get ripped??
  17. N

    sarms stack

    OK thx and can I add the 3 to a little grapefruit juice first and then drink them down or just after ???
  18. N

    sarms stack

    I was lost, that's why I was asking the question, also if I'm on 200mgs trt a week does this change anything pertaining to the suppression?? Thought I read something about that...... So the cycle off period is 2 weeks from 2866?
  19. N

    sarms stack

    Well I plan on running them longer, its just that I started with the first month supply. Also Ive been on 677 for 6 months already but with a diff company so this is my first month with isarms products so I hope this makes a diff. Dylan also mentioned that the 2866 needs to be cycled off...
  20. N

    sarms stack

    Ok so I just got my order of sarms in, 1 bottle of each MK677 MK2866 RAD140 Just so I figured out the dosing correctly converting the mgs to ml, cuz thats how the vials are labeled, I should be taking 1ml of MK677, 3ml of rad140, and .5ml of MK2866....... sound right? Thats based...
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