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  1. C

    week 1

    Yes I was 14 stone 5, got down to 13stone 9 currently, 5ft 3, 21, unaware of my body fat % tbh I have been training on and off for a couple of years now...
  2. C

    week 1

    Hi everyone tomorrow will be the first week doing my cycle: (Anavar, N2Guard, Liv52, GW) I'm not feeling much different apart from feeling very lethargic and weak. Just wanting opinions on what may be causing this or how to prevent it. :)
  3. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    Alright thank you, I'll be in touch with my progress :)
  4. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    I hope so! haha, I was meant to ask I know the GW keeps your body in a catabolic state but I've been taking Amino Acids which put my body in an anabolic state. Should I be ditching the amino's whilst taking GW or does it matter. Because I know the GW eats fat and muscle if it is catabolic: but...
  5. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    that was f*cking disgusting, its just burnt all the back of my throat :'(, was that suppose to happen?
  6. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    Going to take the GW in a minute as I'm getting ready for the gym, let you know how I get on haha
  7. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    I'll probbaly taste it and be like erghhh so I'm a weak ass too haha, so water a grapefruit juice, cool, thank you :)
  8. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    Yeah Chloe haha, Chaser does that mean drinking it straight after I take it and I dont really like grapefruit but I guess if it works I'll try it haha
  9. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    Alright thank you, I will post in the next couple of weeks my progress :), thanks so much for everyones help! If I feel like I am weak and stuff I'l up my cals by 100 a day maybe.
  10. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    Me neither I will keep yous posted, thank you and yeah whats wrong with that should I be eating less?
  11. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    comment below is what I do for exercise :)
  12. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    I do 20 mins on cross trainer (resistance high) burning 200 cal, 10 mins on incline (high) treadmill burning 100cal 6 mins on bike as my knees hurt off it (burning 50cal) 6mins rowing burning 50cal then I'll do 3/4 sets of 4/5 different exercises; like a HIT workout (Burpees, Mountian...
  13. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    Thanks so much everyone! :)
  14. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    yeah I am and alright thank you yes it is like a red pink colour so its defo GW, thank you for al your help :)
  15. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    On the website they have labels but when it has come it doesn't so is that a bad sign or not?
  16. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    I've just opened it there it looks like crystals and smells like nail vanish remover is that right?
  17. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    Thats my planned cylce for 6 weeks but after them 6 weeks I will be taking the GW for a following 6 weeks so 12 in total. Today I took my first 5mg of anavar at 12 so the times are different but tomorrow it will follow what I've got written down.
  18. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    Alright thank you and I just got the GW I'm taking it for a total of 6 weeks but for the first 6 weeks I'm taking 5mg of anavar twice a day, I posed my cycle on a previous forum if you remember. So I take the full dropper and it should last me 30 day aprox, Is it okay it came with no...
  19. C

    My sarms have arrived!

    Hi, I've attached images of my sarms ordered from, I'm just wanting some advice s usual :). I NEED to start my cycle today (because of my holiday exactly 6 weeks today) so can I take the GW whenever or does it have to be spaced 4 hours apart like the other tablets I'm taking...
  20. C

    GW advice

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