
Stacking SARMS and Steroids: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

Im coming up on my 6th week of taking S4 and LGD. I have followed the dosing protocol and will amp it up to 100mg on week 6. I haven't noticed any side effects so will I have to do the dosing protocol on my next cycle or should I just go straight to taking 100mg from the 1st week?

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Im coming up on my 6th week of taking S4 and LGD. I have followed the dosing protocol and will amp it up to 100mg on week 6. I haven't noticed any side effects so will I have to do the dosing protocol on my next cycle or should I just go straight to taking 100mg from the 1st week?

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if you find that you are not having the vision sides this time around, the next time around you still follow the protocol except you shorten the time in between bumping up the dosage... generally you are waiting two weeks for every 10 mg to bump but you can cut that down to 7-10 days before bumping it...
if you find that you are not having the vision sides this time around, the next time around you still follow the protocol except you shorten the time in between bumping up the dosage... generally you are waiting two weeks for every 10 mg to bump but you can cut that down to 7-10 days before bumping it...

Thanks for the info bro
Are SARMs detectable by a urinalysis ? If so which ones are?

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only with specialized testing... they are not tested for in general tests... now, ncaa and wada are two associations that absolutely test for them but it has to be an entity of that magnitude
Thanks for the info bro

Ok, definitely having vision issues now. I started experiencing them yesterday morning when I woke up. Dark areas in my sight then takes a long time to see transitioning from light area to dark area and everything is in a yellow hue. Im at 80mg, should i go back down on dose or give it a day off?
I think I'm going to take GW 501516 and MK 2866 next cycle. I hear good things and a friend took a pill form but as far as I know you can't get osterine (MK) as a supplement because it's can only be purchased as a research chemical. Is that correct?

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I think I'm going to take GW 501516 and MK 2866 next cycle. I hear good things and a friend took a pill form but as far as I know you can't get osterine (MK) as a supplement because it's can only be purchased as a research chemical. Is that correct?

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You shouldn't get any sarms in pill form. They should all be research chemicals in liquid suspension, and the only source I would trust is
You shouldn't get any sarms in pill form. They should all be research chemicals in liquid suspension, and the only source I would trust is

Definitely, good products and I will recommend them. I am excited to see the results next cycle. I'm 7 weeks in my first cycle. Gained 10lbs and kept body fat percentage low.
I think I'm going to take GW 501516 and MK 2866 next cycle. I hear good things and a friend took a pill form but as far as I know you can't get osterine (MK) as a supplement because it's can only be purchased as a research chemical. Is that correct?

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yes, thats absolutely correct... you have no clue what your getting in those pills but its not sarms and most likely a pro hormone... sarmsx has the very best quality and is the most trusted site your going to find
yes, thats absolutely correct... you have no clue what your getting in those pills but its not sarms and most likely a pro hormone... sarmsx has the very best quality and is the most trusted site your going to find

I'm about to end my cycle in 3 weeks. I was taking S4 and LGD. I am going to take GW 501516 and MK 2866 after my PCT. My question is, if I'm going to take GW 501516 on my 4 week PCT and not take it during another 2 weeks off, is it ok to take it on another 12 week cycle with the MK 2866?
I'm about to end my cycle in 3 weeks. I was taking S4 and LGD. I am going to take GW 501516 and MK 2866 after my PCT. My question is, if I'm going to take GW 501516 on my 4 week PCT and not take it during another 2 weeks off, is it ok to take it on another 12 week cycle with the MK 2866?

yes, absolutely bro...
Thats good news bro, I'm really excited to see the effects of this stack.

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im looking forward to your results... make sure to keep us updated along the way and dont hesitate to ask me any questions you need help with...
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