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    LGD, OSTARINE, RAD, GW, S4 What to expect?

    Would you say S4 is better for dropping fat than GW 501516? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Stacking SARMS and Steroids: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Thats good news bro, I'm really excited to see the effects of this stack. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Stacking SARMS and Steroids: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    I'm about to end my cycle in 3 weeks. I was taking S4 and LGD. I am going to take GW 501516 and MK 2866 after my PCT. My question is, if I'm going to take GW 501516 on my 4 week PCT and not take it during another 2 weeks off, is it ok to take it on another 12 week cycle with the MK 2866?
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    Stacking SARMS and Steroids: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Definitely, good products and I will recommend them. I am excited to see the results next cycle. I'm 7 weeks in my first cycle. Gained 10lbs and kept body fat percentage low.
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    Stacking SARMS and Steroids: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    I think I'm going to take GW 501516 and MK 2866 next cycle. I hear good things and a friend took a pill form but as far as I know you can't get osterine (MK) as a supplement because it's can only be purchased as a research chemical. Is that correct? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Stacking SARMS and Steroids: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    I just dropped the dosage a bit and the sides are subsiding. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    LGD-4033 and mk 2866

    Hi, I am taking S4 and LGD. I see size increase and a bit of drop in body fat but i have been consuming a pretty decent amount of calories so I'm curious if on my next cycle I take MK 2866 and GW 501516, what results can I expect compared to S4 and LGD 4033. Thanks for the help Sent from my...
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    Stacking SARMS and Steroids: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Ok, definitely having vision issues now. I started experiencing them yesterday morning when I woke up. Dark areas in my sight then takes a long time to see transitioning from light area to dark area and everything is in a yellow hue. Im at 80mg, should i go back down on dose or give it a day off?
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    Stacking SARMS and Steroids: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Good to know. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Stacking SARMS and Steroids: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Are SARMs detectable by a urinalysis ? If so which ones are? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Stacking SARMS and Steroids: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    Im coming up on my 6th week of taking S4 and LGD. I have followed the dosing protocol and will amp it up to 100mg on week 6. I haven't noticed any side effects so will I have to do the dosing protocol on my next cycle or should I just go straight to taking 100mg from the 1st week? Sent from my...
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    S4 question

    I agree. I have noticed muscle hardening and more vascularity, even a bit more full look.
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    S4 question

    I'll keep a close watch on how things go. Thus far been keeping steady body fat %. I think even dropped a bit.
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    S4 question

    After the initial 2 weeks on S4 at 50 mg, do i still have to be in a calorie depleted state to loose fat? Or is it so good at protein synthesis that I can be at maintenance or a bit over calories that I will still loose fat? I'm also doing LGD 4033 which i know will allow me to gain muscle...
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    Thanks for the info.
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    Thats good to hear. I'm thinking of trying it after my cycle of S4 & LGD 4033 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Does it increase prostate or intestine size ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Need clarification please

    Thats good to hear. I'm gonna be on vacation for 2 weeks so I'll just bring a bottle of S4 & LGD 4033.
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