
My sarms have arrived!

no I was thinkin you were male but female that's fine for cals for a female maybe bring it up but you know your body and what will and wont work for it. you don't want your body to go into starvation mode and shutdown the fat burning. that's all but we shall see how it goes

Alright thank you, I will post in the next couple of weeks my progress :), thanks so much for everyones help!

If I feel like I am weak and stuff I'l up my cals by 100 a day maybe.
Alright thank you, I will post in the next couple of weeks my progress :), thanks so much for everyones help!

If I feel like I am weak and stuff I'l up my cals by 100 a day maybe.

sounds good, its chloe right? good luck and let us know any questions or concerns you may have, grapefruit juice is a good chaser with the gw
sounds good, its chloe right? good luck and let us know any questions or concerns you may have, grapefruit juice is a good chaser with the gw

Yeah Chloe haha, Chaser does that mean drinking it straight after I take it and I dont really like grapefruit but I guess if it works I'll try it haha
yes like a shot of liquor, its not mandatory but it helps my wifey still chases and she is on her 3rd cycle of sarms, weak ass lol
yes like a shot of liquor, its not mandatory but it helps my wifey still chases and she is on her 3rd cycle of sarms, weak ass lol

I'll probbaly taste it and be like erghhh so I'm a weak ass too haha, so water a grapefruit juice, cool, thank you :)
Yes indeed!!! fire in the hole!! lol. It gets more tolerable, just get the dropper as far back as you can and fire away, the gulp some water, you'll get used to it.
I hope so! haha, I was meant to ask I know the GW keeps your body in a catabolic state but I've been taking Amino Acids which put my body in an anabolic state. Should I be ditching the amino's whilst taking GW or does it matter.

Because I know the GW eats fat and muscle if it is catabolic: but aminos just eats at fat, then im taking anavar which builds muscle, So I'm worried incase my body doesn't know what it's doing...
no you can keep taking the aminos it shouldn't matter whatsoever. the gw is going to increase your endurance and your vo2 max which in turn will burn fat cuz you can do more cardio etc and less recovery during and between sets of weights
no you can keep taking the aminos it shouldn't matter whatsoever. the gw is going to increase your endurance and your vo2 max which in turn will burn fat cuz you can do more cardio etc and less recovery during and between sets of weights

Alright thank you, I'll be in touch with my progress :)
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