
LGD-4033 and mk 2866


Hi guys, I have seen there are many different other stacks to these 2 but this is my 1st stack of sarms.I was seeing if anyone else had some positives off them? Together, I know they are simular but do you guys think these 2 together will still be beneficial? I was thinking adding s4 but not to keen on the night vision sides... any help is appreciated :)

Hi guys, I have seen there are many different other stacks to these 2 but this is my 1st stack of sarms.I was seeing if anyone else had some positives off them? Together, I know they are simular but do you guys think these 2 together will still be beneficial? I was thinking adding s4 but not to keen on the night vision sides... any help is appreciated :)


these are so sweet together bro... talk about healing, this is your stack, along with excellent size, lean muscle and strength... s4 is perfect with them and if you follow my dosing protocol, you can keep the vision sides to a minimum... heres a link to my dosing protocol...
Thanks for the reply, what do you mean by healing ?

they provide healing benefits... if you have a nagging injury, they help to heal it much quicker... if you have a bad injury, they help for it to heal at a much more rapid rate...
Thanks for the reply, what do you mean by healing ?

Shoulder injuries or knee issues. Ostarine has been very effective in repairing/healing acute injuries. Even chronic pain can be somewhat curbed due to the healing properties MK offers.
Hi guys, I have seen there are many different other stacks to these 2 but this is my 1st stack of sarms.I was seeing if anyone else had some positives off them? Together, I know they are simular but do you guys think these 2 together will still be beneficial? I was thinking adding s4 but not to keen on the night vision sides... any help is appreciated :)

What exactly is your goal? That can help determine the right sarms stack for you
What exactly is your goal? That can help determine the right sarms stack for you

Just lean gains and strength atm.. I'm looking into the supper stack next, justhe going to run these two together to see how it reacts with my body... with the whole healing thing I yet so far have been lucky to have no problems with joints or injurys
Just lean gains and strength atm.. I'm looking into the supper stack next, justhe going to run these two together to see how it reacts with my body... with the whole healing thing I yet so far have been lucky to have no problems with joints or injurys

the super stack is perfect... there is a new platinum and ultra stack coming next week too that you may want to look at and nothing will be better for healing than the healing stack, especially with mk677 added next week
Hi, I am taking S4 and LGD. I see size increase and a bit of drop in body fat but i have been consuming a pretty decent amount of calories so I'm curious if on my next cycle I take MK 2866 and GW 501516, what results can I expect compared to S4 and LGD 4033. Thanks for the help

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