
My sarms have arrived!



I've attached images of my sarms ordered from, I'm just wanting some advice s usual :).

I NEED to start my cycle today (because of my holiday exactly 6 weeks today) so can I take the GW whenever or does it have to be spaced 4 hours apart like the other tablets I'm taking.

Also how do I take them, is it one full per-pet and do I swallow it without water or with as its come with no instructions?

A couple things
What all did you order....just GW?
How many bottles of each do you have
What are these"other" pills you are talking about

I've attached images of my sarms ordered from, I'm just wanting some advice s usual :).

I NEED to start my cycle today (because of my holiday exactly 6 weeks today) so can I take the GW whenever or does it have to be spaced 4 hours apart like the other tablets I'm taking.

Also how do I take them, is it one full per-pet and do I swallow it without water or with as its come with no instructions?

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Take the GW straight down 1ml (full dropper) 30 minutes before workout each day. You can chase it afterwards with water to wash it down

What other sarms did you get?
Alright thank you and I just got the GW I'm taking it for a total of 6 weeks but for the first 6 weeks I'm taking 5mg of anavar twice a day, I posed my cycle on a previous forum if you remember.

So I take the full dropper and it should last me 30 day aprox, Is it okay it came with no instruction or labels or anything on the bottle?
Thats my planned cylce for 6 weeks but after them 6 weeks I will be taking the GW for a following 6 weeks so 12 in total.

Today I took my first 5mg of anavar at 12 so the times are different but tomorrow it will follow what I've got written down.

I've just opened it there it looks like crystals and smells like nail vanish remover is that right?
On the website they have labels but when it has come it doesn't so is that a bad sign or not?
Are you international? If yes, then they do not ship with labels for customs reasons. They are all color coded by liquid though so its easy to tell each compound. Not a bad sign, just a precaution shipping overseas.

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
5% Discount Code: MP5
Are you international? If yes, then they do not ship with labels for customs reasons. They are all color coded by liquid though so its easy to tell each compound. Not a bad sign, just a precaution shipping overseas.

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
5% Discount Code: MP5

yeah I am and alright thank you yes it is like a red pink colour so its defo GW, thank you for al your help :)
You are fine and have the right stuff,,,shake it up really really good...take 1 full dropper( 1 ML) a day 30 mins before training

Yes it tastes like racing fuel...LOL
those crystals are gains waiting to explode into your bloodstream right down the hatch no mixing only a chaser and get ready for the fun to begin, you should see something in endurance and fat burning within 4-10 days. are you doing cardio what are your goals, and workouts look like
I do 20 mins on cross trainer (resistance high) burning 200 cal,
10 mins on incline (high) treadmill burning 100cal
6 mins on bike as my knees hurt off it (burning 50cal)
6mins rowing burning 50cal

then I'll do 3/4 sets of 4/5 different exercises; like a HIT workout (Burpees, Mountian Climbers, Squats with weight, Shoulder Presses, Core Bags, Passing a ball side to side whilst sitting just on my bum: havent got a clue what its called.

I do this one day and then do assisted weights the next: so 3 days this ^ and 3 days weights on all muscle groups. working out 6 times a week and eating 1260 cals a day.
ok cool it will get easier as you go along with the GW for sure cant wait to see your progress. and if I remember right you are female right? at 1260 cals a day lol nvm just looked back a previous post I cant wait to see results for you for sure
ok cool it will get easier as you go along with the GW for sure cant wait to see your progress. and if I remember right you are female right? at 1260 cals a day lol

Me neither I will keep yous posted, thank you and yeah whats wrong with that should I be eating less?
no I was thinkin you were male but female that's fine for cals for a female maybe bring it up but you know your body and what will and wont work for it. you don't want your body to go into starvation mode and shutdown the fat burning. that's all but we shall see how it goes
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