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  1. Hyena_

    Winstrol and explosiveness

    I wouldn't consider myself a powerlifter. Most of my exercises are in the higher rep range, but I like to be explosive with my main compounds. And yeah, sluggish is a good way to put it. Like earlier this week when I went to bench, each rep was very slow, but I wasn't sticking at any point...
  2. Hyena_

    Winstrol and explosiveness

    50mg every day: 25mg in the AM and 25mg in the PM.
  3. Hyena_

    Question about testosterone

    Why are you taking clomid alongside test? You should be taking an AI. The most likely reason you have acne is because you're not properly controlling your estrogen (but I've also heard of people breaking out from clomid, so the clomid itself could be culprit)... It was unnecessary to take...
  4. Hyena_

    Winstrol and explosiveness

    Yup, I'm on 500mg Test E/wk at the moment (all I've used for the cycle, and just introduced winny a few weeks ago). This is my second cycle, and my first time using an oral... I am running support, including joint supps. Some stats: Age: 25 Height: 5'9 Weight: ~190 Bf: 13%
  5. Hyena_

    Winstrol and explosiveness

    So Im 3 weeks on winstrol to end my cycle. Has anyone here experienced a loss of explosive power while taking it? I noticed that my exercises have become more 'grindy' in the sense that the weight moves slower than usual, but at the same time they feel very strong and solid. Dont know if its...
  6. Hyena_

    Liver support with Anavar

    Is liv52 all you run for your liver support? If that alone is enough i might switch to it for the sake convenience... Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  7. Hyena_


    I crashed my e2 once with just 20mg eod. Asin is super potent and you really dont want to jump the gun and run it at such a high dose so soon. People recommend 12.5mg eod to start, and then alter the frequency or dose after assessing its effects. AI dosing is very individual, but i highly doubt...
  8. Hyena_

    How to measure your dosage on 3cc Syringe

    If you do the math 200mg from 300mg/ml concentration would equate to about 0.66cc. So yeah it would be between .6 and .7, but it might be difficult to measure that with a 3cc syringe... I suggest you use a 1cc syringe if you want to be super accurate, but thats up to you... Sent from my...
  9. Hyena_

    ROBO comes through usual

    wew lad. i got some test E from him. hope its just as potent as his cyp.
  10. Hyena_

    Help! Bad blood

    Why is he sending you to a urologist? And what was abnormal about your liver panel? Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  11. Hyena_

    New product TRES-50 (Trestolone Acetate) Pharma Lady

    Is this some kind of hybrid oil? Name sounds like tren+test. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  12. Hyena_


    Made a thread in source talk, but i wanted to post here aswell for anyone else planning on getting in touch with ROBO. Got my shipment two days after sending the payment. Everything intact and super secure. Yall are great. DONT HESITATE TO GO ROBO!
  13. Hyena_


    Seriously man. I was shocked when I saw it on my porch. I literally said out loud: "There's no way that's robo's stuff...". I'm gonna assume that it normally isn't this quick, but I'm not complaining lol.
  14. Hyena_


    Hey folks. Just wanted to confirm that ROBO is g2g, but of course, you already knew that ;). Payment sent on Monday, received product today (2 days)!!! Light speed shipping, arrived with very professional packaging. Won't be running this for another couple of months, so I can't give any real...
  15. Hyena_


    Agree. Samson is great. Still running his Test. Going good. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  16. Hyena_

    ROBO Rocks

    Been hearing so many good things about robo. Already got something lined up with them. Cant wait. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  17. Hyena_

    Stacking orals

    Kinda gonna go off topic, but I might aswell ask: how do you guys inject multiple compounds? Do you guys pull them all into one syringe, or do you use a new needle+syringe for each one? Want to know this for future reference. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  18. Hyena_

    Stacking orals

    My first cycle was decent. My gains were primarily in strength, but i ended up netting +15lbs after pct was done. My strength stayed up, but i definitely missed that feeling of virility and power that you have while on cycle, and i felt like i wasnt as 'dense' or solid, even though i was getting...
  19. Hyena_

    Stacking orals

    Yup, Im aware of the hepatotoxicity of orals. Im already taking tudca along with another supp that contains NAC and milk thistle. Clearly the consensus is that stacking orals is generally a bad idea, so i might just ex that idea. But if kicking and finishing with two orals with a break in...
  20. Hyena_

    Stacking orals

    I didnt think of that. If it isnt too harsh, i wouldnt mind going that route, that way I can still get the full results of each one, albeit at different times...
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